what does mets to the lungs feel like????

mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
edited September 2013 in Breast Cancer #1

I posted a while back about my shoulders curving ,we'll my neck hurts now and my right shoulder which is the opposite shoulder of my mastectomy really hurts at night like a toothache,that just started and like most of us i go to the computer to self diagnose myself and i really  have symptoms of lung mets. my mind is really all over the place. I just had blood work in August and everything was good ,i had a petscan in May and everything was fine. I don't have any breathing problems but i did read where you don't have to have breathing problems. It's just that my neck area and shoulders hurt really bad. I'll be calling a Dr. Monday any suggestions which one lol Chemo Onc,Surgern,Radiation Onc or my regular medical?????  needed to rant to someone i can't say a word to my family until i know and then I'll be ok. but in the mean time im flipping out.~~MollyZ~~


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Please Do not panic


    do not worry until Monday take a pain medication to sleep 

    call every doctor to check if they can see you next week. Your Medical oncologist probably the best to rule out mets hugs 

  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    Difficult who to see,

    Difficult who to see, thinking any cancer based fears, oncologist.  Then he will get things going faster than doctor referring you back to him.  I am wondering as one side only masectomy your shoulder and neeck will struggle aligning with weight difference.  Also you may without even knowing be walking differently and stressing out different body areas.   Any doubts just get it looked at to put your mind at rest.  I would imagine others here will have input with one sided mastectomy, I had both sides done.  Would you please if you have time tell us the outcome.  Good luck.

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Hi MollyZ.
    If you are in pain and worried, I would see our med onco. Sages your primary from sending you to him/her. I too only had a right side mastectomy and didnt notice more pain in one side over the other. A simple ct-scan of your lungs can clear up any worries you may be having.

    Good idea to call Monday and put yor mind to rest!
  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member
    Mets to lungs

    Hi Molly.. I am usually on the uterine or ovarian board but every once in awhile i pop in to see how the ladies here are doing I am sorry you are having issues and I know telling you not to worry is pointless.. esp. if you're anything like me.

    I don't know what lung mets feels like but my mom's symptom  (uterine cancer with mets to lung) was a cough. This was someone who never had any type of breathing issues, never smoked, hardly ever got sick..  a little cough that slowly but surely got worse.. Her GP (a man who couldn't find his A** with both hands) told her it was "age-related asthma"  and continued to tell her this for many months. It wasn't. it was lung mets.  So that's one sign to watch for, an unexplained cough that doesn't go away . I am sure there are other symptoms and I'm also sure you can have lung mets and no cough.. .

    Also, even though she was a cancer patient, undergoing chemo, her gyn/onc.'s office was always trying to steer her to her GP.... . My guess is they'll try to steer you there first...


    Good luck to you and let us know how you're doing.


    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Symptoms of lung mets...

    I have lung mets and the symptoms are a dry cough (one that doesn't bring anything up), shortness of breath, wheezing.  I did not have any pain.  

    Hope this helps.



  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697
    SIROD said:

    Symptoms of lung mets...

    I have lung mets and the symptoms are a dry cough (one that doesn't bring anything up), shortness of breath, wheezing.  I did not have any pain.  

    Hope this helps.



    Hey Molly...my 2cents worth!!


    Maybe you pulled something in your neck or shoulder and didn't even realize it.  Yes, go to the DR, but I'm betting against lung mets!  Please let us know the outcome.  Also, the crazy anti-estrogen meds can always suddenly cause se's.  Linda

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    lintx said:

    Hey Molly...my 2cents worth!!


    Maybe you pulled something in your neck or shoulder and didn't even realize it.  Yes, go to the DR, but I'm betting against lung mets!  Please let us know the outcome.  Also, the crazy anti-estrogen meds can always suddenly cause se's.  Linda

    I am with lintx..  I have had

    I am with lintx..  I have had major pain in my left shoulder the last two days... saw a Massage Therapist today I am like 90% better... but to  be safe get it checked out...  Now in 2000 I broke my collar bone, and the offet of my left shoulder is my cause... I tend to slump a bit now, and that is causing me a bit of grief... so I hope your pain is just due to your imbalance...  thinking good thoughts for you...


    Ooops almost forgot.. I have mets in both lungs... would never know it, if not for the scans...
