
I know it's a pretty gross topic, but I thought this would be a good place to ask. Anyway, I should first say that I'm not especially concerned about this. The only reason why I'm asking is because my mom had colon cancer at 42, and now she has it again (you may have seen my thread).

I read that "pencil stools" are a sign of colon cancer, but mine aren't really pencil thin, and they don't happen all the time. There are a lot of times where I go to the bathroom and at the bottom of the toilet bowl there are a dozen 1x2 inch or so nuggets. I don't ever notice anything unusual about them other than their size. Other times when I go, I have "normal" stool. Is this worth getting checked out? I'm 22, and my doctor told me I should get my first colonoscopy at 30. I know none of you are doctors, but it's worth asking about.


  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member

    Always good to mention to your doctor and to have it checked out. More so since your mother was diagnosed with colon caanswer colon cancer does not care how old we are, so a colonoscopy should provide you with an answer and peace of mind.

  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    Better Safe than Sorry
    I say check it out for peace of mind. Especially with your mom having colon cancer. A colonoscopy is not fun but it can save your life. The prep the night before is the worst part. The actual colonoscopy is no big deal. I'm sure it is nothing but just to question it - is a reason to find out for sure. Call your Doc today.
  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    With family history

    Your dr should recommend getting acolonosopy with your familyhistory. Pray all is good. Jeff

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Glad you asked

    Don't ever fear that any question is "too anything" for us as long as it is health related. 

    What you describe sounds as if you are a bit dehydrated at times.

    As others have indicated, talking to your doctor about this, or any change in stool color or form is important given your family history. 

    Most doctors do recommend the family members of a colorectal patient get a colonoscopy 10 years earlier than the age the patient was diagnosed.

    Better to check than to let something go.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Not gross at all

    We're all quite versed at talking about our bodily functions, and in great detail, because that is how we learn. Nothing to be embarrased or ashamed about (not saying that you are, but some people have that problem).

    I am all in with the other posters here, and think you should at least go see you GP. He may just do one of those easy stool sample tests, much easier than a colonoscopy. 

    Its really good that you are keeping an eye on things. You're probably fine, maybe need some more fibre or water to bind the stool together.  

    Good luck and let us know how things go (not go as in go, but go as in go to the Doctors Laughing).

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member



    I'm 22, and my doctor told me I should get my first colonoscopy at 30.


    Forget the “GP” and make an appointment with a independent Gastroenterologist. Tell the physician that colon cancer runs in your family and that you are having some intermittent problems.


    Just do it.


    My best wishes for you,



  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    My mom had CDC too

    I had my first When I was 40. My doc noticed I was slightly anemic and wrote that referral up to qualify. this condition was anemic probably due to another issue. Find a docfor who will writes it up.  Doctor shop.

  • MadeInMichigan
    MadeInMichigan Member Posts: 35
    ketziah35 said:

    My mom had CDC too

    I had my first When I was 40. My doc noticed I was slightly anemic and wrote that referral up to qualify. this condition was anemic probably due to another issue. Find a docfor who will writes it up.  Doctor shop.

    It seems to just be getting

    It seems to just be getting worse. I had periodic aches in my abdominal region, left and right side. It doesn't hurt, but I can feel something. I've gone to the bathroom four times today. First time it was solid, but flat and ribbon shaped. Next, it was "fluffy". Third, it was liquid. The last time, it was basically nothing, but there was a little bit of mucus in there ... I don't think I've ever seen mucus in my stool before, at least not in that capacity. This has come on so quickly, that I feel like it has to be an infection. I'll be calling about an appointment on Monday. I think I sat this out long enough (a week).

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member

    It seems to just be getting

    It seems to just be getting worse. I had periodic aches in my abdominal region, left and right side. It doesn't hurt, but I can feel something. I've gone to the bathroom four times today. First time it was solid, but flat and ribbon shaped. Next, it was "fluffy". Third, it was liquid. The last time, it was basically nothing, but there was a little bit of mucus in there ... I don't think I've ever seen mucus in my stool before, at least not in that capacity. This has come on so quickly, that I feel like it has to be an infection. I'll be calling about an appointment on Monday. I think I sat this out long enough (a week).

    You may have a partial

    You may have a partial blockage.  They can be painfull and go into a full blockage if left alone.  I would schedule wit a GI Surgeon very quickly.  They will then decide the test(s) to be done.  Colonoscopy or a CT/PT to check and see what is wrong.


    There are several reasons for a blockage or a stricture. Do not get to worried.


    Best Always.  mike

  • MadeInMichigan
    MadeInMichigan Member Posts: 35
    thxmiker said:

    You may have a partial

    You may have a partial blockage.  They can be painfull and go into a full blockage if left alone.  I would schedule wit a GI Surgeon very quickly.  They will then decide the test(s) to be done.  Colonoscopy or a CT/PT to check and see what is wrong.


    There are several reasons for a blockage or a stricture. Do not get to worried.


    Best Always.  mike

    It seems the string of going

    It seems the string of going three times a day (which started the day after this thread) and the abdominal aching has gone away *knock on wood*. I think it may have been a brief infection of some sort. I didn't have a BM yesterday, but I did today. Again, it was on the thin side. Easy to pass. Two wipes, and done. I'm thinking a doctor's appointment isn't so urgent now that I feel fine. If this flares up again any time soon, I'll most definitely make an appointment.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    It seems the string of going

    It seems the string of going three times a day (which started the day after this thread) and the abdominal aching has gone away *knock on wood*. I think it may have been a brief infection of some sort. I didn't have a BM yesterday, but I did today. Again, it was on the thin side. Easy to pass. Two wipes, and done. I'm thinking a doctor's appointment isn't so urgent now that I feel fine. If this flares up again any time soon, I'll most definitely make an appointment.

    Please reconsider

    I hope you will reconsider and see your doctor.

    If it is nothing, that is great.

    If it is something, then you are getting an early start.

    While colonoscopies, particularly the prep, are not fun...with your family history and stool changes, it is probably the single most important thing you can do for yourself.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Please reconsider

    I hope you will reconsider and see your doctor.

    If it is nothing, that is great.

    If it is something, then you are getting an early start.

    While colonoscopies, particularly the prep, are not fun...with your family history and stool changes, it is probably the single most important thing you can do for yourself.

    Marie who loves kitties

    In agreement

    I can't help but agree with Marie about reconsidering a trip to the Doc's.  He may only have to take a stool sample, so it could be an easy trip.

    I'm just thinknkg about how I had some symptoms off and on over a matter of months if not years, and it wasn't until I didn't have a BM for a week that I went to the Doctor, and by then my tumour was the size of a fist and it almost ruptured my bowel.  

    I was diagnosed Stage 3B. To think that it might have been a lesser stage had I been brave (my gut feelings told me something was wrong way before I went to the Doctors) and got my coloscopy sooner. 

    You're choice of course. Just some advice from freinds here. 

    Good luck!

  • MadeInMichigan
    MadeInMichigan Member Posts: 35
    Trubrit said:

    In agreement

    I can't help but agree with Marie about reconsidering a trip to the Doc's.  He may only have to take a stool sample, so it could be an easy trip.

    I'm just thinknkg about how I had some symptoms off and on over a matter of months if not years, and it wasn't until I didn't have a BM for a week that I went to the Doctor, and by then my tumour was the size of a fist and it almost ruptured my bowel.  

    I was diagnosed Stage 3B. To think that it might have been a lesser stage had I been brave (my gut feelings told me something was wrong way before I went to the Doctors) and got my coloscopy sooner. 

    You're choice of course. Just some advice from freinds here. 

    Good luck!

    Is thin stool without any

    Is thin stool without any other symptoms a cause for alarm though? The "Uh-oh, I gotta go" feeling passed after a few days, and now thin stool is the only thing I've noticed being different. I'm due for a physical anyway, so I will make an appointment and ask him about it.

    EDIT: I just went twice in succession. First time was the thinner stool, but it looked normal. Next, it just looked unusual. It didn't look runny, just a lot of really "fine" pieces... I guess that'd be loose stool? You're all right. There's no sense in sitting around and hoping for it to change when it doesn't appear to be. It also doesn't make sense to sit on it if it IS something serious. Appointment being made.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Is thin stool without any

    Is thin stool without any other symptoms a cause for alarm though? The "Uh-oh, I gotta go" feeling passed after a few days, and now thin stool is the only thing I've noticed being different. I'm due for a physical anyway, so I will make an appointment and ask him about it.

    EDIT: I just went twice in succession. First time was the thinner stool, but it looked normal. Next, it just looked unusual. It didn't look runny, just a lot of really "fine" pieces... I guess that'd be loose stool? You're all right. There's no sense in sitting around and hoping for it to change when it doesn't appear to be. It also doesn't make sense to sit on it if it IS something serious. Appointment being made.

    Just a little humour.

     It also doesn't make sense to sit on it 

    Sorry, I just found this rather amusing considering we're talking about stools.

    Anyway, to get back to the subject, I'm glad you have made an appointment.  Be sure and let us know how things go.