Bone mets

ccfighter Member Posts: 476 Member

CuriousCurious if anyone has had any luck slowing or vanishing bone mets.friend of mine has wide spread mets from prostate cancer, diagnosed stage four  3-4 years ago.  Has had many treatments and the cancer continues tospread.  Getting ready for IV radiation (I assume something along the lines of Alpharadin. Has mets to bones and lungs.  Already had radiaiton to spine  and leg.  Anybody get this Under control at this point?  (done hormone treatment, chemo, more chemo, Zytiga and xtandi)


  • Rakendra
    Rakendra Member Posts: 197 Member
    This is definitely a non

    This is definitely a non professional opinion.  I think he  has done very well to have survived 3-4 years. He must now have CRPC which means that it is end time treatment.  The cancer proceeding to his lungs is a bad sign.  Getting it "under control" is probably not possible at this stage.  What he is looking at from here is pain management and life extension.  Alpharadin  is for life extension, and will add four months to 11 months, depending on what research you read.  It is also very expensive.  Here in the Phils, it is $2500 a month.


      I, for one, would be grateful if he would come forth and share his experiences with us.  He has been thru it all, and his information would be very valuable to this site. love, Swami Ralendra

  • Retired 12
    Retired 12 Member Posts: 11
    Bone Mets.

    You might consider Provenge treatments. It's built using your blood and having it infused back into your body You can read about it at :

  • ccfighter
    ccfighter Member Posts: 476 Member
    Thank you for your replies.

    Thank you for your replies.  I have directed him to this website but I don't think that he has posted here before.  I hope he comes and reads all of theexperiences and information you all generously share.  I believe he puts his faith in his doctors and leaves it to them and the higher powers.  Best of luck to you all.

  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    Difficult Situation


    I'm sorry to read of your friend's present situation.  While miracles do happen, it is unlikely that one recovers from growing cancer that has spread to the bones and other organs.  Some of the newer drugs such as Provenge have been shown to extend mortality for a few months on average but the end result is inevitable.  Spot radiation to bones can relieve pain but it is not curative.  Please encourage your friend to make sure his affairs are in order and that he investigates hospice.

    Best of luck to you both.


  • Samsungtech1
    Samsungtech1 Member Posts: 351

    I have been fighting metastic prostate cancer since June 2010.  It went to my lungs at beginning.  I had radiosurgery, cyber knife to lungs to get rid of nodules.  It worked.  They use radiation for bones as well.  Not sure if you can do it more than once, but not too concerned.  From what I have read up here by the time they decide to give you chemo you have about 3-6 months left.  Most people who have taken chemo, according to family members wish they never did.

    I currently take ht and casodex.  Deglasix is my HT.   depends on Dr.'s to what how they can work it .


    I wish you well,


  • ccfighter
    ccfighter Member Posts: 476 Member
    Thank you.  Yes, radiation

    Thank you.  Yes, radiation has occurred for bone mets in spine and leg.  He had asked about provenge butoncolgist said it takes to long to work and is better for earlier stage prostate cancer, not real helpful for late stage.  IV radiation to begin in a few weeks for a treatment once a month for six months and perhaps xtandi as well.  Always hoping for a miracle, for a cure to come along quick.  I also am a metastatic and recurrent cervical cancer patient.  Gone the surgery, chemo and radiation route.  Also had a lung nodule surgically removed.  It's a tough battle.  But, currently NED.  Best wishes to you all.

  • moonlitnight
    moonlitnight Member Posts: 58
    Vanishing bone mets

    A lady I met on another forum that I no longer visit has a husband with advanced PCa and many bone mets...bones primarily black on bone scan and a break. Went to Dr. Myers who put him on Sprycel and Zytiga and a couple of other things, Avodart and estrogen I think. Latest bone scan shows no mets at all. Myers reported this on his videoblog. Also, my own doctor told me of the success she was having with sending oncology patients with bone mets to a naturopathic oncologist who uses hyperthermia (local and full body). She advised me that the mets had scarified (I believe this was the term she used) and were no longer present. This was not PCa specific. I have read a study that says hyperthermia can advance PCa for men on ADT by ablating androgen receptors. It's rather confusing but our own naturopathic oncologist is writing a PCa-specific paper on it this month. I will update as soon as I have read it.