Que Pasa and Whats Happening?

Hi all"


Basketcase checking in here!  Been awhile I know but I do try to keep up with what's going on!  Well, I am finally officially a Retired Georgia Teacher as of Aug. !!  Also Charlie's SS benefits started on 8/28 so I can now breathe a little easier.  Still working at Jo-Ann's part time but  will probably give that up mid Nov provided I get subbing going pretty regularly and I need to make myself available M-F to do that.  Did get approved for the hamp program for my house and now on trial period before agreement becomes permanent.


Y'all would not believe how my best friend's house is coming along.  Remember she and her husband lost their house in a fire on March 24 and she lost her 95 year old daddy in the fire and Steve, her husband, was undergoing lung cancer treatment at the time.  He has done well and they feel tx was successful.  He had two pretty  strong chemos in June as added insurance and then a couple of weeks ago had a CT scan which they thought one spot had grown minutely since last scan in May and wanted to do a bronchoscopy to check it out; but bronchoscopy doc changed it to a needle biopsy because of the location.  Well, last Tues. they get there at 6:45 a.m. and still nothing had happened at 9:00 a.m.  Come to find out doc doing the needle biopsy looked at both scans and wanted to confer with bronchscopy doc before he did it because he said, "I'm not going in there and puncture man's lung if he doesn't need it!  Well, come to find out the radiologist had misread the scan and measurements and the spot hadn't grown at all!  So he didn't have to have the biopsy.  I was with them over labor day weekend at their camper on the lake and had a fabulous time even though my legs look like polka dots from mosquitos, fly bites or something!  Steve does have a follow up pet scan on Monday so please keep them in your prayers.


Nephew Brian is doing so so.  They think he has low thyroid problems and he's been in the hospital a couple of times.  Of course, is prone to infections considering his condition.  His son got married June 2 and had Brian as his best man and wheeled him up with rest of wedding party himself.  He needs constant prayers too.


Aug 21 was 3 years since Charlie passed away.  It was a bittersweet day.  I read over all the cards again and watched the video they did of him.  I believe I miss him more now than 3 years ago if that's possible  We were just so connected and I believe still are!


The boys (Chargee and Sammy) are doing fine.  They are my lifelines that's for sure and such company.  My sister and nephew are coming down for the weekend for the Yellow Daisy Festival Craft Show at Stone Mountain which my sister and I have made a tradition of going every year.  Well, I think that about catches up everything.  Hope all is well out there and God Bless!


Jan (Basketcase)


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    off topic

    but I wonder how close you are to Marietta,Ga. My daughter and her family just moved there from Chigago about 5 weeks ago. They love it there and have hiked Stone Mountain twice..that's what caught my eye in your post.

    I wasn't on here when your dear Charlie fought the beast, but want to say how sorry I am and it sounds like you're doing awesome.

    My daughter loves the school system, can't recall off hand what the name of the school my two Grandsons attend...

    Take care and enjoy life

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Great that you stopped in with an update. Prayers offered for your loved ones. I was moving right along with progress then wham at 15 months post tx I got hit with an inoperable reccurance in the carotid cavity. Had high dose precision radiation at Mayo Clinic last week and praying for good results. Won't know anything for 3 months.  

    My best to you and yours.
