The beast is back!

lulu1010 Member Posts: 367


Was six months into my second remission. (CA 125 in May was 16.)

Had a great weekend and golfed 36 holes and took a trip to go to a funeral. Had a good dinner Monday night and got up nauseated on Tuesday. Off to ER and the CT showed partial bowel blockage and the yucky NG was placed. My CA was 83!

Was given the choice of chemo and possible TPN for nutrition or an iliostomy. I chose the chemo so I am now patiently waiting for the docs to get out of the OR and come tell me the plan and get the chemo started.

I am bummed but at least I am not going into it this time weak and sick. I am hoping chemo does not make me sick. I had big plans for a garden tour on Sat and golf outing on Sunday.



  • poopergirl14052
    poopergirl14052 Member Posts: 1,183 Member
    Sorry the darn beast is back

    What type of chemo will you be on? You kicked the beast before and you will again..I know it? I had TPN and NG tube when I had my surgery..part of my bowels were tube was placed so they could heal..took a while .nothing by mouth..NPO.  TPN gave me nutrition I needed. Praying for you...stay strong and keep your sunny side up....Val



  • kikz
    kikz Member Posts: 1,345 Member
    So sorry.

    Like you I entered chemo much healthier than the first time.  It actually felt strange because it's almost like; why am I doing this when I feel so good?  I hope you have an easy trip through this part of your journey.  



  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308
    Lulu I am very sorry

    I hope that chemo helps and blockage clears up soon without iliostomy. NG tubes sure are yucky.

    Many Hugs,


  • 123Miley
    123Miley Member Posts: 94
    Well Crap

    Can I say the word "crap" here?  Sometimes you just gotta.  

    So sorry - 

    Thoughts and prayers.  Stay strong!


  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    123Miley said:

    Well Crap

    Can I say the word "crap" here?  Sometimes you just gotta.  

    So sorry - 

    Thoughts and prayers.  Stay strong!


    Dear Lulu

    I am so sorry you are fighting the beast again but you can do it!  Kick cancer's butt!

    Hugs and good wishes,


  • 2timothy1 7
    2timothy1 7 Member Posts: 345

    So sorry IT is back!  in my first recurrence after 6 months remission, as well. Stinks! However we do what we have to. Hang in there. You are not alone:).

  • lulu1010
    lulu1010 Member Posts: 367

    There were no chemo orders today and the doctor on call was in OR till 7pm. Just told me they were working on a new plan. So around 8pm he stopped in to say he did not want to go thru the TPN thing if we didnt need to and he didnt want to start chemo till he was sure I could eat at least fluids. Otherwise I may need surgery and it would be hard if I was on chemo. So the awful tube is out and the bowel sounds are heard. I am starting on clear fluids and tomorrow nite start on full liquids. If that works then I will go home and sometime next week when all is stable get chemo. We were going to do Carbo but I have had 16 doses and 7 of them were in the hospital overnite as I am allergic to it. I have only been off of it 6 mos so I may be resistant so he is going to pick something else to try first that I can get outpatient.

    They said it was a small tumor stuck to my pelvis and part on my bowel causing it to be obstructed. I really think the cancer was there and I ate a large piece of strawberry pie that clogged the pipes! But at least the cancer was found. I just so hoped for a long remission this time. Oh well ....trudge on. Thanks for all the good wishes.

  • wholfmeister
    wholfmeister Member Posts: 315

    There.  I said it, too!

    I'm so sorry. I feel so frustrated for you!  Life is to busy and there is fun stuff to do.  

    Stay strong.

  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member
    lulu1010 said:


    There were no chemo orders today and the doctor on call was in OR till 7pm. Just told me they were working on a new plan. So around 8pm he stopped in to say he did not want to go thru the TPN thing if we didnt need to and he didnt want to start chemo till he was sure I could eat at least fluids. Otherwise I may need surgery and it would be hard if I was on chemo. So the awful tube is out and the bowel sounds are heard. I am starting on clear fluids and tomorrow nite start on full liquids. If that works then I will go home and sometime next week when all is stable get chemo. We were going to do Carbo but I have had 16 doses and 7 of them were in the hospital overnite as I am allergic to it. I have only been off of it 6 mos so I may be resistant so he is going to pick something else to try first that I can get outpatient.

    They said it was a small tumor stuck to my pelvis and part on my bowel causing it to be obstructed. I really think the cancer was there and I ate a large piece of strawberry pie that clogged the pipes! But at least the cancer was found. I just so hoped for a long remission this time. Oh well ....trudge on. Thanks for all the good wishes.

    Hi Lulu

    So glad that tube is out and the fact that you have bowel sounds is a good thing.  Take one day at a time and before you know it, you'll be home from the hospital.  If your doc can pick a chemo that you can get as an outpatient, that'll be good, and you'll be on your way to kick cancer's butt!



  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member

    I know - the other ladies put it much more succinctly!  Either way, so sorry you are dealing with this.  But I agree - so grateful it was found and can be taken care of.  

    Sending all kinds of (((HUGS))) & PRAYERS to you and your hubby as you deal with this.  Please keep us up-to-date.  


  • Rosamond M
    Rosamond M Member Posts: 86 Member
    The Beast is back.

    This disease certainly gives us difficult times to deal with  but how great it is to have people who know what you are going through, act as a network for further information and give us new ways to think of issues.

    My thoughts and best wishes are with you.


  • scatsm
    scatsm Member Posts: 296 Member
    Sending you my hopes for a

    Sending you my hopes for a return to NED quickly! Thank you for sharing your will beat this beast back again!

  • Cafewoman53
    Cafewoman53 Member Posts: 735 Member
    Good Luck !

     Sorry it's back , I know it is disheartening but we just have to keep fighting. I just recieved my third free wig from our local a cancer hospital (one per year ) and thought to myself as long as I keep getting wigs I'm in good shape.


  • missmordie
    missmordie Member Posts: 2
    The Beast is Back

    Hi lulu,


    I think I'm in the same boat.  CAs went up from 9 to 29 a few weeks ago and today I've been having the old cramps and a little nausea.  (have had about 4 bowel obs and the old NG tube, etc.)  I'm hoping it's a food related cramping but I know the feeling from before.  I can so relate to your situation and hope all turns out as comfortable as it can.  If this is the case with me, it will be my 8th recurrence...ugh.  Only 4 months remission this time, but still hanging in there and here!  Thinking of you and keep us posted.


    With understanding and the bestest of wishes. x


  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338 Member
    lulu1010 said:


    There were no chemo orders today and the doctor on call was in OR till 7pm. Just told me they were working on a new plan. So around 8pm he stopped in to say he did not want to go thru the TPN thing if we didnt need to and he didnt want to start chemo till he was sure I could eat at least fluids. Otherwise I may need surgery and it would be hard if I was on chemo. So the awful tube is out and the bowel sounds are heard. I am starting on clear fluids and tomorrow nite start on full liquids. If that works then I will go home and sometime next week when all is stable get chemo. We were going to do Carbo but I have had 16 doses and 7 of them were in the hospital overnite as I am allergic to it. I have only been off of it 6 mos so I may be resistant so he is going to pick something else to try first that I can get outpatient.

    They said it was a small tumor stuck to my pelvis and part on my bowel causing it to be obstructed. I really think the cancer was there and I ate a large piece of strawberry pie that clogged the pipes! But at least the cancer was found. I just so hoped for a long remission this time. Oh well ....trudge on. Thanks for all the good wishes.

    Dear Lulu

    I agree... at least it was found and that is more than half the battle. I'm also allergic to carbo, but the older version of cisplatin has worked very well for me. Hang in there, you can do this and we'll be right here!

                                                                       (((((HUGS)))))    Maria