seeking opinions

amyb15 Member Posts: 109 Member
edited May 2013 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hi everyone:  Most of you wont remember me but a few will. My sister Brenda 3_16 had stage 4 colon cancer.   diagnoded 3/2009. passed away. 1/2011.  We were both on the web site a lot during her illness. (she was 43)

  Here is the question/concern/ 

When she was diagnosed, the Dr's advised me to have a colonoscopy, which I did.  It revealed  4 cancerous polyps , one which was large.   They were removed sucessfully during colonoscopy.  I had bllodwork and scans which all came back normal (2009) .  I went for another colonoscopy last month and they fould one small and one medium sized polyp (their words).  The polyps were sucesfully removed during colonoscopy and I received a letter in the mail with the results:  Cancerous.  What concerns me is the letter stated to resume all normal activity and repeat colonoscopy on one year.  I am concerned that they didn't order blood work or scans.  Do you think this is normal, or should I ask them to send me for bloodwork/scan or should I get a second opinion?  I just want to be proactive in this.

My neice (now 17) is lving with me.   Her father is an alcoholic and couldnt/wouldnt stop drinking.  My husband and I now have legal custody of her/  I am raising her along with my 2 daughters ages 13 and 9,  She developed an eating disorder last spring and went to inpatient treatment in Philadelpha for 40 days in Sept-Oct 2012.    She had/has an excercise addiction.  She seems to be doing well now.  She is ranked number 1 in her class of 260.  She is in 11th grade.  She wants to be an oncologist.  But is is day to day with her and this disease. 

Anyway, just wondering what you all thnk I should do about colonoscopy results?  I have sadly noticed many of my friends are no longe on these boards.   Does anyone have an update on Craig (Sundanceh)?


Love you all



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Update, thanks for the update and  glad that you are following doctor's orders regarding your scopes.  I'd get a second opinion just because it will put your mind at ease too.  It's always recommended especially when a situation like this is involved.  Sorry to hear of your niece and it sounds like she is in good care with you taking her to live with you.  Rest assured Craig is doing fine and he will probably chime in on your post.  Let us know what you decide and glad you caught it early.


  • renw
    renw Member Posts: 282 Member
    A large cancerous polyp,

    A large cancerous polyp, family history and no scan or regular blood work? I fired some of my doctors for less. I'd get at least an mri, if not a fully body PET.

    I would insist on genetic testing as well for things like familial polyposis etc., as that may impact your kids also.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Definately have a chest

    Definately have a chest abdomin pelvis CT scan.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Amy

    I am glad to hear from you, but sorry it has to be under these circumstances. 

    Definately find another doctor, in a different group.  With the family history and yoiur own, additional testing should be done when the polyps found are cancerous.  I also question how you were given the information...a letter?  Certainly you deserved to have a face to face with the doctor to discuss this.  Please don't delay in finding a more proactive doctor.

    Yes, Craig is still with us.  If you do a search on his name you will find many fine posts from him.  He has had a tough last year with family issues, but is in his longest remission yet.  I am sure he will respond to your post.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how things go with a new doc.

    Hugs and love,

    Marie who loves kitties

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    I Could Never Forget You, Amy-B:)

    There was this DJ on the radio a few years back...and she would come on the air and proudly proclaim...

    It's Me - It's Me - It's Amy-B....

    It's nice to see you again!  Thanks so much for asking about me.  Yes, alot of our friends from 2009 have gone on, I still miss many of them too.  It was a wonderful chapter in the board's history. 

    And yes, as the other folks have said, I am doing fine and still 3rd cancer fight was a tough one, but made it through and currently in the eye of the longest remissive streak (24 mos) that I've been in the whole time.  Next month in June will make 9-years, Amy:) 

    Good advice all the way around on your question!  Given your family history, you should get their attention and get on their radar...

    Doctor's office didn't handle things too delicately, did they?  Normally, they would call you in to the office if there were bad news, but you can't take anything for granted.  Pre-cancerous versus cancerous sure sound different.

    So, having some initial tests can only give you a sense of control, one way or the other.  But, I agree with everyone else, on be pro-active and eliminate the concern.

    We don't want you to have to go through this...

    Your photo of you and Brenda sure brought back some the late 80's, Canon and Andre Agassi said..."Image is Everything."

    Drop back in and let us know what happened:)

    P.S.  I'm honored that I still haunt your thoughts, LOL!  But, seriously, I am touched.


  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Hi Amy:

    Of course I remember you!! I'm so sorry you have to seek some advise from this board.  I have one question, are the new polyps in the same area as the ones removed a year ago?  Since you have been through all the colorectal cancer stuff with your sister you are not new at the game.  The doctor said he removed them, well that sounds good, but they were cancerous so that brings up some big doubts to me.  If they are in the same area, are they getting all the cancerous tissue out?  We all know colon cancer can take several years to develop and also know it can move around pretty fast.  Based upon that, if these new polyps are in the same general area, should you seek the advise of a colorectal surgeon?  Have that part of the colon removed so there is no doubt.  I know that sounds drastic and I don't mean to scare you but please my dear, give it some thought.  You must be absolutely sure nothing is left behind.  It is my hope that everything was removed and you are good to go for another year.  Did I mention how much I hate colorectal cancer -

    Love and hugs and fondness - Tina

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    geotina said:

    Hi Amy:

    Of course I remember you!! I'm so sorry you have to seek some advise from this board.  I have one question, are the new polyps in the same area as the ones removed a year ago?  Since you have been through all the colorectal cancer stuff with your sister you are not new at the game.  The doctor said he removed them, well that sounds good, but they were cancerous so that brings up some big doubts to me.  If they are in the same area, are they getting all the cancerous tissue out?  We all know colon cancer can take several years to develop and also know it can move around pretty fast.  Based upon that, if these new polyps are in the same general area, should you seek the advise of a colorectal surgeon?  Have that part of the colon removed so there is no doubt.  I know that sounds drastic and I don't mean to scare you but please my dear, give it some thought.  You must be absolutely sure nothing is left behind.  It is my hope that everything was removed and you are good to go for another year.  Did I mention how much I hate colorectal cancer -

    Love and hugs and fondness - Tina

    Not at all

     Have that part of the colon removed so there is no doubt.  I know that sounds drastic 

    Not drastic at all.

    Your post is very good advice.