Upcomong PET scan

Hi, everyone.

It's been 2 months since (tonsil cancer) treatment ended and I've been battling Thrush for the past 6 weeks (allergic to the meds - gave me hiccups 24/7 for two weeks until I finally found a Dr who gave me baclofen which stopped them).

I still cannot eat most foods due to dry mouth and have been living on 4 ensure shakes a day. So I haven't really been able to enjoy my healong process. But the Doctor says that visually it appears as if the cancer is gone

I have my PET Scan scheduled in 4 days (9/10/13) but I am a little worried about the Thrush giving a falsh positive reading.

Does anyone think this is possible?

Thank you,




  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I'm far and away not

    a Dr. for sure.....but I don't think thrush will do anything in a scan....it's a "surface thing".....I think once you get rid of the thrush, tho....that your food repetoire will open up.  Thrush adds pain to putting things into your mouth.....for the dry part, a little water at your elbow when you eat can make most things possible to get down.  I used probiotic tabs and chewed them the whole time I was using the prescription meds for thrush.....then after treatment I kept getting it back, and just used acidopholys tabs, and the thrush would go away.

    You're scan is going to be perfect.....might as well get your dancing shoes out early so you can do a jig around your kitchen table. Laughing 


  • longtermsurvivor
    longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 1,842 Member
    thrush isnt much fun

    But it won't give you a positive pet scan. However, three months is very early for a PET under any circumstances.  If you had significant tumor mass, especially in lymph nodes, that can still be resolving.  And positive PEt scans are very common at three months under these circumstances.  If negative, your PET is reassuring.  If positive, although anxiety provoking, it doesn'tt necessarily mean you still have cancer. 



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Scanxiety time


    You have already done the dance; let us hope all (future) scans are clean.

    Best of luck,


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Dave !

    Thrush and the hic-ups.  Good heavens.  In a word I dislike them both alot !  False positives with PETS/hmmm.....I wonder why they all seem to put us through a PET so quickly after tx's.  Most places do a PET/CT now.  The machines give our doctors a better look at the areas of concern.  And they do realize we have hot spots from rads and surgery.  I know the scanxiety, and what this does to our minds.  Try to relax....and trust your oncs.  Also, we can tell you all of this....but I always say the best advice is to keep open honest communication with your treating onc's.  There is never ever a question they haven't heard or addressed.  Will be waiting to hear on your scan.....and I pray that that darn thrush resolves and never comes back !   Katie