Social Security Disability



  • Lucky_Horseshoe
    Lucky_Horseshoe Member Posts: 15
    vexed said:

    Social Security Disability

    Max and Carie-

        The real name of the Social Security program is OASDI or "Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance".  It is a true insurance program in that it is based on a person's work.  To be eligible for a Retirement benefit, a person must work at least 10 years for a small income.  The amount of a person's benefit is determined by the number of years worked (up to 35 years) and the amount of earnings in each year.

        To be eligible for a Disability benefit, the number of years of required work will be reduced by the age one became disabled.  So, even a person with a very short work history can qualify if they became disabled at an early age.

        A person with the required work history could become eligible for Disability benefits in their mid-20's and continue to get them up to full retirement age (65 to 67). At full retirement age, a Disability benefit automatically becomes a Retirement benfit with no reduction in the benefit amount.  If a person has a long-term disability, a periodic review is made to make sure the person is still disabled.

        Max, most people who are denied Disability benefits are denied for medical reasons.  If a person has a completely and clearly obvious disability, either the doctors did not bother to adequately complete the medical forms or they did not supply the evidence to document the disorder.  The Social Security staff is not allowed to make a medical determination based on how a person looks when they walk into the office. The person with Parkinson's needs a friend or family member willing to demand the doctors do their job. Either that, or he will need a lawyer.

         If the person with Parkinson's is being denied because of the lack of a work history, then he may need to file on the record of a living or deceased parent who has a work history.  If he cannot do either, then he may need to file for the Federal welfare program, Supplemental Security Income or SSI.  SSI Disability has most of the same disability criteria as Social Security Disability, but it does not have any work history requirement.


    Social Security

    Hi All,

    It has been awhile since I have posted.  Seeing this topic.  I thought I would chime in my two cents worth.  I was diagnosed in 2010 with Stage 4 NHL DBCL.  After 8 rounds of RCHOP and 3 rounds of RICE, I had to quit work.  I cried when I left.  Luckily for me, my company had short and long term disability insurance.  Unfortunately, I had no money in savings for COBRA so I had to take money out of my retirement fund to pay for that.   At the same time, my husband's business (car parts field) took a dive.  The money that we were used to coming in stopped.  It is depressing when you can't get your daughter braces anymore because you are sick.

    My Long Term carrier hired a group to get me disability.  They filled out the application for me and forwarded all of the information to Social Security.  I was approved in about 3-5 months.  The only reason they did that is so they could get reimbursed for the monthly  amt. that they were paying me.  I was very lucky in that way.  I had a transplant in 2011 and continue to suffer from Graft Versus Host Disease.  I have now run out of money and my husband and daughter are going to lose their insurance at the end of the year.  I am going to go on Medicare.  I too was an accountant for an insurance agency and miss it immensely.  Bouts of depression overtake me at times being held up in my house due to the fear of infections.  In the last year, I have been in and out of the hospital 5 times.  I understand the financial stress that everyone is under.  It is tremendous.  We didn't ask for this.  Yet, we suffer in all areas of our life.

    Thanks Vexed for explaining the maze that is called SSI.



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    vexed said:

    Social Security Disability

    Max and Carie-

        The real name of the Social Security program is OASDI or "Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance".  It is a true insurance program in that it is based on a person's work.  To be eligible for a Retirement benefit, a person must work at least 10 years for a small income.  The amount of a person's benefit is determined by the number of years worked (up to 35 years) and the amount of earnings in each year.

        To be eligible for a Disability benefit, the number of years of required work will be reduced by the age one became disabled.  So, even a person with a very short work history can qualify if they became disabled at an early age.

        A person with the required work history could become eligible for Disability benefits in their mid-20's and continue to get them up to full retirement age (65 to 67). At full retirement age, a Disability benefit automatically becomes a Retirement benfit with no reduction in the benefit amount.  If a person has a long-term disability, a periodic review is made to make sure the person is still disabled.

        Max, most people who are denied Disability benefits are denied for medical reasons.  If a person has a completely and clearly obvious disability, either the doctors did not bother to adequately complete the medical forms or they did not supply the evidence to document the disorder.  The Social Security staff is not allowed to make a medical determination based on how a person looks when they walk into the office. The person with Parkinson's needs a friend or family member willing to demand the doctors do their job. Either that, or he will need a lawyer.

         If the person with Parkinson's is being denied because of the lack of a work history, then he may need to file on the record of a living or deceased parent who has a work history.  If he cannot do either, then he may need to file for the Federal welfare program, Supplemental Security Income or SSI.  SSI Disability has most of the same disability criteria as Social Security Disability, but it does not have any work history requirement.



    The saddest fact of all is that the SSA treats people like dogs, but that is just because they are federal workers. I guess they flunked the TSA Personality Test ?

    I saw a severely retarded couple come in one month, asking why their check had been cut off. They had lost their lights, and were being threatened with eviction.  They questioned the husband for a few minutes, and he admitted that he had raked a few yards, and made a few dollars. The agent told them they had "made too much" , and sent them on their way.

    I asked the agent about it later, and he said, "Yea. Ashamed we had to leave them freezing in the dark for a month, since he only made $ 7.00 over his monthly allowance."

    And we want these types of people running medical care ?


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member


    The saddest fact of all is that the SSA treats people like dogs, but that is just because they are federal workers. I guess they flunked the TSA Personality Test ?

    I saw a severely retarded couple come in one month, asking why their check had been cut off. They had lost their lights, and were being threatened with eviction.  They questioned the husband for a few minutes, and he admitted that he had raked a few yards, and made a few dollars. The agent told them they had "made too much" , and sent them on their way.

    I asked the agent about it later, and he said, "Yea. Ashamed we had to leave them freezing in the dark for a month, since he only made $ 7.00 over his monthly allowance."

    And we want these types of people running medical care ?


    OH, HELL YEA !!!


    I just couldn't resist that !!!! .  Been bustin' at the seams  Cool

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    I was going to answer Max

    and say....careful, you're going to unleash John Wink Just kidding, Becky

  • Lucky_Horseshoe
    Lucky_Horseshoe Member Posts: 15


    The saddest fact of all is that the SSA treats people like dogs, but that is just because they are federal workers. I guess they flunked the TSA Personality Test ?

    I saw a severely retarded couple come in one month, asking why their check had been cut off. They had lost their lights, and were being threatened with eviction.  They questioned the husband for a few minutes, and he admitted that he had raked a few yards, and made a few dollars. The agent told them they had "made too much" , and sent them on their way.

    I asked the agent about it later, and he said, "Yea. Ashamed we had to leave them freezing in the dark for a month, since he only made $ 7.00 over his monthly allowance."

    And we want these types of people running medical care ?


    Sad Indeed

    Unbelievable...I know there are bad apples out there; but, I gotta believe that most of the people that need Social Security really need it.  Not to defend them; but, I am sure they have seen a lot that we can't fathom.  Unfortunately, the good apples pay for it.

  • Lucky_Horseshoe
    Lucky_Horseshoe Member Posts: 15


    The saddest fact of all is that the SSA treats people like dogs, but that is just because they are federal workers. I guess they flunked the TSA Personality Test ?

    I saw a severely retarded couple come in one month, asking why their check had been cut off. They had lost their lights, and were being threatened with eviction.  They questioned the husband for a few minutes, and he admitted that he had raked a few yards, and made a few dollars. The agent told them they had "made too much" , and sent them on their way.

    I asked the agent about it later, and he said, "Yea. Ashamed we had to leave them freezing in the dark for a month, since he only made $ 7.00 over his monthly allowance."

    And we want these types of people running medical care ?


    Sad Indeed

    Unbelievable...I know there are bad apples out there; but, I gotta believe that most of the people that need Social Security really need it.  Not to defend them; but, I am sure they have seen a lot that we can't fathom.  Unfortunately, the good apples pay for it.

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member

    Sad Indeed

    Unbelievable...I know there are bad apples out there; but, I gotta believe that most of the people that need Social Security really need it.  Not to defend them; but, I am sure they have seen a lot that we can't fathom.  Unfortunately, the good apples pay for it.

    I am sure you are right

    You are correct in saying there are a lot of people that really truely need SS and go thru hell trying to get it. You know what I am talking about because you are writing about it.Then when you go to the store or fast food place and watching them pay everything with a credit ebt card and then going out and jumping in a brand new Mercedes suv and driving off ticks me off. Or swingng out their Obama phones while standing on the the corner at 1 o'clock in the afternoon to order their drugs for their all night party is disgusting. My son works for a coble underground locating company and can not find a place to park his truck to get out to locate in most apartment complexes in the middle of the afternoon because it is full of Volvos,BMW's,Cadillacs and Corvettes. I guess they all work night shift. Are you even aware they get gas cards as well that we are paying for with our soaring taxes? Are you having a harder time getting medical attention?  I know some are because I still read the post everyday. I bet the low life are not having any problems.This is what this country is becoming,like it or not because so many people don't have sense enough to see it. Maybe their kids will enjoy what they have let happen when they can't afford to go to the dr. because the lazy bums are getting the free healthcare and practically free housing. It will not be long before there are riots in the streets like the 3rd world countrys.There are so many people out there that need SS and can not get it because the money is going to the no goods and lazy maggots in this country. The reason being because the no goods can give the democrats a vote. Do you really think the Democrats care about them or you? If you do, well do not read any farther and go back into your shell.Just think in 3 more years the liberals and bums can help put Hillery in office to continue what this imcompetent idiot in office now has not completed. Complete distruction of the USA. And I said I was not going to bring this up anymore. Damn !!! 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    illead said:

    I was going to answer Max

    and say....careful, you're going to unleash John Wink Just kidding, Becky


    Actually, I never mentioned politics, just government workers, who persist between Administrations.  It has nothing to do with party affiliation.  Only the very top level of a bureaucracy changes between Administrations; the overwhelming majority of people in an agency are just functionaries, punching a clock.

    John, go to your room !


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member


    Actually, I never mentioned politics, just government workers, who persist between Administrations.  It has nothing to do with party affiliation.  Only the very top level of a bureaucracy changes between Administrations; the overwhelming majority of people in an agency are just functionaries, punching a clock.

    John, go to your room !




      It just worries me about what is going to happen to the kids. Especially the little girl in the picture. I also have 3 grandsons to worry about. Got to go now, my room is waiting. John  Surprised

  • vexed
    vexed Member Posts: 10


    Actually, I never mentioned politics, just government workers, who persist between Administrations.  It has nothing to do with party affiliation.  Only the very top level of a bureaucracy changes between Administrations; the overwhelming majority of people in an agency are just functionaries, punching a clock.

    John, go to your room !


    Criticism is easy if you haven't done the job


         It's easy to criticize if you haven't done the job. The technical staff at Social Security is now trying to process over 8 times the workload with less than 40 percent of the personnel of 30 years ago.

         This certainly does not give anyone on the staff the right to treat other people in a demeaning or impolite way. But you should understand that the staff must follow the rules.  If a Social Security employee attempts to ignore the rules or give some benefit that is not due, there are monitoring procedures and computer programs set up to catch this "error".

         If someone who is receiving Disability benefits goes to work without reporting this to Social Security, the earnings record computer system shared by Social Security and the IRS will detect these wages and someone will be assigned to check whether the disabled person is working.  A disabled person can work a certain amount if they report this in advance to Social Security.  Social Security has a procedure known as a Trial Work Period which is used to find out whether a disabled person can go back to work, but the disabled person must tell Social Security that he or she wants to try to go back to work before attempting to do so.

         Social Security Disability benefits are part of an insurance system.  If you are disabled to the point you cannot perform substantial work, you receive benefits based on your prior earnings record. These payments are made without regard to your assets or to the income of other family members.  If your spouse gets paid a million dollars on his or her own job, you are still entitled to Social Security  Disability benefits on your own Social Security record.

         But the Federal welfare system, Supplemental  Security Income (SSI), is a true welfare system.  It is based on the fact that you are too disabled to work AND on your assets and family income.  If you have too much money in the bank or your spouse earns wages at a job, your SSI Disability benefit can be reduced or stopped.

         And Congress set the asset limits and income limits for SSI many years ago and has not seen fit to raise the very low levels.  Also, the Federal welfare amounts payable were set many years ago and Congress has not seen fit to increase those levels either.  Don't blame Social Security workers when their computers report that a disabled person has a few dollars too much and they are required to stop payment of SSI.  This is what the Senators and the Congressmen wanted. 

         It does not surprise me at all when people starve or are evicted because they don't get enough from SSI.  Only Congress could increase the amount of SSI being paid and they just don't care to increase the amount.  Social Security workers can only pay benefits that Congress permits them to pay.  If the message is bad, please don't blame the messenger. Blame the people who wrote the message; in this case, the Congress.




  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    vexed said:

    Criticism is easy if you haven't done the job


         It's easy to criticize if you haven't done the job. The technical staff at Social Security is now trying to process over 8 times the workload with less than 40 percent of the personnel of 30 years ago.

         This certainly does not give anyone on the staff the right to treat other people in a demeaning or impolite way. But you should understand that the staff must follow the rules.  If a Social Security employee attempts to ignore the rules or give some benefit that is not due, there are monitoring procedures and computer programs set up to catch this "error".

         If someone who is receiving Disability benefits goes to work without reporting this to Social Security, the earnings record computer system shared by Social Security and the IRS will detect these wages and someone will be assigned to check whether the disabled person is working.  A disabled person can work a certain amount if they report this in advance to Social Security.  Social Security has a procedure known as a Trial Work Period which is used to find out whether a disabled person can go back to work, but the disabled person must tell Social Security that he or she wants to try to go back to work before attempting to do so.

         Social Security Disability benefits are part of an insurance system.  If you are disabled to the point you cannot perform substantial work, you receive benefits based on your prior earnings record. These payments are made without regard to your assets or to the income of other family members.  If your spouse gets paid a million dollars on his or her own job, you are still entitled to Social Security  Disability benefits on your own Social Security record.

         But the Federal welfare system, Supplemental  Security Income (SSI), is a true welfare system.  It is based on the fact that you are too disabled to work AND on your assets and family income.  If you have too much money in the bank or your spouse earns wages at a job, your SSI Disability benefit can be reduced or stopped.

         And Congress set the asset limits and income limits for SSI many years ago and has not seen fit to raise the very low levels.  Also, the Federal welfare amounts payable were set many years ago and Congress has not seen fit to increase those levels either.  Don't blame Social Security workers when their computers report that a disabled person has a few dollars too much and they are required to stop payment of SSI.  This is what the Senators and the Congressmen wanted. 

         It does not surprise me at all when people starve or are evicted because they don't get enough from SSI.  Only Congress could increase the amount of SSI being paid and they just don't care to increase the amount.  Social Security workers can only pay benefits that Congress permits them to pay.  If the message is bad, please don't blame the messenger. Blame the people who wrote the message; in this case, the Congress.




    All said and done


      We can sit and blame this one and that one or who shot John all day and night, but the bottom line is no matter who to blame is you and I along with every other true American is paying the price. It seems we are unable to stop the inadequate leadership that has all but destroyed this country in the past 5 years. A failed leadership except if you are leaning toward a Socialistic/Communist government.  I know, some of the people here will disagree, but if you think we still have a real democracy just name me one right we still have that hasn't been taken away or attempted to take away. What doesn't the new World Government control. Do you think they don't already know what I have just wrote. I have gotten called down before for writing this stuff. Some say it does not belong here. Well, where does it belong then. We are in the center of needing real health care here and it is rapidly being taken away with rising payments everyday. People do not want this Socialistic Obama health care, but it is being rammed down our throats. Is that democracy in your book? When we get down to the bottom line the blame sits in the White House . You know the one that constantly blames everyone  else for his failed leadership. The same one that has not carried out 1 campaign promise.The same one that puts the IRS in charge of our health care. You do realize all politicians are exempt from this failed health care don't you. Now where is the democracy in that. This only scratches the surface of what this Socialist has done in his quest to destroy this country. We can blame it on the computers or lack of workers all day, but in the end we will suffer. Too many American people follow the Pied Piper, who has no experience except as a community organizer with ties to socialistic/communist organizations. In 3 more years we will have a female running for president and a lot of people will put her in office because she will give them Hillery phones and a bucket of chicken for their vote. Thats correct they will give their country away for a bucket of chicken. (Since americans have short memorys, this woman and her husband were murder suspects when her husband was president and now involved in the Bengazi coverup.) I already saw this in my own state with my own eyes. They got driven to a KFC in a limo in exchange for their Obama vote. You as a taxpayer/giver paid for those buckets of chicken. Another example of democracy and destruction of America. I am not blaming you because like me your hands are tied. We have no rights any longer, Some may laugh at what I have written, but we still have 3 years to go and lets see if they are laughing then. See if you can afford to pay your insurance premiums in a few months and what medical services have been elimanated for people like us that really need it. We can blame whomever we want, but in the end you and I will suffer. This is not about politics. It is about reality.John  

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    vexed said:

    Criticism is easy if you haven't done the job


         It's easy to criticize if you haven't done the job. The technical staff at Social Security is now trying to process over 8 times the workload with less than 40 percent of the personnel of 30 years ago.

         This certainly does not give anyone on the staff the right to treat other people in a demeaning or impolite way. But you should understand that the staff must follow the rules.  If a Social Security employee attempts to ignore the rules or give some benefit that is not due, there are monitoring procedures and computer programs set up to catch this "error".

         If someone who is receiving Disability benefits goes to work without reporting this to Social Security, the earnings record computer system shared by Social Security and the IRS will detect these wages and someone will be assigned to check whether the disabled person is working.  A disabled person can work a certain amount if they report this in advance to Social Security.  Social Security has a procedure known as a Trial Work Period which is used to find out whether a disabled person can go back to work, but the disabled person must tell Social Security that he or she wants to try to go back to work before attempting to do so.

         Social Security Disability benefits are part of an insurance system.  If you are disabled to the point you cannot perform substantial work, you receive benefits based on your prior earnings record. These payments are made without regard to your assets or to the income of other family members.  If your spouse gets paid a million dollars on his or her own job, you are still entitled to Social Security  Disability benefits on your own Social Security record.

         But the Federal welfare system, Supplemental  Security Income (SSI), is a true welfare system.  It is based on the fact that you are too disabled to work AND on your assets and family income.  If you have too much money in the bank or your spouse earns wages at a job, your SSI Disability benefit can be reduced or stopped.

         And Congress set the asset limits and income limits for SSI many years ago and has not seen fit to raise the very low levels.  Also, the Federal welfare amounts payable were set many years ago and Congress has not seen fit to increase those levels either.  Don't blame Social Security workers when their computers report that a disabled person has a few dollars too much and they are required to stop payment of SSI.  This is what the Senators and the Congressmen wanted. 

         It does not surprise me at all when people starve or are evicted because they don't get enough from SSI.  Only Congress could increase the amount of SSI being paid and they just don't care to increase the amount.  Social Security workers can only pay benefits that Congress permits them to pay.  If the message is bad, please don't blame the messenger. Blame the people who wrote the message; in this case, the Congress.






    My father was a retired federal worker, FAA.  Most of them literally "give their lives" to the job, through stress and alcoholism.  In the 70s, when he retired, he did not have a coworker who was not an alcoholic . I suspect that the FAA has a higher work-related death rate than active duty Army.

    I know, and have met, many good federal employees.  They were all at his funeral.
