Hoarse voice years after treatment



I had treatment in 2004 for Hodgkin's lymphoma. The cancer was in my chest and lower neck. 

9 years later, I am finding that my voice is hoarse and scratchy. It used to come and go, and now it seems to have stayed. :( 


Has any else had this issue? My oncologist kicked me out of his office (since i am technically considered cured) and my PCP was treating me. My PCP has now left her practice and I am trying to find another one as it seems to be prooving difficult to find a doctor that is engaged and geniunely knowledgeable about post chemo/radiation patients. :/ 




  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Was this purely chemotherapy, or was local radiation involved? Were you a smoker? 

  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 379 Member
    My HL was in 1989

    My HL was in 1989 (Radiation) and 1994(ABVD).  During my thoracatomy for biopsy, my vocal cord was parlayzed.  They injected it with teflon and it is now forming a granuloma.  So all of this has led me to the leading ENT's who have seen many Hodgkin's patients and many head and neck cancer patients.  They tell me the radiation could make your VC nerve fibrotic years later thus making your voice hoarse.  I do know of one survivor that had a virus temporarily paralyzing her VC.  Her voice is much stronger now.  They told me there are some options to improve your voice quality if it indeed is because of our radiation treatments or another cause.  I have seen ENT's at MSKCC, Cornell Weill and NYU all in NYC. 

    I find it odd your oncologist kicked you out of the office!  I have seen the same one for 24 years.  Also, I am seeing a Long Term Effect specialist at MSKCC.  My PCP claims she is not well informed on our potential side effects so she works closely with the specialist.  Good luck finding someone for your team to take care of you!
