8 week post tx CT scan

I had my 8 week post treatment CT scan last monday. The results were not as good as we had hoped. Although the scan showed NED in my head and neck, it also showed 4 nodules in the upper lobe of my right lung. All four are less then a centimeter in size. I have not spoken to my doctor about this yet as the news was delivered by my rad onc's nurse. I am still waiting for an appointment with the med onc to discuss this. I am scheduled for a PET on July 1. That seems like a long way off! Other than this, things are going fairly well. My saliva has started to return (about 25%) taste as started to return (again about 25 - 30%) however goes away quickly after I try to eat something. My greatest obstical seems to be my lack of energy. I wear out very quickly and my entire body will ache until I take my pain med (hydro codone). I trully pray you all are doing well in the stage of treatment and recovery you are in!


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Hi Papa ....On one of my

    Hi Papa ....

    On one of my head / neck scans 8 MONTHS out of treatment they saw some granulate glass appearance in my upper left lung, so they did a full CT of the chest and saw 3 nodules....onc said  the next scan would be 2 months out to see if they grow bc watching the lung nodes grow (if they are going to grow) is like watching your kids grow ...so 2 LOOOONG months later...turns out on that scan two has dissapeared and the other had shrunk....so they determined it was infection. 

    They did prescribe me Levitan (sp) which is a strong anti-biotic...did they prescribe you someting?  I was not running a fever nor felt bad when the scan that found the granulated glass and nodes was done. 

    I'm sorry you have to wait so long, that waiting stuff is enough to drive you nuts!

    Whispered a prayer your health is great and no bad news my friend.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    scan time


    I am glad to hear the H&N scan showed NED, but sorry about the other. I am going to take a page out of the book of Tim and hope this is nothing.  As for the taste, saliva and stamina they just take time to get better.

    Hoping for the best,


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Congrats on the NED

    I'd wait to see what your MD says concerning the lung issues..., hopefully it's nothing to deal with.



  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    Tired - Yep

    After treatment stopped it took me several months to get any engery and then about in the 4th month after treatment enegery started to retrun, oof and on.  Some times a nap, a long nap, just had to happen.  In my 5th month, about where I am now engery is back from 70% to 80% depending on the day.

    I have heard of others that had small nodules in lung that turned out to be not much, just old deals or non cancer.  Hope that is exactly the same for you.