Quitting Chemo

Vickilg Member Posts: 281 Member

I have finally got my husband to understand my need to quit chemo.   Doctor wants to see me Thursday and I am sure he will try to convince me to get chemo.   But my quality of life just isn't these.  This is a hard decision but I think the best one for me 



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    so very sorry!

    I am sorry to hear this, but you know when you and your body has had enough. 

    Still, your body may just surprise you.

    We will be here for you forever. 


  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    Hard decision


    I just feel very sad to read your post.   I am sending hugs & prayers for you & your family.

    Hugs George & Dyan. 

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member

    You've always been this beacon of light here, and if you say you're too tired to go on I believe you.  When you've done all you can handle then you've done your best. You  know  it's just had on those left behide, even your oncologist.  I sure as hell wish we didn't have to ever make these decisions, just know we're here for you Vicki, we're here beside you.

    Love and Hugs

    Winter Marie

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Quality of Life

    You need to put that first and if more treatment is going to be harder on you, then you need to make peace with your decision.  You have put a lot in this battle and know you have given it so much.  I'm hoping that hubby can understand.  You are in my prayers.


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Vicki

    May all your loved ones support you.

    I know that you have given it your best shot and did not make this decision lightly.

    May there be much more time for you than anyone expects, and may you fill it with love and laughter.

    Hugs and love,

    Marie who loves kitties

  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member
    Tough call Vicki

    What a tough call you are making Vicki.  I must agree that when the expected quality of life during treatment and the potential extension of life are not in some aceptable alignment; these types of decisions may be triggered.

    I also feel that this is a very personal decision.  A decision which may be hard to understand if one has not been through treatment themselves (like family).

    Vicki, whatever you decide, we will be here.

    Peace and comfort,


  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    You know best

    We go through so much with this cancer and you know best when you are too worn out to have much of quality of life. You can always go back if you change your mind. I pray for you and the tough decision you had to make. Jeff

  • barbebarb
    barbebarb Member Posts: 464

    You know best

    We go through so much with this cancer and you know best when you are too worn out to have much of quality of life. You can always go back if you change your mind. I pray for you and the tough decision you had to make. Jeff

    You know how you feel and what's best.
    Maybe a few days until you see the oncologist can help
    you sort through the decision making.
    Is any form of radiation an option?


    Will be keeping you in my prayers and positive light for
    another option.
  • renw
    renw Member Posts: 282 Member
    When I spoke with a world

    When I spoke with a world leading immunologist, he said that in his clinical experience, 30% of cancer patients respond to dendritic cell therapy. This includes everything from stable disease to complete reaponse. The only side effects are flu like symptoms that last a day. It may be an option and certainly nicer than chemo.

    I quit chemo start of April, and despite my onc telling me that I would be lucky to last 2 months without it, still here and quality of life is thus far pretty good fyi, but it is a tough decision.

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    renw said:

    When I spoke with a world

    When I spoke with a world leading immunologist, he said that in his clinical experience, 30% of cancer patients respond to dendritic cell therapy. This includes everything from stable disease to complete reaponse. The only side effects are flu like symptoms that last a day. It may be an option and certainly nicer than chemo.

    I quit chemo start of April, and despite my onc telling me that I would be lucky to last 2 months without it, still here and quality of life is thus far pretty good fyi, but it is a tough decision.

    Tough decission

    Tough decission Vicky, but only you can say enough is enough. quality of life is so important, because it is YOUR life.

    Ofcourse for the people who love you they like for you to continue, but they have to understand that this is your road to walk and your decission.

    We are here for you an d walk beside you all the way, we are here when you need us.

    With love and admiration and a BIg Hug,


  • johnnybegood
    johnnybegood Member Posts: 1,117 Member
    thingy45 said:

    Tough decission

    Tough decission Vicky, but only you can say enough is enough. quality of life is so important, because it is YOUR life.

    Ofcourse for the people who love you they like for you to continue, but they have to understand that this is your road to walk and your decission.

    We are here for you an d walk beside you all the way, we are here when you need us.

    With love and admiration and a BIg Hug,


    only you

    know your own body so you how much you can withstand.i was heartbroken when you posted this before.now i understand. i know there are other options out there besides chemo but for me personally i probably would not persue them.i feel your pain and anxiety as i know someday i will be facing this same decision.the Lord is not finished with me yet on this earth so i fight on.you do what is best for you Vicki and we will be here to support you.all my best to my spleen buddy....Godbless....johnnybegood

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Hey Vicki...

    Remember Scouty and 2bhealed? Both Lisa and Emily quit, and they’re still around all these years later, so why not you?


    How the $%^&* anyone can fight cancer while fighting the toxic chemicals or radiation being pumped into their body, has always defied my understanding.


    Quitting chemo or radiation shouldn’t be an issue, or some sort of “death wish” as others seem to feel; you want to live, just not with the overwhelming and depressing feeling like you’re going to die from the “cure”.


    I keep trying to tell people, that there are indeed other ways to fight cancer. Scouty and Em found their niche, and it apparently worked. I used inexpensive imported herbs (ala’ TCM), and I’m here. Ren is trying something different, and so far he’s doing OK! And there are probably millions of others that we never hear of, that defied the cancer industry by seeking safer, better ways to fight cancer.


    There are no guarantees in life, and doing chemical therapy or radiation certainly offers absolutely no guarantees, so don’t fret comments from those that feel the Industry is the only thing that will save you;

    There –are- other ways!


    As  soon as you get your second breath, look around at all the options that are available to you. And always remember:


    You didn’t quit the fight; you’re just picking better arsenal.


    You’ll do OK, kid.


    My best to you,




  • toyfox
    toyfox Member Posts: 158 Member
    John23 said:

    Hey Vicki...

    Remember Scouty and 2bhealed? Both Lisa and Emily quit, and they’re still around all these years later, so why not you?


    How the $%^&* anyone can fight cancer while fighting the toxic chemicals or radiation being pumped into their body, has always defied my understanding.


    Quitting chemo or radiation shouldn’t be an issue, or some sort of “death wish” as others seem to feel; you want to live, just not with the overwhelming and depressing feeling like you’re going to die from the “cure”.


    I keep trying to tell people, that there are indeed other ways to fight cancer. Scouty and Em found their niche, and it apparently worked. I used inexpensive imported herbs (ala’ TCM), and I’m here. Ren is trying something different, and so far he’s doing OK! And there are probably millions of others that we never hear of, that defied the cancer industry by seeking safer, better ways to fight cancer.


    There are no guarantees in life, and doing chemical therapy or radiation certainly offers absolutely no guarantees, so don’t fret comments from those that feel the Industry is the only thing that will save you;

    There –are- other ways!


    As  soon as you get your second breath, look around at all the options that are available to you. And always remember:


    You didn’t quit the fight; you’re just picking better arsenal.


    You’ll do OK, kid.


    My best to you,




    We agree with John and 

    We agree with John and  remember Scouty and 2bhealed also. Mu husband took
    chemo several years ago. He never wants to take chemo again it caused him  heart
    pain problems, a blood clot in his liver and still has bad neuropathy in his feet among other
    At one time our Onc was talking recurrence. He is no longer talking recurrence.
    We have made changes just like scouty and 2bhealed.and others.
    With all the changes we have made his blood work and his scans have gotten better and better.
    The changes we made are on my profile.
    He had a total hip replacement 6 months ago. His blood work was back to
    normal six weeks after his hip surgery. His Once was really pleased with that.
    Never give up....wishing the best for you.

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    I agree that quality of life is more important than length.  Good Luck to you.  HUGS!

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    I'm glad you got your husband to understand. I'm sure it's not an easy decision but you know what's best for you...


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    It saddens me that you are

    It saddens me that you are stopping but I understand that you have to do this. I know you have been struggling with this decision for a while. I am glad your husband is now supporting your decision but can also understand how incredibly hard it must be for him. I admire your courage and hope that you are at peace with you decision.

  • Momof2plusteentwins
    Momof2plusteentwins Member Posts: 509 Member
    I know this decision must be so hard for you and your family. I hope you can have a better quality of life now.
  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    I'm sorry you're at this point

    You're one tough gal.  So glad that your husband is on board with your decision.  I'm hoping for peace, love and comfort for you.  

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    We are with you, Vicki,

    and respect and support whatever choice you need to make.  On the Colon Club, there was a member (did you know Gaelen?) who said she would never die with "chemo in her blood".  I totally understood what she was saying.  A hard choice, but a brave one, dear lady.  AA

  • PatchAdams
    PatchAdams Member Posts: 271

    2bhealed never accepted chemo. She was Stage III and had watched her sister die after chemo. 

    I'm sorry, Vicki, but I salute you for making the choice that is right for YOU!  God Bless,
