Time to stir the pot - Why all the fanboys for canned sugar?
Body Buildingdonfoo said:agree
I agree that it certainly does not hurt to check with the medical folks before hitting the protein too hard. It could very well be that most do not consider such product for the sedentary or "disabled" abi-normal types. Certainly, likely body functions get throw off normal as well and as you say the protein may effect other functions.
Humm, I no drink water then. I make big protein shake then when get thirsty drink muscle milk (very light protein mix). Still here. I figure the water in them was good enough. LOL
I used to make them with milk but as you say the more you pack the load the more a meal it becomes. I found a nice balance of water and powder that went down nice and did not feel so heavy like it can get.
Getting over the "350" can club is really easy as nearly all the product does at least 200 in a small scoop and mixing with whole milk boosts it to 350 and that is a very easy drink, at least as easy to consume as the canned sugar.
Reasonably, it seems around 450-500 in 8-10 oz liquid is about the general limit of "drinkable" unless you really want something that has a lot of "weight" or viscosity to it. There is only some much you can pack in before it just gums up. Fat provides twice the calories but I never went down that path to see what sorts of fat components one could source to calorie-load the drink. Milk seemed to offer a decent boost in calories. don
Essentially, you follow a body building diet....high in protein, low in fat and low glycemic carbs. I did it 10 years ago when I was heavy into natural body bulding. I took all sorts of supplements to grow. But I was also hitting the gym 3-4 day a week, weight training as well as doing cardio on my off days (and really hitting it hard!).
Prior to treatment my exercise consisted of a hike 1-2 times a week (weather permitting) of about 3-5 miles here in the Shenandoah Park or GW National Park and I wasn't consistent with it. I was working a 40 hour week and playing 100+ shows a year. I weighed 235 prior to my 2nd heart atttack last October.
Then came cancer. I hit the wall 3 weeks into treatment and it was downhill from there for me. Between the surgeries and the chemo/rads I just dwindled away. I could barely eat. My muscle mass disappeared. At this point 10 weeks out today, I'm beginninng to see some daylight but I'm still far from any assemblance of abi-normal. It's funny. My waist is now 32" and I weigh 170 at 5'10" which is in the normal range for BMI but dang I'm skinny!. 10 years ago I had the same waistline but weighed 225! (I was BIG) I wouldn't mind getting there again but I'll settle for a solid 200 with a 32" waist.
Concerning fats. Fats are essential to healing as well but they should be "good" fats.... omegas 3-6-9. Back in my body building days I was on such a low fat diet that I needed to supplement to get some fat into my system. I currently use flaxseed oil and recently started back on fish oil. Another good one is Udo's Oil. They both contain "good" fats. Flaxseed oil is known to help inflammation issues as well. You can add a tablespoon of flaxseed to a shake once a day. It has a slight nutty flavor to it.
Ideally, getting 4-6 small meals in a day with a good balance of protein, low glycemic carbs and "good" fats is a great way to eat. The whey powders, meal replacements are a great and easy way to feed your body and muscles. Other things like eggs, fish, chicken and beef, low glycemic carbs like rice (brown), whole grains etc. and the good fats are the main building blocks.
During that time 10 years ago I was a certified personal trainer so I knew all this stuff like it was second nature. Ideally for body building you would consume 1g of protein per pound of body weight but unless you're hitting the gym hard that's too much protein. I'd have to research what would be a healthy ratio for healing as opposed to building. Did you figure that one out?As I heal I would like to get back to the gym. If I get to the point where I can perform again, I won't be doing 100+ shows a year so it will free up time to get back to the gym. Cancer was/is a huge wake up call to take care of myself better. I did it before... I just need to get off my arse and do it again.
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I have to agreeSkiffin16 said:Ensure Plus
Well actually the way that I see it, Ensure Plus is the best way to pack calories in while you can't take in anything else solid. It does have more than just a sprinkling of Vitamins and Minerals, and also has 13G of Protein...
Carbs is where it's at...
I don't particular care about the nutritional value or long term effects... I'm purely packing in calories... Once done with treatment, I'll concentrate on my diet and what is best for me.
It's certainly much better than starving to death, and I'm pretty sure that it has everything you need to survive under the conditions..., and it offers much more bang for the buck than trying to eat solid food, with major pain under those circumstances.
Could you get as many calories mixing something up yourself.., maybe, probably..., but I don't want or feel like doing that several times each and every day, when I can just grab a few cans of Ensure...
Anyways..., my thoughts...
Vitamins and Minerals [–]
Vitamin A • Vitamin C • Calcium • Iron • Vitamin D • Vitamin E • Vitamin K • Thiamin • Riboflavin • Niacin • Vitamin B6 • Folate • Vitamin B12 • Biotin • Pantothenic Acid • Phosphorus • Iodine • Magnesium • Zinc • Selenium • Copper • Manganese • Chromium • Molybdenum • Chloride • Choline
Nutrition Facts
Serv. Size 1 bottle
(8 fl oz)
Calories 350
Calories from Fat 100
Amount Per Serving
Amount Per Serving
Saturated Fat
Trans Fat
Polyunsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated Fat
Dietary Fiber
with everthing that John said . First of all I was told by my Doctor and my team to drink Ensure and that's all that I took in for at least 6 weeks and I was told nothing to eat or drink that was hot or cold or it could cause me more throat pain . Never had any problems with my bloodwork either.
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lots to learnfishmanpa said:Body Building
Essentially, you follow a body building diet....high in protein, low in fat and low glycemic carbs. I did it 10 years ago when I was heavy into natural body bulding. I took all sorts of supplements to grow. But I was also hitting the gym 3-4 day a week, weight training as well as doing cardio on my off days (and really hitting it hard!).
Prior to treatment my exercise consisted of a hike 1-2 times a week (weather permitting) of about 3-5 miles here in the Shenandoah Park or GW National Park and I wasn't consistent with it. I was working a 40 hour week and playing 100+ shows a year. I weighed 235 prior to my 2nd heart atttack last October.
Then came cancer. I hit the wall 3 weeks into treatment and it was downhill from there for me. Between the surgeries and the chemo/rads I just dwindled away. I could barely eat. My muscle mass disappeared. At this point 10 weeks out today, I'm beginninng to see some daylight but I'm still far from any assemblance of abi-normal. It's funny. My waist is now 32" and I weigh 170 at 5'10" which is in the normal range for BMI but dang I'm skinny!. 10 years ago I had the same waistline but weighed 225! (I was BIG) I wouldn't mind getting there again but I'll settle for a solid 200 with a 32" waist.
Concerning fats. Fats are essential to healing as well but they should be "good" fats.... omegas 3-6-9. Back in my body building days I was on such a low fat diet that I needed to supplement to get some fat into my system. I currently use flaxseed oil and recently started back on fish oil. Another good one is Udo's Oil. They both contain "good" fats. Flaxseed oil is known to help inflammation issues as well. You can add a tablespoon of flaxseed to a shake once a day. It has a slight nutty flavor to it.
Ideally, getting 4-6 small meals in a day with a good balance of protein, low glycemic carbs and "good" fats is a great way to eat. The whey powders, meal replacements are a great and easy way to feed your body and muscles. Other things like eggs, fish, chicken and beef, low glycemic carbs like rice (brown), whole grains etc. and the good fats are the main building blocks.
During that time 10 years ago I was a certified personal trainer so I knew all this stuff like it was second nature. Ideally for body building you would consume 1g of protein per pound of body weight but unless you're hitting the gym hard that's too much protein. I'd have to research what would be a healthy ratio for healing as opposed to building. Did you figure that one out?As I heal I would like to get back to the gym. If I get to the point where I can perform again, I won't be doing 100+ shows a year so it will free up time to get back to the gym. Cancer was/is a huge wake up call to take care of myself better. I did it before... I just need to get off my arse and do it again.
Hey "T",
You can spend mucho time learning about all there is to feeding your body well. I saw a short doc on pro lady bodybuilding and the daily routine, expense, and dedication to operating at that level is really something. One thing they said echos your statement about many smaller meals, I think she ate 6 or 7. Since women bodybuilding does not pay enough to surivie the ladies do other side jobs like meeting folks with fetishes for musclebound ladies. LOL I just took a double take when they showed her doing squats with a 200+ pound dude on her back. I laugh because I can hardly sqat with nobody on my back. LOL
I've seen the figure of 1gm of protein per pound while building mass. You know that is a LOT of protein and I'd have to say that the most I would consume daily might be 100 grams max, so I don't think I got anywhere near those thresholds where other body functions start to stress.
Healing vs building - I sort of put them in the same bucket., Remember, the start point is canned sugar water sprinked with vitamins and minerals to a protein based liquid diet. Even now, looiking back on all the material I read, this was not discussed. Then again I did not refine my researching to the next level and just accepted that which is common in the health and fitness industries.
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Common in the Health and Fitness Industriesdonfoo said:lots to learn
Hey "T",
You can spend mucho time learning about all there is to feeding your body well. I saw a short doc on pro lady bodybuilding and the daily routine, expense, and dedication to operating at that level is really something. One thing they said echos your statement about many smaller meals, I think she ate 6 or 7. Since women bodybuilding does not pay enough to surivie the ladies do other side jobs like meeting folks with fetishes for musclebound ladies. LOL I just took a double take when they showed her doing squats with a 200+ pound dude on her back. I laugh because I can hardly sqat with nobody on my back. LOL
I've seen the figure of 1gm of protein per pound while building mass. You know that is a LOT of protein and I'd have to say that the most I would consume daily might be 100 grams max, so I don't think I got anywhere near those thresholds where other body functions start to stress.
Healing vs building - I sort of put them in the same bucket., Remember, the start point is canned sugar water sprinked with vitamins and minerals to a protein based liquid diet. Even now, looiking back on all the material I read, this was not discussed. Then again I did not refine my researching to the next level and just accepted that which is common in the health and fitness industries.
I too have drank protein mixtures, various minerals, vitamins, niacin, dessciated liver, etc...during younger years when healthy and active in sports.
But to me the key is what you mentioned, "which is common in the health and fitness industries"..., but with the added comment, "to those in good health and fitness levels".
Enduring cancer treatment and recovery isn't being in good health, it's surviving treatment.
If your MD's sign off on a high protein, self regulated diet, mixing, preparing, etc...great.
As for me, I was less interested in all of that, I just wanted to get calories in me, with as little time and enrgy involved as possible. Something that I could easily digest, wasn't going to cause me any other problems, constipation, dierreah, or anythung else...
I think it all boils down to personal choice given what the MD recommends..., and in my case that was Ensure Plus, which by the way, is much more than a can of sugar water.... I would consider a can of sugar water more like sodas, no nutritional value... Again, look at the list above, Ensure Plus has much more benefit than sugar water.
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Pot LiquorDuggie88 said:Don
Your stirring the pot............back in the day I still remember when they rolled it and smoked it.
Anyway, I am going to sit back, tap open a beer ensure and watch the debate. Where the hell are my pretzels.
Ummm, I mean pot licker..., LOL.
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Stir some more
I haven't jumped in to this "pot" but finally could not resist. There is a big controversy over the sugar feeds cancer issue. Most medical doctors disagree that sugar has any effect on cancer. Most Rad and medical oncologist have candy on the reception desk.
As for the kidney issue, Jim's Rad oncologist explained that the body needed the protien to rebuild the damage from treatment. The kidney damage only comes into play when the body has to much protien and needs to eliminate it. The rebuilding of tissue damaged during treatment uses all the protien so no need for kidney to eliminate.
Considering convenience, I agree the canned is more convenient than creating and blending food. I tried to make PEG food from nutricious fresh ingredients. It took all my free time, but I was willing to do it if it saved Jim's life. )This was after treatment.) The problem was not enough calories and Jim was exhausted and kept loosing weight. So back to the Jevity but we did not return to the protein shake since Jim was done with treatment. Jim stopped losing weight but did not gain any and he was 15 lbs under weight, tired all the time and depressed. We added in one whey protien drink per day in place of a Jevity meal and he began to gain strength, energy and weight. He reached normal weight within a couple of months and gained back muscle which he had totally lost during treatment. His oncologist is baffled by his great health and says he is the healthiest sick person he knows. The oncologist had given Jim less than a year to live in June of last year. He is totally baffled that Jim continues to have no symptoms of matastic, terminal cancer. Yes Jim drinks Ensure when we are going out somewhere or to dinner at families homes because Jim isn't comfortable using the PEG in front of others, but that is rare.
The oncologist told us to continue what we are doing because it is working. He even stretched his next appointment to six months because Jim is doing so well. So I say, what ever works to keep you going in a good quality of life, DO IT!
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OMG!!!jim and i said:Stir some more
I haven't jumped in to this "pot" but finally could not resist. There is a big controversy over the sugar feeds cancer issue. Most medical doctors disagree that sugar has any effect on cancer. Most Rad and medical oncologist have candy on the reception desk.
As for the kidney issue, Jim's Rad oncologist explained that the body needed the protien to rebuild the damage from treatment. The kidney damage only comes into play when the body has to much protien and needs to eliminate it. The rebuilding of tissue damaged during treatment uses all the protien so no need for kidney to eliminate.
Considering convenience, I agree the canned is more convenient than creating and blending food. I tried to make PEG food from nutricious fresh ingredients. It took all my free time, but I was willing to do it if it saved Jim's life. )This was after treatment.) The problem was not enough calories and Jim was exhausted and kept loosing weight. So back to the Jevity but we did not return to the protein shake since Jim was done with treatment. Jim stopped losing weight but did not gain any and he was 15 lbs under weight, tired all the time and depressed. We added in one whey protien drink per day in place of a Jevity meal and he began to gain strength, energy and weight. He reached normal weight within a couple of months and gained back muscle which he had totally lost during treatment. His oncologist is baffled by his great health and says he is the healthiest sick person he knows. The oncologist had given Jim less than a year to live in June of last year. He is totally baffled that Jim continues to have no symptoms of matastic, terminal cancer. Yes Jim drinks Ensure when we are going out somewhere or to dinner at families homes because Jim isn't comfortable using the PEG in front of others, but that is rare.
The oncologist told us to continue what we are doing because it is working. He even stretched his next appointment to six months because Jim is doing so well. So I say, what ever works to keep you going in a good quality of life, DO IT!
HUGS HUGS and more HUGS. Now, why do you let me stand along getting assaulted by all these "other"-minded folks? For those who have followed my journey through treatment and recovery thus far (5 weeks) know that I pretty much glided over all the side effects except some turbulence was encountered along the way.
I swear by the positive effects protein has on your body during times of stress and recovery. It is just makes so much common sense having a supply of protein and amin acids on hand, ready for the body to accept tie while recovering from the damage done by chemo and radiation.
There is no way to change minds or even expect exploration into earnest research of their own into this topic. When pople see me they all comment profusely how well I look so soon after all the torture. Even when I met Phrannie at two weeks post, things were looking pretty good. That said, even today, inside, I still struggle with being really tired and feeling like an 80 year old creaky old dude but I am mapping plans for physical activites to get my body strong and linber again.
I guess with life there are always some who push, those who draft, and those who lag. God bless my Mom who passed last fall. She was so patient as her young preschool grabbed all the appliances, taking them apart to see how things worked!! In the genes I guess LOL don
ps- of course taking things apart does not mean any of it got put back together. That was later LOL
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misconceptions aboundSkiffin16 said:Common in the Health and Fitness Industries
I too have drank protein mixtures, various minerals, vitamins, niacin, dessciated liver, etc...during younger years when healthy and active in sports.
But to me the key is what you mentioned, "which is common in the health and fitness industries"..., but with the added comment, "to those in good health and fitness levels".
Enduring cancer treatment and recovery isn't being in good health, it's surviving treatment.
If your MD's sign off on a high protein, self regulated diet, mixing, preparing, etc...great.
As for me, I was less interested in all of that, I just wanted to get calories in me, with as little time and enrgy involved as possible. Something that I could easily digest, wasn't going to cause me any other problems, constipation, dierreah, or anythung else...
I think it all boils down to personal choice given what the MD recommends..., and in my case that was Ensure Plus, which by the way, is much more than a can of sugar water.... I would consider a can of sugar water more like sodas, no nutritional value... Again, look at the list above, Ensure Plus has much more benefit than sugar water.
Hi John,
You are right, product such as Ensure Plus are far more rounded in offering sufficient protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamimns, and minerals; all the things a body needs to be healthy. Ensure Plus http://abbottnutrition.com/brands/products/ensure-plus-retail
There are many canned nutriution aids, so my comment about "canned sugar" is made in jest, of course. Reading the details of Ensure Plus is made for oral consuption so what about the PEGGers, this leaves them out. No doubt there are other products with similar nutrutional balance for PEG use so each person should study and think about what is one of the most critical aspects of one's treatment and recovery.
My point is to QUESTION the wisdom of using a single benchmark standard for everyone in every condition. Common sense again just screams a body under stress and suffeirng severe tissue damage and surely higher than normal body function to repair and rebuild damaged tissue needs something different.
No one should just accept the same stanard label for all situations. Yet, that is what is peddeled by most docs. It just NOT make any sense. What does, who knows but in my mind blindly following such "canned" guideance is even more wrong that tilting your intake to a more protein based diet, especially, given the undisputable results protein has on the body.
Thanks for all the feedback, this thread is finally getting some momentum! Even John is chiming in. LOL
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Caloric Densityjim and i said:Stir some more
I haven't jumped in to this "pot" but finally could not resist. There is a big controversy over the sugar feeds cancer issue. Most medical doctors disagree that sugar has any effect on cancer. Most Rad and medical oncologist have candy on the reception desk.
As for the kidney issue, Jim's Rad oncologist explained that the body needed the protien to rebuild the damage from treatment. The kidney damage only comes into play when the body has to much protien and needs to eliminate it. The rebuilding of tissue damaged during treatment uses all the protien so no need for kidney to eliminate.
Considering convenience, I agree the canned is more convenient than creating and blending food. I tried to make PEG food from nutricious fresh ingredients. It took all my free time, but I was willing to do it if it saved Jim's life. )This was after treatment.) The problem was not enough calories and Jim was exhausted and kept loosing weight. So back to the Jevity but we did not return to the protein shake since Jim was done with treatment. Jim stopped losing weight but did not gain any and he was 15 lbs under weight, tired all the time and depressed. We added in one whey protien drink per day in place of a Jevity meal and he began to gain strength, energy and weight. He reached normal weight within a couple of months and gained back muscle which he had totally lost during treatment. His oncologist is baffled by his great health and says he is the healthiest sick person he knows. The oncologist had given Jim less than a year to live in June of last year. He is totally baffled that Jim continues to have no symptoms of matastic, terminal cancer. Yes Jim drinks Ensure when we are going out somewhere or to dinner at families homes because Jim isn't comfortable using the PEG in front of others, but that is rare.
The oncologist told us to continue what we are doing because it is working. He even stretched his next appointment to six months because Jim is doing so well. So I say, what ever works to keep you going in a good quality of life, DO IT!
Hi Debbie,
Making your own liquid nutrition is a delicate balance of many factors. Somewhere I posted my efforts to develop my own nutritional mix but finally gave up after trying to make it taste decent, very tricky stuff. LOL
The trick is to pack alot of calories into the smallest amount of liquid, so the idea of caloric density comes into play. Things like cooking oil or mayonaise pack the most calories in the smallest volume. Remember fat has 9 calories per gram while carbs and protein have 4 calories per gram. Additonally, cooking oil or mayo have very little water to dilute the fat, so a gram of oil is nearly 9 calories.
What happens is when you take any fresh item and throw in blender is the water in the vegs or whatever dilutes the density, so you can end up with a 100 calories in a full glass. No good for our purposes.
You generally need to look at powder form of foods such as protein mixes, carbo mixes, dry milk powder, pure oils. All these things are very high in calories per volume. When you add water or mil to the powder mix you have control over how dense to make the liquid. The same calories are in that drink no matter how many ounces of liquid is added. You just need to find the right amount of liquid to have a consistency that is acceptable to either comsume orally or via PEG.
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Gold Standard... ~Not
I'm with you on a one size fits all, there isn't one nor should there be...
As we all preach here, we are all different..., and that holds true with treatment, recovery, PEG, NO PEG, Ensure, Boost, Protien Powder, blended food, meds, pot, and solutions...
We each find, are directed or migrate toward what works best for us, fits our needs, our schedules, our comfort levels...
Bottom line, we find what helps us survive with as little pain and discomfort as possible... LOL
For some that might come by way of a long tortourous trial and error period...ARGGG!!!
We survivors and those in the mix can only offer our experiences and what worked for us, or not...
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No...anything that is liquid enoughdonfoo said:misconceptions abound
Hi John,
You are right, product such as Ensure Plus are far more rounded in offering sufficient protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamimns, and minerals; all the things a body needs to be healthy. Ensure Plus http://abbottnutrition.com/brands/products/ensure-plus-retail
There are many canned nutriution aids, so my comment about "canned sugar" is made in jest, of course. Reading the details of Ensure Plus is made for oral consuption so what about the PEGGers, this leaves them out. No doubt there are other products with similar nutrutional balance for PEG use so each person should study and think about what is one of the most critical aspects of one's treatment and recovery.
My point is to QUESTION the wisdom of using a single benchmark standard for everyone in every condition. Common sense again just screams a body under stress and suffeirng severe tissue damage and surely higher than normal body function to repair and rebuild damaged tissue needs something different.
No one should just accept the same stanard label for all situations. Yet, that is what is peddeled by most docs. It just NOT make any sense. What does, who knows but in my mind blindly following such "canned" guideance is even more wrong that tilting your intake to a more protein based diet, especially, given the undisputable results protein has on the body.
Thanks for all the feedback, this thread is finally getting some momentum! Even John is chiming in. LOL
can go down the tube. I used Ensue Plus the entire time I was sick...both orally and in the tube. It was the quickest way to get what I thought I needed with the smallest amout of muss and fuss. Sometimes I'd mix it with milk to make it more liquid, and get "eating" done faster....
You know that Hondo eats what the family is having, even tho he's got a tube for life. He just mixes it with broth, water, milk....whatever....blends it till it'll go down the tube. Just about anything you can eat, can be whipped with liquid to make a tube meal.
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hi Pphrannie51 said:No...anything that is liquid enough
can go down the tube. I used Ensue Plus the entire time I was sick...both orally and in the tube. It was the quickest way to get what I thought I needed with the smallest amout of muss and fuss. Sometimes I'd mix it with milk to make it more liquid, and get "eating" done faster....
You know that Hondo eats what the family is having, even tho he's got a tube for life. He just mixes it with broth, water, milk....whatever....blends it till it'll go down the tube. Just about anything you can eat, can be whipped with liquid to make a tube meal.
Yes, I was poking at John and others about "following the rules". It just struck me funny that the Ensure Plus instructions stated ORAL USE. My unerstanding with homemade PEG food is you just need to ensure everything is reduced to a liquid consistency so it does not clog the system. Hope all is well up there, don
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TrueSkiffin16 said:Gold Standard... ~Not
I'm with you on a one size fits all, there isn't one nor should there be...
As we all preach here, we are all different..., and that holds true with treatment, recovery, PEG, NO PEG, Ensure, Boost, Protien Powder, blended food, meds, pot, and solutions...
We each find, are directed or migrate toward what works best for us, fits our needs, our schedules, our comfort levels...
Bottom line, we find what helps us survive with as little pain and discomfort as possible... LOL
For some that might come by way of a long tortourous trial and error period...ARGGG!!!
We survivors and those in the mix can only offer our experiences and what worked for us, or not...
So true. It just is difficult to stand by watching someone stumble around when they just need to flip the light switch. Everyone is different, hasw their own set of fliters, pace, and mode of operation that gives them the most personal comfort. Hopefully, this thread just gives folks the awareness there is another light switch on the wall to reach for. don
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Absolutely....donfoo said:True
So true. It just is difficult to stand by watching someone stumble around when they just need to flip the light switch. Everyone is different, hasw their own set of fliters, pace, and mode of operation that gives them the most personal comfort. Hopefully, this thread just gives folks the awareness there is another light switch on the wall to reach for. don
One of the best parts of this forum is the multitude of ideas a person can go to....if one thing isn't working for them then there is an alternative. More times than I can count, I'd find out about something on here, and learned early in treatment, that all I had to do was tell my Onc. and ask for it. He was more than willing to ok anything that wasn't a detrement to the treatments. Be it lotions and potions, diet, pain killers, spit and rinses.....all was fair game. The more ideas we put out on here, the better someone else's treatment will be.
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Hi Don
I use Boost but only as a filler because my wife makes all my food. When I am on the road and don’t have time to stop and eat, it makes it easy to just pop the top off and pore it down the tube with a bottle of water. I am not reading the calories because I eat twice as much as anyone I know. I am starting to get a little Fat in the middle might have to go on a diet and then maybe I will just keep it.
Take care
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Because it was the cheapestHondo said:Hi Don
I use Boost but only as a filler because my wife makes all my food. When I am on the road and don’t have time to stop and eat, it makes it easy to just pop the top off and pore it down the tube with a bottle of water. I am not reading the calories because I eat twice as much as anyone I know. I am starting to get a little Fat in the middle might have to go on a diet and then maybe I will just keep it.
Take care
We used it because it was cheaper to buy the Walmart brand and our insurance did not cover anything for the feeding tube.
Once i got the Blendtec I start liquifying real food, as to keep the sugar down. Rob is a type 2 diabetic and his sugar did stay a little on the high side because of the ensure.
He only used 1 can per feeding and mixed in protien powder, water, benecalorie, hemp oil to add more calories with no more sugar. His sugar never spiked over 140 doing it this way. He only used 3 cans per day which was under the acceptable level of sugar he should have. I also put fiber powder in each meal
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excellentrobswife87 said:Because it was the cheapest
We used it because it was cheaper to buy the Walmart brand and our insurance did not cover anything for the feeding tube.
Once i got the Blendtec I start liquifying real food, as to keep the sugar down. Rob is a type 2 diabetic and his sugar did stay a little on the high side because of the ensure.
He only used 1 can per feeding and mixed in protien powder, water, benecalorie, hemp oil to add more calories with no more sugar. His sugar never spiked over 140 doing it this way. He only used 3 cans per day which was under the acceptable level of sugar he should have. I also put fiber powder in each meal
Glad to hear you got the nutrition plan in place and the liquid nutrition is working. One thing to consider adding is an amino acid powder that is a key building block with protein to rebuild tissue and muscle.
My situation was I was able to keep eating orally. I can not brag enough about the 10 buck baby food grinder I started using to purree solids when I was struggling eating. Of course, I did drink lots of protein powder drinks along the way and I swear it improved the speedo of recovery. I've been back on solids 100% since about week 3 post. best to you, don
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