Should the age limit for a colonoscopy be lowered?

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

I see the adverts on the telly all the time.  Get a colonoscopy after the age of 50; yet I see so many out here in their 20's, 30's  and 40's.

I wish ther were more ways to advise people to be aware of their bodies. 

Just me thinking. 



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Just One Word



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Yes, and more

    Yes the age for the first colonoscopy should be lowered to at least 40.

    More should also be done to let people know what the warning signs are and about family occurances.

    Folks also need to know that they can and should insist on one if they have any concerns, and not allow a doctor to put them off just because of their young age.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    I think forty is reasonable.
    I think forty is reasonable. My father and his sister were both diagnosed with crc when they were 60. My doctor told me that I should have a colonoscopy 10 years before the age that they were diagnosed. This would be fifty. (The recommended age for everyone in Ontario). I plan to somehow get one much sooner.
  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Oh yeah, this is a hot topic

    Oh yeah, this is a hot topic for me now.  If Rick had had a colonoscopy at age 40, he might still be here with me.  So, after his diagnosis, I decided to get a scoping - turned out I had a pre-cancerous polyp.  I now need a scope every three years for life.  I always tell people this story with the hope that they will get a scope by at least 45, but 40 would be better of course.  I've noticed that most of the newbies here are in their early 40's, and it angers me that the insurance companies won't pay unless there is a family history of colon cancer. 

    take care,


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    Hard to say!!!  I didn't get my first one untill I was  77.  My wife used to get them ,but I felt I would not be able to get the golitely down.It was soon enough!!  Next week I will be 81 and NED.  LOL

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Colonoscopy at age 40????

    YES YES YES and YES !

    George was diagnosed at age 60 and my daughter's doctor has recommended she start at age 40 or a few years before that.  She also advised her that if she experiences any ongoing digestive complaints, a colonoscopy is warranted sooner than later.



  • ketziah35
    ketziah35 Member Posts: 1,145
    I had mine at age 40 due to

    I had mine at age 40 due to the cleverway my doc wrote up the order.

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    You Betcha!!!!

    I don't want my children going without one and have asked each to have their first one by age 35, this disease is just to horrible to have and not be aware of.  I was 50 when diagnosed and already was end stage.

    Winter Egbers


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    You Betcha!!!!

    I don't want my children going without one and have asked each to have their first one by age 35, this disease is just to horrible to have and not be aware of.  I was 50 when diagnosed and already was end stage.

    Winter Egbers



    I have also told my boys that they need to be aware of their bodies, and anything that seems odd should be checked out.  I do NOT want them going through this awful chemo, with the chance that their lives may be cut short. 

    I wish I knew how to go about changing the age limit for colonoscopies.   Right now, all I can do is work in my community to make people aware of their bodies. 

  • scared99
    scared99 Member Posts: 72
    I had mine at 32.   My mom

    I had mine at 32.   My mom was diagnosed last June at age 62, Her sister at age 70 and her cousin at age 60.   They told me I should wait until I was 50.  I did not want to risk it.   I was shocked when I woke up and the doctor told me he removed to polyps.  God knows had I waited to 50 what those Polyps would have became.  

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    scared99 said:

    I had mine at 32.   My mom

    I had mine at 32.   My mom was diagnosed last June at age 62, Her sister at age 70 and her cousin at age 60.   They told me I should wait until I was 50.  I did not want to risk it.   I was shocked when I woke up and the doctor told me he removed to polyps.  God knows had I waited to 50 what those Polyps would have became.  

    An educated woman

    You were SO wise to get a colonoscopy, especially with the family history of colon cancer. 

    We all need to do something in our own little cirlcle (friends, church, community) to educate men and women on awareness of our bodies, and pushing for early detection.  

  • christinecarl
    christinecarl Member Posts: 544 Member

    I think one day it will be, I hope that day is soon.  My mom died from it at 57, I was all set to have one at 40 when I ended up in the ER diagnosed state III B at 40,  things need to change.


  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Chelsea71 said:

    I think forty is reasonable.
    I think forty is reasonable. My father and his sister were both diagnosed with crc when they were 60. My doctor told me that I should have a colonoscopy 10 years before the age that they were diagnosed. This would be fifty. (The recommended age for everyone in Ontario). I plan to somehow get one much sooner.

    I'm 43 and I know several

    I'm 43 and I know several people who have now died at my age.  30 is better. 

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Chelsea71 said:

    I think forty is reasonable.
    I think forty is reasonable. My father and his sister were both diagnosed with crc when they were 60. My doctor told me that I should have a colonoscopy 10 years before the age that they were diagnosed. This would be fifty. (The recommended age for everyone in Ontario). I plan to somehow get one much sooner.

    I'm 43 and I know several

    I'm 43 and I know several people who have now died at my age.  30 is better. 

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member


    I think one day it will be, I hope that day is soon.  My mom died from it at 57, I was all set to have one at 40 when I ended up in the ER diagnosed state III B at 40,  things need to change.


    I'm with you, I say 30!  I'm

    I'm with you, I say 30!  I'm 43 and I have met so many others my age who have this.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member


    I think one day it will be, I hope that day is soon.  My mom died from it at 57, I was all set to have one at 40 when I ended up in the ER diagnosed state III B at 40,  things need to change.


    I'm with you, I say 30!  I'm

    I'm with you, I say 30!  I'm 43 and I have met so many others my age who have this.

  • barbebarb
    barbebarb Member Posts: 464
    Helen321 said:

    I'm with you, I say 30!  I'm

    I'm with you, I say 30!  I'm 43 and I have met so many others my age who have this.

    The answer is
    Yes. Diagnosed at 48
  • fighting_ big_c
    fighting_ big_c Member Posts: 64
    barbebarb said:

    The answer is
    Yes. Diagnosed at 48


    Even when I was told from genetic counselling that my mom's cancer was not a hereditary thing coz she got diagnosed at age 66, I would want to get colonoscopy too. I am thinkingof having one ina few months. Mom's surgical oncologist advised us to to be on the safe side. I also wish that everytime a person gets a blood test, tumor markers should be cited too on the results. Any possible diagnostic procedure should be made available.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member


    Even when I was told from genetic counselling that my mom's cancer was not a hereditary thing coz she got diagnosed at age 66, I would want to get colonoscopy too. I am thinkingof having one ina few months. Mom's surgical oncologist advised us to to be on the safe side. I also wish that everytime a person gets a blood test, tumor markers should be cited too on the results. Any possible diagnostic procedure should be made available.

    CEA. regular blood check

    I also wish that everytime a person gets a blood test, tumor markers should be cited too on the results

    That's a great ideas

  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member

    I'm 32 and didn't think I would make it to 33 for awhile there...hereditary non polopsis colon doctors all recommend that my children receive colonoscopies at age 20! Every year as they both have a 50% chance of developing it. Hnpcc is a nasty colon cancer and survivors have an 85%chance it will reoccur. Often younger people are misdiagnosed due to age. I was told it was my abdominal infection..hypertension...diverticulitis..on and on. At 26 I was fainting and fatigued, moderate pain,even noticed a little blood but no one would do the test or even suspected colon cancer. By 32 when it was found..constant severe pain..colon completely blocked/ripped apart..permanent ostomy and most of intestines gone large and small..lots of problems. Anyway I do feel that things could have gone much better had Ibbeen tested when symptoms first appeared. Through research Iddiscovered I had EVERY symptom of colon cancer!! It wasn't one or two doctors that didn't do the test...but multiple doctors who all decided I was too young for colon cancer. Sorry about misspellings..typed on phone...

    Peace to all..Carrie