lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member

...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days.



  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member

    Would be wonderful.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    ob66 said:


    Would be wonderful.

    Still dreaming

    Ironically, I heard of that “dream” in 2000 when I was diagnosed. At the time many commented that we were “very close” to find that pill, the Silver Bullet to kill cancer. I think that we are now closer but we need to do something now, not just waiting for that dream to occur. Cancer does not ‘sleep’ or go on vacations.

    I love to dream too, however, I prefer it to “feed” on the memories I have away from the cancer.

    I hope your dream becomes true for the sake of the man & womankind.


  • hunter49
    hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member
    Great post.  Good luck with

    Great post.  Good luck with surgery and my thought is always laughter is the best medicine.