Roll Call ****ALL****
emma_s said:
New to the forum
My husband (60y) was dxd in April 2, 2012 with stage 4 cc - numerous mets in liver and lungs, later they found lesions in femur and iliac bones. He has also KRAS mutantion.Had a pathological femur fracture after 3d radiation in early June 2012.From July 2012 started - 12 rounds of Folfiri + Avastin, which shrunk all mets by 60% and primary tumor dissappeared.
CEA in January dropped to 7 and Onc. decided to send him for a 2.5 month chemo break until March 2013.
CT scan in March 2013 showed significant inlargement of all mets.In late March did 5 radiations on pelvis and started a new chemo treatment with the same coctail - Folfiri+Avastin with an addition of Zometa for bones.Currently he completed 10 rounds of chemo, which seems to be not working any more as the last blood test showed the elivated liver enzymes and CEA went up from 98 to 130.The next CT scan is scheduled in August.We are thinking about doing a chemosensitivity test and plan to do it through the local Nathuropatic clinic. And may consider a local Hypothermia for liver.Best wishes to all!Dxed in Dec. 2009. Tumor in rectum stage ii bordering on stage iii. After Chemo pump and concurrent radiation resection requiring ileostomy. Reversal of ileostomy brought a fistula. Fistula healed itself from inside out. Thus NED by July 2010 . June 2013 pet scan showed nodule in lower lobe of lung with 2 lymph nodes involved. Biopsy showed Lung node non-cancerous, but result of coccidioidomycosis(better known as valley fever) thus still NED. Yea!!! First colonoscopy at age 77, now 81
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Still hereSCMorrow said:Guess I'm a newbie...
Diagnosed stage III rectal cancer in January 2013. I had pre-surgery radiation and chemo(5-FU). Doc removed cancerous tumor with clear margins, found 6/24 lymphnodes still cancerous, and removed apendix while he was in there (haha) in May 2013. Began adjuvant chemo. in the end of June. Standard Folfox every other week. I've only had three treatments and geeting bad side-effects ie. neuropothy, throat, muscle spasms. Maybe I just need to suck it up? Going to talk to oncologist about trying Folfiri. I'm so glad I found this site, I was reading everyone's posts. It's such a relief and inspiration.
Hello old timers. It is now 7 years since dx with stage 4 colon cancer (mets to lungs and liver) and I am still here. I know I haven't posted much the last year but I do read many posts. I just had CT scan and shows NED. This is now 1.5 years since my last lung resection as clear. ( 4 lung resections, liver, resection, colon surgery, pulmonary embolisms, chemo). I often don't post because the randomness seems so wrong. I am very grateful and fortunate. It was important to me early that there were chances of some success so here is at least one for now. If I had to credit anything, I did change eating habits, got surgery at every chance I could ( all done at Stanford), stopped suger almost completely, stopped all sodas and fruit drinks, kept working, tried to get negative things away, kept very busy with kids and coaching, take 1 aspirin a day, have a great supportive family, do use prayer frequently, and developed a huge hatred of cancer.
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Not so much a newbie but a lurker
Ive been hanging around here for a couple of years but im more active elsewhere, but i guess I can at least give an update.
Dx Sept 2011 after a colonoscopy intended to find the cause of a bout of bloody diarrhea (which cleared up of ist own accord and almost certainly wasnt cancer related).
Rectal cancer StIII. Radiation and Xeldoa.
Lar Feb 2012, temp illeo reversed after 6 weeks after developing a fistula between illeo and op wound.
Adjuvant Xeloda and CEA @ 3 but CA19-9 @40 even after surgery. After 3 months CEA rising and CA19-9 doubling every few weeks, liver mets Dx Sept 2012. 3 rnds FOLFOX & Avastin, 6 weeks break, liver resection Jan 2013, something like 10 mets and 60% of liver removed. NED after surgery, CEA 1,7, CA19-9 27
Currently finishing 3 rounds adjuvant Folfox & Avastin, status unclear, follow up scan end of Aug, Hopefully still NED.
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Not so much a newbie but a lurker
Ive been hanging around here for a couple of years but im more active elsewhere, but i guess I can at least give an update.
Dx Sept 2011 after a colonoscopy intended to find the cause of a bout of bloody diarrhea (which cleared up of ist own accord and almost certainly wasnt cancer related).
Rectal cancer StIII. Radiation and Xeldoa.
Lar Feb 2012, temp illeo reversed after 6 weeks after developing a fistula between illeo and op wound.
Adjuvant Xeloda and CEA @ 3 but CA19-9 @40 even after surgery. After 3 months CEA rising and CA19-9 doubling every few weeks, liver mets Dx Sept 2012. 3 rnds FOLFOX & Avastin, 6 weeks break, liver resection Jan 2013, something like 10 mets and 60% of liver removed. NED after surgery, CEA 1,7, CA19-9 27
Currently finishing 3 rounds adjuvant Folfox & Avastin, status unclear, follow up scan end of Aug, Hopefully still NED.
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Thank u Wolfenpog451 said:Not so much a newbie but a lurker
Ive been hanging around here for a couple of years but im more active elsewhere, but i guess I can at least give an update.
Dx Sept 2011 after a colonoscopy intended to find the cause of a bout of bloody diarrhea (which cleared up of ist own accord and almost certainly wasnt cancer related).
Rectal cancer StIII. Radiation and Xeldoa.
Lar Feb 2012, temp illeo reversed after 6 weeks after developing a fistula between illeo and op wound.
Adjuvant Xeloda and CEA @ 3 but CA19-9 @40 even after surgery. After 3 months CEA rising and CA19-9 doubling every few weeks, liver mets Dx Sept 2012. 3 rnds FOLFOX & Avastin, 6 weeks break, liver resection Jan 2013, something like 10 mets and 60% of liver removed. NED after surgery, CEA 1,7, CA19-9 27
Currently finishing 3 rounds adjuvant Folfox & Avastin, status unclear, follow up scan end of Aug, Hopefully still NED.
my thoughts too ,Good Luck to all of u
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DX 2007
DX May 2007, stage 3chad surgery, did chemo, and rads all clear in March 2008
October 2008, it returns to my right lung, another surgery, more chemo clear June 2009 and have been clear since, thank God.
i have my next scan next month, a bit nervous as usual don't expect anything and I will report back the good news after the scans!
its not been as easy as it appears from my description above. I have long lasting neuropathy in both feet have to take pills for that, horrible back pain which I believe has to do with the rads but I am no doctor, the physical stuff I can deal with, it's been the mental that has almost destroyed me, to be a stage four survivor for this long and wanting to die isn't much fun. I do have to say after a year and a half worth of counseling I am doing much better emotionally. The beast changes your life in so many ways. I truly have been blessed to just be alive, to not have been ruined financially, to still having my marriage (but we did separate for a while last year), still having my job and able to do it (law enforcement), I am so thankfully for all of this, but the mental damages is what has got me. I hate to even post because it seems so small compared to all that have posted and what they are going through, ok enough of my ranting...
i am very blessed to be coming up on my five year mark this November (I'm counting from the day the beast was cut out of me not when I finished chemo although I will celebrate that day as well)
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Chip, I wish there was a likeimpactzone said:Still here
Hello old timers. It is now 7 years since dx with stage 4 colon cancer (mets to lungs and liver) and I am still here. I know I haven't posted much the last year but I do read many posts. I just had CT scan and shows NED. This is now 1.5 years since my last lung resection as clear. ( 4 lung resections, liver, resection, colon surgery, pulmonary embolisms, chemo). I often don't post because the randomness seems so wrong. I am very grateful and fortunate. It was important to me early that there were chances of some success so here is at least one for now. If I had to credit anything, I did change eating habits, got surgery at every chance I could ( all done at Stanford), stopped suger almost completely, stopped all sodas and fruit drinks, kept working, tried to get negative things away, kept very busy with kids and coaching, take 1 aspirin a day, have a great supportive family, do use prayer frequently, and developed a huge hatred of cancer.
Chip, I wish there was a like button!
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Newbie, rectal cancer dx June 2013 @ 37yoNana b said:Thanks all -
My CEA has doubled to 100, since my update above. CT still clean, colonoscopy being ordered this week. Wroking with insurance to get a PET done. I just had one in Dec so, they don't want to aprove one.
Chemo porbably in the horizon.
Just starting my cancer journey.
Stage III, 5cm tumor, 5 lymph nodes affected.
Started chemo (Xeloda) & radiation last week.
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BluejuniataBluejuniata said:Hello
I was diagnosed December 2011 with stage 3 rectal cancer., I found blood in my stool and went in right away. ( my Grandmother and Aunt both had colorectal) went on xeloda and had radiation then had my rectum removed and a temp. iliostomy in May. Two out of 17 lymph nodes tested positive. After a week in the hospital and two very miserable weeks at home I went back into the hospital with an abcess for another week. Then went home with a tube to drain the abcess and my new iliostomy. It really was not what I would call a good time, right? July was told I had 2 mets to my liver. Got a port, started chemo/ erbitux August first and the first round sent me to the hospital emergency room and for another week in the hospital. Ended chemo Oct. 18th. NED the day after Thanksgiving. Jan 2nd had iliostomy reversal and they said as long as they were in there the surgical oncologist was going to burn off and resection where the mets had I got a two-fer. Scan in March inconclusive because of operation scarring..they thought. Scan in june, mets back where the resection was done and the burning off was done and one new smaller met. Am now in paperwork process of receiving y-90 spheres and hoping I qualify re pre testing. If not, they'll do chemo emb.
That's my cancer journey story so far! I am 52, almost 51 when diagnosed, female. It's good to have you all to talk to. Thanks.
Have you inquired of you Drs. about reversing you Ileostomy. Even though I developed a fistula, it was the best decision I ever made,
You might want to discuss it with
your Drs, Best of luck to you!!!
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InsuranceNana b said:Thanks all -
My CEA has doubled to 100, since my update above. CT still clean, colonoscopy being ordered this week. Wroking with insurance to get a PET done. I just had one in Dec so, they don't want to aprove one.
Chemo porbably in the horizon.
As one who is on medicare with a supplement that pays what medicare doesn;t, it irks me no end to hear of insurance companies that won"t cover the tests that we need. Drs don't capriciously require tests.
It is to cover these costs that we have insurance. Shame on the company that is welcome to take your premiums but doesn't want to pay your claims.
The total cost of my cancer is approaching $600,000. My only out-of-pocket costs are my monthly supplement premiums. Maybe the whole country should be on medicare, and not just us retired folk!!!
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Agree with you 100%, Danker.danker said:Insurance
As one who is on medicare with a supplement that pays what medicare doesn;t, it irks me no end to hear of insurance companies that won"t cover the tests that we need. Drs don't capriciously require tests.
It is to cover these costs that we have insurance. Shame on the company that is welcome to take your premiums but doesn't want to pay your claims.
The total cost of my cancer is approaching $600,000. My only out-of-pocket costs are my monthly supplement premiums. Maybe the whole country should be on medicare, and not just us retired folk!!!
i would happily pay a bit more in taxes to achieve this. I have a friend whose 17 year old daughter died of cancer last year. She was recently doing an online fundraiser to pay her medical bills, and that was after our local children's hospital covered a big chunk of it. Horrible and shameful.
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Diagnosed April 2012
I had a colonoscopy April 2012 after having 4-5 months of problems, constipation and hemorrhoids, I thought. Rectal cancer Stage IV with mets to liver. CEA was 54. Within 1 week, I had a CT, mammogram, pap smear, appt with onc, started radiation, had port put in, and started continous 5fU chemo. Surgery 4 weeks after chemoradiation in June. Surgery removed rectal tumor, liver tumor, and gallbladder. 4 weeks after surgery started Folfox in July. Finished all 12 doses of chemo without missing a dose in December. CEA since surgery is <0.5. CTs have been clear so far. Checking CEA every month and CTs every 3 months. Next CT in September.0 -
It's been a while!
Posting on behalf of my hubby who lurks but does not post.
Dx: 12-10 Stage 3 rectal cancer after his one and only bout with diverticulitis. He was dieting and was at a football game and chose to eat a bag of peanuts, three days later he wound up in the hospital with diverticulitis had CT which reveiled a lesion in the rectum (never any symptoms). Three lypmph nodes involved. Did pre op chemo (Xeloda) for six weeks straight and radiation. Post treatment PET reveiled NED.
CEAs have always been super low <.09 so he must rely on scans for any changes.
Surgery to remove cancer and make J-pouch 3-25-2011 14 day hospital stay due to Ileus. Temporary iliostomy.
Started post chemo FOLFOX 6-6-11 ended on our 27th wedding aniversary 9-18-11. Had much trouble with Oxiliplatin so only was able to do 4 treatments with that drug.
Had iliostomy reversed 12-18-11. Long road still yet with bowel issue but he says it was worth it!
He has followed up with scan/pet every other 6 months and thank the good Lord he has been NED every since. Next Pet will be this fall.
He has completely cut out soft drinks, which he lived on before. Very little sugar, takes Cimentidine, asprin and pro-biotics daily. He has just started daily exercise and this wife could not be prouder of the wasy he has handled this cancer. I was honestly a basket case for a long time but I've settled down and we are enjoying our granchilderen and new hobby of showing miniature horses.
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I was dx'd in June 08 with
I was dx'd in June 08 with stage 3B colon cancer. That started the ball rolling for 3 surgeries, 3 additional hospital stays for chemo issues and rather the chemo from h*ll dance.
Today I am 5+ years cancer free.
I have 2 beautiful grandchildren, Andy who is 5 and Charlotte who is 9 months. I got my nails painted a month ago for the first time in YEARS and redone this week! I also had a form of gastric bypass done on July 25th and for the first time in many many moons am looking forward to maybe even dating, the future, and who knows, MAYBE retirement!
There is life after cancer, just as there is before and during.
Best to all.
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Roll callPatteee said:I was dx'd in June 08 with
I was dx'd in June 08 with stage 3B colon cancer. That started the ball rolling for 3 surgeries, 3 additional hospital stays for chemo issues and rather the chemo from h*ll dance.
Today I am 5+ years cancer free.
I have 2 beautiful grandchildren, Andy who is 5 and Charlotte who is 9 months. I got my nails painted a month ago for the first time in YEARS and redone this week! I also had a form of gastric bypass done on July 25th and for the first time in many many moons am looking forward to maybe even dating, the future, and who knows, MAYBE retirement!
There is life after cancer, just as there is before and during.
Best to all.
My dear wife was diagnosed 10/22/12.
She went through 11 rounds of oxilyplaton and about 8 rounds of avastin
Put on folfiri after folfox stopped working. Sha has had 7 rounds so far.
Treatment extended from every two weeks to every three weeks.
Still fighting the fight and loving life together.
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Roll Callrls67 said:Roll call
My dear wife was diagnosed 10/22/12.
She went through 11 rounds of oxilyplaton and about 8 rounds of avastin
Put on folfiri after folfox stopped working. Sha has had 7 rounds so far.
Treatment extended from every two weeks to every three weeks.
Still fighting the fight and loving life together.
Hi everyone,
Its been awhile since I have been on here. I was dignosed Jan 2009 with colorectal cancer stage 3B. Went in for surgery in March 2009 where they did remove the tumor I had an ilesctomy bad, temporary (which I was I would of kept), I have had numerous surgeries, chemo, radiaton, and more surgeries and a feeding tube etc. I just turned 50 in Jan and I am still here.......NED.
I do have other issues but remain positive. Have other issues with my kidneys from the treatments.
I am still having issues with loose stools on a everyday basis.
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I'm Still here
I check in from time to time...but rarely post.
Diagnosed May '06 after complaining about a sideache for a year doctor finally perscribed a colonoscopy. Large tumor and 8" of colon removed...enlarged lymph nodes but no cancer involvement. Decision to do nothing else...just monitor. 18 months later I didn't feel well and insisted on a PET and CT. Mets to liver and lung, stage IV. When old films were compared...met to liver was ALREADy there, so chemo would have been the logical step. Changed docs and institutions, started FOLFOX, and a clinical trial drug. After 5 rounds, took a 5 week break for stereotactic radiation to zap the mets AND to enjoy my daughter's wedding. Restarted chemo next day and finished 6 (of 7) final rounds. Then started xeloda for 6 months. I've had 30 ct scans, developed an allergy to the and I have decided we can get by with MRI's for now. CEA remains undetectable, been NED since August '09! Wedding in October "08 has produced two beautiful grandchildren...and I'm here to play with them...Laurie
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Still Here
We are still here - husband diagnosed August 2008 - stage 4 colorectal cancer. surgery to remove tumor in colon. aggressive chemo for 6 months, then maintenance chemo. Then return of tumors in lung and liver, chemo again. and have been fighting ever since. recently have paralyzed vocal chord from tumor, new chemo is working for the most part - CEA is down for the first time in about a year. if this chemo doesn't shrink tumor affecting his voice, then he will have targeted radiation for it.
i'm on here a few times a month to read and get caught up, sometimes i ask questions and sometimes i answer some posts with what knowledge i know - but we are still around.
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