My Story

Hello to my fellow survivors and survivors to be! I just joined this site. This is the first time I have EVER posted about my journey with the cowardly kidney cancer RCC that I was diagnosed with in November of 2005. Before I joined I read just about every post regarding our specific journey with this disease. I was deeply touched about your fears, doubts, and strengths...all the emotions. I wrote a short article on CNN iReporte back in April of this year as an outlet to express my feelings about my journey and how family and friends became my salvation. I would love if you could take time to read it: I am cancer free now 8 years on December 8th, 2013!!!! I wish all people dealing with cancer in any form my heartfelt care and concern that you/we enjoy a most fruitful future filled with good health, happiness, and the love of family and friends.


  • Draginlady
    Draginlady Member Posts: 9
    I read your CNN article and I

    I read your CNN article and I loved it.  I am inspired by your faith and attitude and thank you for joining this site and sharing your experience.  I am one year clean from a very nasty gallbladder cancer with 8% chance of making it 5 years....they don't know me obviously as I have no intentions of losing this battle.  Good for you and your wonderful wife.  I too have an amazing husband who is my rock.  He will retire this December early to ensure we have more time together and we will continue our lives as if this never happened.  Thank you again.
