Laz' Update

lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
edited September 2013 in Colorectal Cancer #1

So I got the report of the MRI and the chest/liver CT. 

Unfortunatelly my rectal cancer did not responded to the radiation and chemo at all. So I need full resection. Lymph nodes look ok.

I decided to go with a surgen at Cedar Sinai in Los Angeles. He was very confident, warm, patient with us and the hospital has very good reputation. He performs around 25 rectal colon surgeries a month.

My chest is clear on the CT, however there is a "questionable new small faint low-density lesion" on the right side of the liver that wasn't on the CT in May. The radiologist and the  surgeon says it's not conclusive, but just in case they ordered a liver ultrasound and if that's suspicious they may order a PET scan. I have been having this sharp pain in the middle of my chest in the back by the spine for a few weeks. I thought it was muscle spasm. But could it be related to the liver?

Those of you who had any kind of liver lesions, would you share with me what you know and what happened. MIND

Thank you,



  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Crud - sorry Laz.   When is

    Crud - sorry Laz.   When is your surgery?    Even if the spot on the liver is cancer, it sounds like it's small enough to be removed.   Are they talking about more chemo after surgery?


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Oh dear!

    That's not the best news, is it. 

    I remember how gutted I felt when I was given the bad news, and know that we have all experienced that. I am sorry that the news wasn't better. 

    I know you will keep us updated on surgery and ultra sound dates so that we can be praying and sending good vibes your way. 

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Oh dear!

    That's not the best news, is it. 

    I remember how gutted I felt when I was given the bad news, and know that we have all experienced that. I am sorry that the news wasn't better. 

    I know you will keep us updated on surgery and ultra sound dates so that we can be praying and sending good vibes your way. 

    Surgery is...

    ...mid October the latest. If that liver resection is needed, it can be done at the same time. I did 3 Folfox allready, probably will do at least 6 more after surgery. Ultrasound is tomorrow.


  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Oh Laz ... sorry to hear

    Oh Laz ... sorry to hear about the lack of response.  I do not have any advise on liver lesions to share ... but I would like to extend my support to you and encouragement on the fact that there is NO lymph nodes involved!!! That is great news!

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    lp1964 said:

    Surgery is...

    ...mid October the latest. If that liver resection is needed, it can be done at the same time. I did 3 Folfox allready, probably will do at least 6 more after surgery. Ultrasound is tomorrow.


    Hey Laz,
    I'm so very sorry to

    Hey Laz,

    I'm so very sorry to hear this news.  You should ask the doctor's if they'll be switching you to another chemo such as Folfiri since Folfox wasn't effective on the tumors.  Good luck with the ultrasound tomorrow, I hope that it's only a small localized and singular tumor.

    Take care,


  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Sorry to read this, Laz.  To

    Sorry to read this, Laz.  To be honest, I have never heard of a primary tumor not responding (to some degree) to the first go around of chemo and radiation.  Was your onc surprised or is this a common enough occurrence?

    I realize this must be very discouraging for you and your wife.  There are so many ups and downs along the way.  These bad appointments happen but often the situation turns around.  Your situation still sounds very positive.  Try not to stress too much re the liver spot.  There is a really good chance that it's something other than cancer.  It could be a hundred different things.  If it is a cancerous tumor, it should be an easy fix.  It's much more concerning when suddenly there's six spots on a liver scan.  One is a piece of cake.  

    I realize this is not the news for which you were hoping.  I suspect you will feel better in a few days, once you've had time to process this new information.  Sorry you have to start your new married life with these problems.



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Sorry to hear about the

    Sorry to hear about the questionable spot. I have had a spot show up on my liver on 4 seperate occasions. The first 2 times they ordered a PET to confirm and did surgery. The third time was so large (8cm) that there was no need for a PET. I went straight to my surgeon to set up surgery. I never had an ultra sound. You know the story about the most current spot where I have decided to take the wait and see approach because it is so small. I have never had any pain in my liver. even with the large tumor. I think your pain is unrelated. Especially since it is in the center towards the back. Its hard not to worry about every ached and pain. I have learned to rationalize and be calm about that subject especially since I am very active with action sports and weight lifting.

    BTW. Great wedding picture.

  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    I had a single liver lesion. My surgeon didnt do a biopsy, he said when I was open he would do a ultra sound on my liver to see if there was anything else. My liver was clean except the one lesion and he was able to remove it. It did come back positive as rectal cancer. I did have a pet before surgery and nothing lit up except the rectal tumor and liver lesion. I didn't think I had any node involvement, but 12 of 23 node were positive. Good luck with surgery.
  • Fucc
    Fucc Member Posts: 92 Member
    I am sorry to hear about your
    I am sorry to hear about your last scan. Try not to fret too much about the liver just yet. I know this is easier said than done. When I was first diagnosed there was a tiny spot on my liver. I had a follow up ultra sound and then an MRI which confirmed that it was in fact a met. It was easily resectable. However, I did have another spot on my liver which was looked at with an ultra sound during my liver resection and was biopsied. It turned out to be a heomgenimia (sp?). It can be so many things. I've had it turn out both ways.

    I had no symptoms regarding the liver met. I also had none of the cancer in general. The liver has no neves and doesn't feel anything. The pain you are experiencing is something else. Perhaps stress?

    All the best.

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    only 3 folfox treatments? 

    only 3 folfox treatments?  With Avastin?   My husband had his first scan after I think 4 or 5 treatments and the rectal tumor had shrunk a little bit, but it wasn't until the full 6 months - I think 13 or 14 treatments that it really shrunk.   The surgeon said "incredible response to chemo" and that he had a hard time finding where the tumor was when he went in for surgery.   Have they discussed more chemo before surgery? 

  • emma_s
    emma_s Member Posts: 22
    Why don't try Folfiri?

    I agree with Cynthia - why would'n your Dr. switch to Folfiri & Avastin before surgery? 

    Or ask your dr. on the possibility of having a chemosensitivity test, to find out which drugs would work for your type of cancer.

    But most likely you can order this test  only from ND, it's very expensive and done in Europe.

    Good luck with whatever you choose!


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    jen2012 said:

    only 3 folfox treatments? 

    only 3 folfox treatments?  With Avastin?   My husband had his first scan after I think 4 or 5 treatments and the rectal tumor had shrunk a little bit, but it wasn't until the full 6 months - I think 13 or 14 treatments that it really shrunk.   The surgeon said "incredible response to chemo" and that he had a hard time finding where the tumor was when he went in for surgery.   Have they discussed more chemo before surgery? 

    3 Folfox

    Treatment wasn't even in the original treatment plan. It was decided to be administered while we are waiting for surgery.

    I don't understand why I haven't had any reaction to all that radiation and Xeloda plus 3 Folfox. Anyway, at this point I just want to have this tumor out of my body and finish up with the rest of the chemo after. 

    The chemo sensitivity test is a great idea. Thank you. I don't want to go trough more chemo not being sure if it's working.


  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    lp1964 said:

    3 Folfox

    Treatment wasn't even in the original treatment plan. It was decided to be administered while we are waiting for surgery.

    I don't understand why I haven't had any reaction to all that radiation and Xeloda plus 3 Folfox. Anyway, at this point I just want to have this tumor out of my body and finish up with the rest of the chemo after. 

    The chemo sensitivity test is a great idea. Thank you. I don't want to go trough more chemo not being sure if it's working.


    Unfortunately, some


    Unfortunately, some people just don't respond to chemo.  Rick's first four Folfox treatments worked so he was able to have liver surgery, which was followed by more Folfox.  However, it stopped working a couple of months later. Unfortunately, Folfiri didn't work for him either.  It's just the way our bodies are genetically different from one another, sometimes chemo works, sometime it doesn't....

    Best wishes always,



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    Love the wedding picture. Your wife is a beauty, and yes, you are handsome too.

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

    Unfortunately, some


    Unfortunately, some people just don't respond to chemo.  Rick's first four Folfox treatments worked so he was able to have liver surgery, which was followed by more Folfox.  However, it stopped working a couple of months later. Unfortunately, Folfiri didn't work for him either.  It's just the way our bodies are genetically different from one another, sometimes chemo works, sometime it doesn't....

    Best wishes always,



    I understand that.

    But how about the radiation? I'll make and appointment with the radiation oncologist to find out.
