Need some help, please!!

My mom, who is 53 and never had any female issues, went to the doctor last week after complaining about back pain that went to her leg, the doctor said it was sciatica, gave her meds and sent her home.  A week later she went back, they did a CT scan and saw a mass in her uterus.  She was then sent to another hospital and received a biopsy for endometrial cancer, we are waiting on the results.  The thing is, my mom has had NONE of the symptoms.  No bleeding issues, no female concerns, nothing except a pain in her butt cheek and leg.  Has anyone else been through something similar and had a negtive biopsy?  Or a similar situation with a good outcome?  Thank you in advance, this is a wonderful discussion board and makes me feel better to read so many survivor stories!! :)


  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    Welcome and just breathe

    Welcome and just breathe until you know something for sure.  It could be a fibroid tumor that are usually benign and not cancer.  Until they say the word (not a sentence) try not to worry.  Hard to do but try.  I had no leg pain, back pain or any kind of pain just started heavy bleeding.  I was 55 when I received the diagnosis.   My Gyn dr. just thought mine was polyps and performed a D&C, 1 week later received the word that there were cancer cells in the uterus and 1 week later complete hystorectomy followed by six chemo treatments but no radiation.  Two years later I am still clear.  Praying for you and your mom. trish

  • shasta34
    shasta34 Member Posts: 14

    Welcome and just breathe

    Welcome and just breathe until you know something for sure.  It could be a fibroid tumor that are usually benign and not cancer.  Until they say the word (not a sentence) try not to worry.  Hard to do but try.  I had no leg pain, back pain or any kind of pain just started heavy bleeding.  I was 55 when I received the diagnosis.   My Gyn dr. just thought mine was polyps and performed a D&C, 1 week later received the word that there were cancer cells in the uterus and 1 week later complete hystorectomy followed by six chemo treatments but no radiation.  Two years later I am still clear.  Praying for you and your mom. trish

    Thank you for the words of

    Thank you for the words of encouragement!  We are waiting, not very patiently though!  Will update when the call comes in.  I am so glad to hear of your wonderful outcome, so great to hear of so many who beat it :)  They also said that on the ultrasound that was performed that her lymph nodes look a little inflamed, any clue as to what that could mean?  I know I am grasping for any info at this point, but this was literally the shock of a lifetime! 

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Similar Issues

    Dear Shasta:


    I was 45 when I was first diagnosed back in 2005.  However, the only issues I was having started in 2004.   I started to get a pain in my lower back and then in went down my left leg.   Months of this went on and it kept getting worse.   I also was having some bowel "issues" and thought it was IBS.   Started to go to doctor.   PCP didn't really say much except take motrin for pain.  I insisted since I was also started to get a pain in my butt.   ORdered a colonoscopy.  It was negative (just a little diverticulitis).   At this point I am taking motrin daily and stomach issues are getting worse and so is the stomach pain.   Go to gyne.   He thinks it is just endometriosis (I had 3 C-sections).    Orders an internal ultrasound (it was good other than a tilted uterus and a deep left ovary)   Pain is now really bad so the doc gives me narcotics but I have to take it BEfORe the pain comes because it takes time for it to work.  Doc now orders a laparscopy.   Still sees nothing except scarring from endometriosis and orders me to have a total hysterectomy only after I take Lupron for six months so that it will make the surgery easier for him because of the scarring.   No worry about cancer.   After hysterectomy and upon return to office for checkup, I am told that they found cancer in my left ovary and in my uterus - had to have staging surgery - final diagnosis Grade 2, Stage 3a endometrial adenocarcinoma.

    About 4 1/2 years later, started to get the pain in the butt again and lower back pain.    Told I am having a recurrence from a CT scan they see a mass (which was there from the original surgery).   They do a biopsy and it turns out to be positive.   However, after getting a second and third opinion and then having surgery from the third opinion doctor (the other two would not and said it could not be operated on), they removed the mass which turned out NOT to be cancerous.  However, they did find a lymph node with microscopic cells.  That was back in 2010.

    I am now starting to get the back pain again.  However, all of my recent tests show nothing.   I want a PET Scan but I don't have enough symptoms for the insurance companies to allow one.   I still have two small masses that have not changed for several years.  My last PET scan indicated a SUV of 2.4 and 2.1 (which are in the "normal" range), but I haven't had a PET Scan since 2010.

    Everyone has a different experience.  I hope your mom's issues all turn out well.   But always ask questions and if it doesn't seem right or feel right, get a second opinion.

    Take care.  My best to you and your mom.


  • shasta34
    shasta34 Member Posts: 14
    Kaleena said:

    Similar Issues

    Dear Shasta:


    I was 45 when I was first diagnosed back in 2005.  However, the only issues I was having started in 2004.   I started to get a pain in my lower back and then in went down my left leg.   Months of this went on and it kept getting worse.   I also was having some bowel "issues" and thought it was IBS.   Started to go to doctor.   PCP didn't really say much except take motrin for pain.  I insisted since I was also started to get a pain in my butt.   ORdered a colonoscopy.  It was negative (just a little diverticulitis).   At this point I am taking motrin daily and stomach issues are getting worse and so is the stomach pain.   Go to gyne.   He thinks it is just endometriosis (I had 3 C-sections).    Orders an internal ultrasound (it was good other than a tilted uterus and a deep left ovary)   Pain is now really bad so the doc gives me narcotics but I have to take it BEfORe the pain comes because it takes time for it to work.  Doc now orders a laparscopy.   Still sees nothing except scarring from endometriosis and orders me to have a total hysterectomy only after I take Lupron for six months so that it will make the surgery easier for him because of the scarring.   No worry about cancer.   After hysterectomy and upon return to office for checkup, I am told that they found cancer in my left ovary and in my uterus - had to have staging surgery - final diagnosis Grade 2, Stage 3a endometrial adenocarcinoma.

    About 4 1/2 years later, started to get the pain in the butt again and lower back pain.    Told I am having a recurrence from a CT scan they see a mass (which was there from the original surgery).   They do a biopsy and it turns out to be positive.   However, after getting a second and third opinion and then having surgery from the third opinion doctor (the other two would not and said it could not be operated on), they removed the mass which turned out NOT to be cancerous.  However, they did find a lymph node with microscopic cells.  That was back in 2010.

    I am now starting to get the back pain again.  However, all of my recent tests show nothing.   I want a PET Scan but I don't have enough symptoms for the insurance companies to allow one.   I still have two small masses that have not changed for several years.  My last PET scan indicated a SUV of 2.4 and 2.1 (which are in the "normal" range), but I haven't had a PET Scan since 2010.

    Everyone has a different experience.  I hope your mom's issues all turn out well.   But always ask questions and if it doesn't seem right or feel right, get a second opinion.

    Take care.  My best to you and your mom.


    Thank you for your response! 

    Thank you for your response!  That sounds a lot like my mom.  IF this turns out to be cancer, we will for sure get many opinions.  I have read so many stories like yous, and have learned that 2nd or 3rd opinions are worth it and necessary!  I am glad your mass with the second surgery was not cancer and will pray that your returning pain is nothing more than a literal "pain in the butt" ;)  I felt so lost and helpless until I found this board, you women, you survivors, just simply amaze me!!  This is such a wonderful gathering of such positive, hopeful, courageous and strong women!!  God bless you all :)

  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member
    shasta34 said:

    Thank you for your response! 

    Thank you for your response!  That sounds a lot like my mom.  IF this turns out to be cancer, we will for sure get many opinions.  I have read so many stories like yous, and have learned that 2nd or 3rd opinions are worth it and necessary!  I am glad your mass with the second surgery was not cancer and will pray that your returning pain is nothing more than a literal "pain in the butt" ;)  I felt so lost and helpless until I found this board, you women, you survivors, just simply amaze me!!  This is such a wonderful gathering of such positive, hopeful, courageous and strong women!!  God bless you all :)

    Welcome to the boards


    Welcome to the boards and I hope you find the support and comfort one needs when dealing with a loved one...especially a mom...who might have cancer!

    I was one of the lucky ones who had some symptoms even though I mistaked them for a UTI at first. My uterine cancer was caught very early at stage 1 - grade 1. All I needed was a full hysterectomy and now I go for 3 month check-ups.

    Hopefully it is NOT cancer in your mom's case, but if it is one of the things I read here that really helped me was hearing the ladies talk about cancer is not the death sentence it used to be. Many women have agressive and late stage cancers on this board and have lived with it for a long time.

    Will pray your mom is cancer free and can return to good health.


  • shasta34
    shasta34 Member Posts: 14
    Kathy G. said:

    Welcome to the boards


    Welcome to the boards and I hope you find the support and comfort one needs when dealing with a loved one...especially a mom...who might have cancer!

    I was one of the lucky ones who had some symptoms even though I mistaked them for a UTI at first. My uterine cancer was caught very early at stage 1 - grade 1. All I needed was a full hysterectomy and now I go for 3 month check-ups.

    Hopefully it is NOT cancer in your mom's case, but if it is one of the things I read here that really helped me was hearing the ladies talk about cancer is not the death sentence it used to be. Many women have agressive and late stage cancers on this board and have lived with it for a long time.

    Will pray your mom is cancer free and can return to good health.


    I thank you all for the kind

    I thank you all for the kind words, they mean so much!!  But, the biopsy shows cancer.  Feeling a little lost and overwhelmed right now, but there is so much comfort in reading all the positive stories! 

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    shasta34 said:

    I thank you all for the kind

    I thank you all for the kind words, they mean so much!!  But, the biopsy shows cancer.  Feeling a little lost and overwhelmed right now, but there is so much comfort in reading all the positive stories! 

    One step at a time

    Sadly, we have heard those same words and fear really can be the first thought. 

    Take a breath, tell everyone to take a breath and ask what is the next step.  Probably tests and then determining if she startss with surgery or treatment.  Find out what the first thing is and work that through.  The doctors will tell you the plan and you have found a great place to come and ask questions during all the steps along the way.

    I have/had (?) UPSC and I know it is easier looking back, because we have experienced it, but we remember the fear going in to it all and it is ok. You are among friends

  • shasta34
    shasta34 Member Posts: 14

    One step at a time

    Sadly, we have heard those same words and fear really can be the first thought. 

    Take a breath, tell everyone to take a breath and ask what is the next step.  Probably tests and then determining if she startss with surgery or treatment.  Find out what the first thing is and work that through.  The doctors will tell you the plan and you have found a great place to come and ask questions during all the steps along the way.

    I have/had (?) UPSC and I know it is easier looking back, because we have experienced it, but we remember the fear going in to it all and it is ok. You are among friends

    You have no idea how

    You have no idea how comforting your words are.  Even though no one should ever have to go through this, if we are forced to, it is so good to know there is someone who has been there and knows what to say.  My mom isn't big on the internet, but trust me, I have shared with her so many of these stories!!  We have a doctors appointment tomorrow, to know what the next step is.  It is the unknown that is so scary right now, I'm really hoping that after tomorrow we will have some answers and some light will be shed on this situation for us.