Recovery help after double mastectomy and double Latissimus Dorsi Flap reconstruction

aprile Member Posts: 1

First post here. I am 2 weeks post op of my surgeries and I am absolutely miserable. Cry Depressed, in pain, uncomfortable. I feel like I have been running a low grade fever for about a week now. I get chills while I am sweating under a blanket. I have 5 drains (3 on left 2 on right) and they HURT. They won't put out much fluid for a few days and then they produce a lot. My chest is very heavy with the expanders(he already did a fill 2 days after I left the hospital) and the left one feels like it is slipping down. I wasn't able to get more pain medication so I have been winging it. Please help if you can. If you have any advice on recovery from this procedure. I just feel like everything has gone so fast.


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Call you doctor / Plastic Surgeon - ASAP!

    Get pain medication - low grade fever - please make sure your surgeon is aware of your pain, and fever ... no question about it.  Call his or her service - and insist on speaking with him/her.

    I DID NOT have Latissimus Dorsi Flap - but, I had adouble mastectomy with expanders (no fill, no fluids at the time of bmx). Painful, yes - started to feel a little better after 3 to 5 days - hydrate with liquids -

    My drains filled quickly the first 2 weeks -- then slowed up -- however, as I exercised my arm muscles, and moved around more freely - my drains/tubes did fill for another 1 week, or 2.

    ..  let us know your progress, when time permitting.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    immediate relief - if you there any,

    take a small bag of frozen pea's and lay them on each breast area for 5 minutes - may help with inflammation.  Please .. please.. please call your surgeon.


    Vicki Sam

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    VickiSam said:

    immediate relief - if you there any,

    take a small bag of frozen pea's and lay them on each breast area for 5 minutes - may help with inflammation.  Please .. please.. please call your surgeon.


    Vicki Sam

    I had DIEP flap

    I had DIEP flap reconstruction . after  that procedure the initial recovery and fever is up to 10 days. they do mot discharge from a hospital if DIEP patient has a fever. Please call your doctor asp. There is always a physical on call they should help you please do not wait until tomorrow you need attention and maybe antibiotics to deal with fever.

    Please come back and let us know 


  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 121
    oh dear

    Obviously your doc needs to know what it happening and you need help NOW. Go to the ER. In the mean time, I'm right there with you...double mastectomy and reconstruction Aug. 23rd. Fever started post op day one. One side fine, other side a mess..horrible wound. Fever increased to 102 by day three. Docs changed antibiotic and scheduled a second surgery to debried bad side. Immediate success with new antibiotic - IV Vancomycin 1.5 GM/250 ML, every 12 hrs.  Surgery put on hold. Situation improved. In the hospital 7 days until 24 hrs with no fever, then sent home with PICC line and home health nurse to oversee continued IV antibiotic. Fever has not returned. Nurse says wound looks better. Plastic surgeon has surgery #2 scheduled for this Friday. Dead tissue and what obviously isn't going to survive despite the Vancomycin will be debrieded. Smaller implants may be put in due to reduced available viable tissue. Implant on bad side may be removed and replaced with expander until that side heals.

    Is your pain from the mastectomy or from the flap area?  I'm allergic to all narcotics and opiates so have just had tylenol and have done fine. Standing up wasn't fun for the first 3 or 4 days, but that went away. It's uncomfortable but not bad. I don't have the additional pain of the flap though so it might be harder for you. No matter, you should not be in so much pain.   

    I have 4 on each side pumping out steadily, one on "good" side putting out half the amount, the fourth, on the bad side, putting out practically nothingl. Are your drains just hanging or do you have them attached to something? I cut the toes off two pair of socks to make cups for the drain bulbs, then pinned the cups to a big length of dental floss which hangs down to my waist from my neck. You can also pin them to the waist band of your pj's. Yes, chest feels heavy even though these new D boobs are so tiny compared to the HH ones I had. 

    Sometimes I feel achy and "unwell." Got weepy and depressed yesterday but Doc said that is to be expected, especially since I'm dealing with a complication. Do you have help? Please let me know how you are. We can get through this.