anal to bone/inner ear?

sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member

Okay, maybe I don't belong here. I am two years tx this august 15th from stage 3 anal cancer at 6:00 (picture an analog clock). So I had lots of pain before my diagnosis. I was taking Lyrica for fibromyalgia and the pain was just getting worse and worse. I was getting better and exercising, doing lymphedema treatments consciensiously and thinking maybe I have my life back.

So I have been successfully treated for that at least no evidence of disease. Next CT Scan in September.

The problem is I keep getting sick from weird stuff. I had cervical cancer and a hysterectomy at age 26 (pretty young) so I probably have hpv 16 or 18 but haven't tested positive yet.

There are 7-11,000 cases of anal cancer diagnosed a year. I won that lottery and it has an hpv connection also. I had Pertussis last year (one of 42,000 cases diagnosed) and now I just sufferred a very unsettling case of vertigo with complete hearing loss in my left ear. This happens to about 4,000 people a year.

I have a great ear and balance doctor (Otologist) but he says often these cases remain a mystery. I just ordered a walker today for the balance issues so I can go back to my swimming routine at the gym, which he approved of, although no other forms of exercise)  and can't drive until I get clearance from him. The deafness apparently is permanent although he is treating me with cortesteroid injections directly into the inner ear.

The MRI scans and blood tests look fine. My White blood cell counts are low is all.

I have been in bed for almost two weeks since that is what they advised me to do. Another shot my 3rd and last July 9th, another hearing and dizzy test and then his nurse says he will likely refer me to rheumotology, immunology and neurology for more tests.

Any ideas out there? Seven cases of a lesion traveling from bone metasis to the inner with Sudden Hearing Loss are reported Internationally. That can't be it, can it?

