Xeloda side effects

NorcalJ Member Posts: 187


Having lots of problem with hand and foot syndrome from this loverly drug.  Does anyone have a good suggestion for lotion?  I've been lathering up 2 and 3 times a day, but by the end of the day, the skin is dry and uncomfortable.  I want to make sure there's no parabens in the lotion though, because some studies have shown those can have the same effect as estrogen---obviously not something I want---or I wouldn't be on Xeloda!

Thanks in adavnce for any advice,



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Hi I was on Xeloda for 8 months

    I was on Xeloda for 8 months. It is not an easy drug, however it could be manageble.

    I do not a special suggestions for a lotion. I did use special creams for dry rough feet and dry skin hands - I applied scream almost every time  after washing my hands and shower

    I also drunk extra liquids to stay hydrated and it did help my skin too.

    If you have any other questions I will be happy to help.

    Good luck

  • NorcalJ
    NorcalJ Member Posts: 187

    Hi I was on Xeloda for 8 months

    I was on Xeloda for 8 months. It is not an easy drug, however it could be manageble.

    I do not a special suggestions for a lotion. I did use special creams for dry rough feet and dry skin hands - I applied scream almost every time  after washing my hands and shower

    I also drunk extra liquids to stay hydrated and it did help my skin too.

    If you have any other questions I will be happy to help.

    Good luck

    Thanks for the reminder, I

    Thanks for the reminder, I never drink enough water!  I think I also have to remember to carry some lotion in my pocket for those times  I wash my hands when I'm not home.

    It's only been 3 months, but it's working very well, so will try to tough it out.  Definitely not as bad as the previious IV chemo and radiation---have to keep remembering that I have hair this time. LOL


  • kamcat1962
    kamcat1962 Member Posts: 40
    NorcalJ said:

    Thanks for the reminder, I

    Thanks for the reminder, I never drink enough water!  I think I also have to remember to carry some lotion in my pocket for those times  I wash my hands when I'm not home.

    It's only been 3 months, but it's working very well, so will try to tough it out.  Definitely not as bad as the previious IV chemo and radiation---have to keep remembering that I have hair this time. LOL


    Xeloda- dry skin

    Yes, hydration is important and I never do well in that department.  I am off the Zeloda, it wasn't working formy cancer.  What type of lotion are you using?  Sometimes some of them have some type of alcohol in them and that actually dries out the skin instead of hydrating it.  I  stuck religiously to my Aquaphor at night for my hands and body.  For my feet I went to a podiatrist because I was also having issues with my toenails.  His suggestion for dry feet, and boy did I have them, was shortening.  Yes shortening, you apply it thoroughly to your feet but NOT BETWEEN THE TOES, put your foot in a plastic baggie (the ones on the rolls not the Zippered kind), and then put a pair of socks over that. At first if you have alot of dry skin build up I would do it every day for three(3) days, then I would do it maybe 3x a week. The dry skin just sloughs off and there is nice soft pink skin underneath. Beware if you are using a product to "shave" the dead skin off.  I have severe neuropathy on my feet and I got a little crazy with the pink orb and were my feet ever sore.  I couln't walk for 2 days. As for during the day I used an Aveeno product made for children.  I can't remember the name but it worked well. 

    Praying for your success on the Xeloda.  God Bless and take care.

    Best wishes, Cathy K

  • NorcalJ
    NorcalJ Member Posts: 187

    Xeloda- dry skin

    Yes, hydration is important and I never do well in that department.  I am off the Zeloda, it wasn't working formy cancer.  What type of lotion are you using?  Sometimes some of them have some type of alcohol in them and that actually dries out the skin instead of hydrating it.  I  stuck religiously to my Aquaphor at night for my hands and body.  For my feet I went to a podiatrist because I was also having issues with my toenails.  His suggestion for dry feet, and boy did I have them, was shortening.  Yes shortening, you apply it thoroughly to your feet but NOT BETWEEN THE TOES, put your foot in a plastic baggie (the ones on the rolls not the Zippered kind), and then put a pair of socks over that. At first if you have alot of dry skin build up I would do it every day for three(3) days, then I would do it maybe 3x a week. The dry skin just sloughs off and there is nice soft pink skin underneath. Beware if you are using a product to "shave" the dead skin off.  I have severe neuropathy on my feet and I got a little crazy with the pink orb and were my feet ever sore.  I couln't walk for 2 days. As for during the day I used an Aveeno product made for children.  I can't remember the name but it worked well. 

    Praying for your success on the Xeloda.  God Bless and take care.

    Best wishes, Cathy K

    Thanks for the suggestions. 

    Thanks for the suggestions.  I need to look more closely to see how much or if there's alcohol in the stuff I've gotten.  I'm trying all kinds of lotions.  Loved the shortening hint.  My Onc. suggested plain petroleum jelly to hands and feet with gloves  & socks covering them.  I try to do that at night, but between the hot weather and hot flashes, the gloves and socks don't stay on too long!

    How long during the day do you leave the plastic baggies on? 

    I took glutamine during my last chemo (with original diagnosis), and it really helped the neuropathies.  I've started it again.  It's powder that I put into juice 3Xday. 10mg (in my bottles concentration, that's 2 tsps).  It's an amino acid which is a building block of protein.  I started taking it when I was gettin AC &T IV. Woke up one morning with burning and pain to feet and hands.  Kept taking it and it disappeared in 2 days, never to return.  I started taking it again when they found mets, and not sure if it's helping, but just the dry red skin, not really neuropathies this time around.  Ask your Dr. about it if you're interested in trying it.  The doc probably won't care, but won't know much about it.  When I was going to start the IV meds, I read about a couple of studies being done, and my Dr. said it was o.k. to try.  He has since recommended it to some other pt's due to my success.  It's not 100% cure-all, and not sure if it will work for long standing neuropathies, but always ask your Dr. before taking something new like that. And if you want to take it, I just get it at health food stores. 


    I've had one scan since starting Xeloda and the results were great, so I'm continuing on it and will re-scan in a few months.  BUT recently found out I may be on it FOREVER!!!  To prevent further mets.  Yuk!


    Thanks for the info.        
