ALT levels? Help!

ComfortablyNumb Member Posts: 45 Member

Hi all!


I hope everyone is feeling and doing really well. I have a quick question for those of you who know way more about these things than I do..


For the past 2 weeks my ALT levels have been elevated when my blood is drawn before chemo. The first week my oncologists mentioned it offhand during my appointment and didn't seem concerned, and this week I went straight from blood tests to chemo floor without seeing my doctors, so I asked my nurse for a copy of my results and my ALT level is 84 (I don't know what it was last week). The paper says normal range is 5-40. 

I know this has something to do with liver function, but can anyone explain what it means? All my other results are in normal range, the only other elevated number is my LDH which is 228 (normal is 110-220). 

Is there anything I can be doing myself to lower these numbers? I don't drink alcohol or do any drugs, what else affects liver function?


Thanks in advance!




  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Many things can cause an

    Many things can cause an elevated ALT: medications (including cholesterol lowering drugs and some types of chemo), liver injury or disease, etc.  I would talk to your physician about it, but don't panic.  With your other levels being basically normal, they may just keep an eye on it.

    Off and on, I have had weird lab results.  Mostly, we just keep an eye on them. 

    Good luck!!!  Prayers and hugs!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    Many things can cause an

    Many things can cause an elevated ALT: medications (including cholesterol lowering drugs and some types of chemo), liver injury or disease, etc.  I would talk to your physician about it, but don't panic.  With your other levels being basically normal, they may just keep an eye on it.

    Off and on, I have had weird lab results.  Mostly, we just keep an eye on them. 

    Good luck!!!  Prayers and hugs!

    Many factors including medications

    Keep eye on it.

    Mine once was 301 because of Chemo