Red Devil

max2111 Member Posts: 8 Member

Hi Everyone,

I am 4 down, 8 to go on Abraxane.   I'm doing okay on that one - no real serious side effects - the worst has been the awful persistent sore throat.   My oncologist is having me stay on Claritin D to get rid of the drainage.

When I am done with Abraxane, I have 4 treatments of the Red Devil - once every 3 weeks. 

I would like to know how you handled the Red Devil.   How was it the day of and the days following?   How many days 'till you leveled out until the next treatment?   

My oncologist is very proactive on side effects and has said I will be taking several different anti-nausea meds to ward off the nausea.

I would just like to hear from you all as to how it affected you personally.

Thanks so much,

Melissa  Laughing


  • McMarty
    McMarty Member Posts: 212 Member
    Hi Melissa,  I took

    Hi Melissa,  I took Adriamyacin in a combo (FAC).    Is that the "Red Devil" you are talking about?  I'm glad to hear your Dr is very proactive regarding managing side effects.  I did OK on it.  I did 6 doses at 3 week intervals.  As long as I ate a little bit all day long I did very well.  It ususually took about 3 days for me to feel 'normal' agian and begin to get out and around.  I hope you do real well on that drug too!  Keep us posted!

  • lynn1950
    lynn1950 Member Posts: 2,570
    I took adriamycin along with

    I took adriamycin along with cytoxin.  I was given a steroid with this cocktail that had me up for the first day.  Two days later I had a Neulasta shot to boost my WBC.  On the third day I started feeling yucky and by the fifth day I was on the mend.  I've heard of people taking Claritin to help with pain from the Neulasta shot.  If you get Neulasta, you may want to ask about that. You can do it! xoxoxo Lynn

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Are you referring to

    Are you referring to Adriamycin?  My neoadjuvant chemo was A/C (Adriamycin and Cytoxan).  It was not bad at all.  I did 4 DD A/C.  I did loose head hair and about 1/2 of lashes/brows.  The most worrisome problems for me were that I lost all appetite (sense of taste an smell also) - Hubby had to call me several times a day to remind me to eat.  (This really bothered him as we had lost my Mom 4 yrs after we married to her life long issues with aneorixia so he was well versed in what starvation does to the entire body.)  I still have issues with remembering to eat.  I never had any issues with nausea but I was a 'good girl' and took all the anti-nausea meds while on A/C (I was a 'bad girl' 1/2 way through the 12 weekly Taxol and quit taking the anti-nausea meds at home and still had no nausea issues at all.)  I've talked with several med staff about no nausea and it seems that there is  correlation between the level of morning sickness when pregnant ith how your body handles chemo nausea. In my case, I had absolutely no morning sickness with either son and none on either batch of chemo.

    On A/C - I was a bit tireder for a day or 2 but no real problem-a nap took care of it.  I didn't do a lot during 5ha5 time but could have done more but adult son and Hubby took over all my chores and got agrivated with me if I did more than they wazn5ed me to do (Son took over all horse/barn chores and Hubby took over house chores, cooking and dog care.)  While on A/C, I didnext day Neulasta shots - many have pain issues with the shot but I didn't - I had a bit of a strange reaction - almost to the minute after injection I would go to sleep for an hour.

    Remember - we are each so unique.  Educate yourself but do not expect to have the same reactions that anyone else has had.

    Winyan - The Power Within


  • max2111
    max2111 Member Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you very much for your

    Thank you very much for your comments so far. 

    I looked in my notes and see that the Red Devil I am taking is:


    • 5FU, Epirubicin, & Cytoxan

    The nurses and doctor call it the Red Devil.

    Looking forward to hearing how you all did on this cocktail.


    Thanks so much,

    Melissa  Cool