Pain, discomfort, not enjoying much at the moment

wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member
edited September 2013 in Colorectal Cancer #1

My liver is still swollen. Pain when I breath. Been on avastin for the last three treatments. No sureif avistan is going to work like it did before. Major headache today, tired...and of course now very worried!



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I'm sorry that you are so uncomfortable and suffering.

    Even though we can't take away your pain, know that we are here wishing you the best in the way that we can. Prayers, good vibes, good thuoghts. 

    May you find comfort soon.

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Judy,

    I'm so glad that you at least let us know how you feel. We appreciate your trust and reaching out to us. We are truly honored. 

    At the same time we return our love and support to you wishing that you get better soon. I'm convinced that the determination that we all put into this will pay off. 

    Keep in touch,


  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    That stinks

    Feeling awfull is the worst. We know the feeling, if it's not got diarea, nausea, headachect we wouldn't know how toact. Hang in there, I'm praying you get feeling better real soon. Jeff

  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member

    Please accept my hope for your healing.

    So much pain and uncertainty....

    Feel better,


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I'm so sorry, Judy.

    I wish that I could lift some of this pain from you.  Do you have any medications that can help?  I found that working with a pain management doctor helped me quite a bit.  I've taken both Vicodin and oxycodone for pain issues at different times in this process, and although they do have their own side effects, they can also help take the edge off the discomfort.

    Thinking of you, dear lady.  Sending some hugs your way.


  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Judy, I've been wondering how

    Judy, I've been wondering how you're doing.  Sorry to read that your having a hard time.  How is the breathing and shortness of breath?  I remember you mentioning that they may do a procedure to help the heart failure issue.  Has that been done?  Have you been teaching?



  • wawaju04976
    wawaju04976 Member Posts: 316 Member
    Chelsea71 said:

    Judy, I've been wondering how

    Judy, I've been wondering how you're doing.  Sorry to read that your having a hard time.  How is the breathing and shortness of breath?  I remember you mentioning that they may do a procedure to help the heart failure issue.  Has that been done?  Have you been teaching?



    Thank you, all

    Thank you all for responding. I had the heart procedure done a couple of weeks ago. There is no heart dz, just a minor enlargment due from stress. This will go away on its own. Yes, I am back in school. We are concerned that being off the avistan for eight weeks this summer changed the way the avistan is going to work now.


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

    Thank you, all

    Thank you all for responding. I had the heart procedure done a couple of weeks ago. There is no heart dz, just a minor enlargment due from stress. This will go away on its own. Yes, I am back in school. We are concerned that being off the avistan for eight weeks this summer changed the way the avistan is going to work now.


    Lets hope not....

    ...And you can still benefit from the meds. I'm glad you feel a little better and I wish that you continue on with your improvements.


  • tachilders
    tachilders Member Posts: 313
    I had a bile stent blockage

    I had a bile stent blockage followed by systemic infection with 2 different bacteria starting Labor Day. Since then it has been 9 days of nauseau, vomiting, tremendous abdominal cramping and no appetite. Slept in a chair last night due to abdominal cramps. Feeling a bit better today but have at least one more week of IV antibiotics. Get better soon cause feeling terrible is very hard on the attitude. Lastly I was just getting accustomed to my new folfiri plus avastin chemo regimen which is now on holds. 

  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

    I had a bile stent blockage

    I had a bile stent blockage followed by systemic infection with 2 different bacteria starting Labor Day. Since then it has been 9 days of nauseau, vomiting, tremendous abdominal cramping and no appetite. Slept in a chair last night due to abdominal cramps. Feeling a bit better today but have at least one more week of IV antibiotics. Get better soon cause feeling terrible is very hard on the attitude. Lastly I was just getting accustomed to my new folfiri plus avastin chemo regimen which is now on holds. 

    Sorry to Hear...

    ...about your troubles. Get better soon so you can continue your treatment.


  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member

    I had a bile stent blockage

    I had a bile stent blockage followed by systemic infection with 2 different bacteria starting Labor Day. Since then it has been 9 days of nauseau, vomiting, tremendous abdominal cramping and no appetite. Slept in a chair last night due to abdominal cramps. Feeling a bit better today but have at least one more week of IV antibiotics. Get better soon cause feeling terrible is very hard on the attitude. Lastly I was just getting accustomed to my new folfiri plus avastin chemo regimen which is now on holds. 

     So sorry to hear you are

    Frown So sorry to hear you are still not feeing well!  Sending you well wishes and hope for relief soon!!