Prostate Cancer Success Rates

rodking3 Member Posts: 1

I'm new to CSN and to the diagnosis.  With a Gleason of (5+4) 9 and a Locally Advanced Cancer stage the GP has put me on hormone therapy with a bone scan in 2 weeks.  What are the survival rates for this stage of cancer?  I realise this is like the question "How long is a piece of string?" but at the same time it would be nice to have some realistic times in mind. Any advice would be much appreciated.


  • Mounty
    Mounty Member Posts: 42


    Well, nothing like rocketing into the club with a Gleason 9 (5+4)!

    Your analogy to asking how long is a piece of string is a good one. There are a number of factors beyond Gleason score that go into the equation for calculating survival rate, many of which are specific to your case.  I would put this question to your doctor who can give you a more informed answer.

    What I can tell you (as someone with a  recent similar diagnosis) is that with a diagnosis of locally advanced cancer the odds are pretty darn good you can be cured (which is defined as disease-free survival). This means that your prostate cancer would become irrelevant to the calculation of your odds for survival. But this will require some work - you'll need to learn as much as you can about your condition so that you can make the best decisions about treatment.  If your GP is not a urologist it will be important to sign up with one, and with your diagnosis you should look for a urologist at a major academic cancer center if possible. This forum is one of a number of other good sources of information. Many of us who joined the club earlier and are members of this forum would be happy to help you with questions as you make your way forward.

    Very best wishes


  • yankeefan
    yankeefan Member Posts: 69
    Mounty said:


    Well, nothing like rocketing into the club with a Gleason 9 (5+4)!

    Your analogy to asking how long is a piece of string is a good one. There are a number of factors beyond Gleason score that go into the equation for calculating survival rate, many of which are specific to your case.  I would put this question to your doctor who can give you a more informed answer.

    What I can tell you (as someone with a  recent similar diagnosis) is that with a diagnosis of locally advanced cancer the odds are pretty darn good you can be cured (which is defined as disease-free survival). This means that your prostate cancer would become irrelevant to the calculation of your odds for survival. But this will require some work - you'll need to learn as much as you can about your condition so that you can make the best decisions about treatment.  If your GP is not a urologist it will be important to sign up with one, and with your diagnosis you should look for a urologist at a major academic cancer center if possible. This forum is one of a number of other good sources of information. Many of us who joined the club earlier and are members of this forum would be happy to help you with questions as you make your way forward.

    Very best wishes


    agree with mounty. gp's are fine but you need an urologist

    ask around, use fora like angies list, and find the name of the best urologist you can. At this point you need an expert. GP's just aren't up to speed on all things urologic. I have a good one, but when I told him that my urologist was going to do a pca-3 test he had no clue.....

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,343 Member
    Dear Rod,

    I am sorry for your diagnosis. There is no expiration date given with a diagnosis. In fact, I suggest that you be positive and think of the best way to treat,.....focus on the bagel not the hole. Many of us here are focusing on the present, not the past or future....being positive, and concentrating on doing positive things in the moment.

    I don't know if you have read other posts at this forum. Here is one that Monty (Bill) posted that is important for you to read

    We can make relevant comments to you if you post more about your case(basically read the Monty post so you will know what to post. number of cores, percent involvement , diagnostic tests done, etc.

    I agree with the other posters; unless the GP that you are seeing has experience and qualities that we are not aware of this person is not qualified to treat. In fact in my case, I know a lot more about PCa than my internist who I respect a lot, and value his expertise in caring for me.

  • Lloyd12
    Lloyd12 Member Posts: 1
    Hi there, just a little info.

    Hi there, just a little info. I was diagnosed 11 years ago. I had 1 injection to reduce testosterone growth. My cancer was in all quadrants of the prostate but was contained within it. I consulted 3 Urologist and 2 radiologists before deciding on Brankey Thereapy and External radiation. All sounds a lot worst than it was. Tests worst than treatments.

    My PSA today is .02  No signs of reoccurence. I'm an active 75 years old. Still run my business, play golf 3 time a week and bowl once a week.

    There have been downsides. Scar tissue blocks the urine flow and i've had to have a procedure to open the path. Caused some temporay incontinace. Life is good but my ED set in shortly after the treatment was over.  I was advised not to increase testosterone as it is said to make the cancer grow. The little pills worked for 1 or 2 years, but no longer. Bummer!! 

    Miss the sex but still on top of the ground and kicking.   GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!

  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member

    Hi Rod,

    Welcome to the PCa forum.  These links may be helpful in addressing your question:


    Good luck as you go forward.

    mrs pjd


  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member

          Survival rates I will leave to the more informed on the forum. What I would like to add for your edification is that you need to do thorough research as to the best treatment modality for your particular situation. Then when that is decided and performed you need to follow up by researching everything you can/will do to help yourself.

          By that I mean, do you need a combined surgical/radiation/hormone approach? How far are you willing to go with diet to supplement your CA fight? Same with supplements and exercise? Instead of arguing these modalities you need to research them thoroughly and make informed decisions for yourself.

          My personal example is having been a Gleason 4+4, over the course of 15 months I went through daVinci surgery, AUS surgery, lupron treatment for two years, and radiation therapy (38 visits). In addition I exercise for at least 45 minutes a day, and have a diet with NO red meat, NO dairy, and as little sugar as possible. I survive quite well with substitutes (Daiya cheeses, etc.). I have also chosen to be on massive Vit. D doses (10000 mg. daily).

          As a result I just passed my 4 year diagnosis date on May 6, I have been off lupron for 17 months and my ultrasensitive PSA is undetectable.

         Now all this may be luck. None may be due to diet, or exercise, or vit. D, but you have to study and you have to choose. I happen to be somewhat of a control freak, and I need to be doing things to help my situation. Thank God, so far all is working.

         Message is, whatever you do, be informed first. Make and informed choice and I doubt you will even regret it. Best of everything.

  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member
    ob66 said:


          Survival rates I will leave to the more informed on the forum. What I would like to add for your edification is that you need to do thorough research as to the best treatment modality for your particular situation. Then when that is decided and performed you need to follow up by researching everything you can/will do to help yourself.

          By that I mean, do you need a combined surgical/radiation/hormone approach? How far are you willing to go with diet to supplement your CA fight? Same with supplements and exercise? Instead of arguing these modalities you need to research them thoroughly and make informed decisions for yourself.

          My personal example is having been a Gleason 4+4, over the course of 15 months I went through daVinci surgery, AUS surgery, lupron treatment for two years, and radiation therapy (38 visits). In addition I exercise for at least 45 minutes a day, and have a diet with NO red meat, NO dairy, and as little sugar as possible. I survive quite well with substitutes (Daiya cheeses, etc.). I have also chosen to be on massive Vit. D doses (10000 mg. daily).

          As a result I just passed my 4 year diagnosis date on May 6, I have been off lupron for 17 months and my ultrasensitive PSA is undetectable.

         Now all this may be luck. None may be due to diet, or exercise, or vit. D, but you have to study and you have to choose. I happen to be somewhat of a control freak, and I need to be doing things to help my situation. Thank God, so far all is working.

         Message is, whatever you do, be informed first. Make and informed choice and I doubt you will even regret it. Best of everything.

    Great news


    I was very happy to read of your progress and undetectable PSA score!  I hope your good health continues unabated.



  • Rakendra
    Rakendra Member Posts: 197 Member
    Kongo said:

    Great news


    I was very happy to read of your progress and undetectable PSA score!  I hope your good health continues unabated.




    I think that trying to predtict individual survivability rates is not possible.  Every case is different, and any case can change in a heartbeat.  Certainly, you can find the "norm" but whether or not this applies to you is up for grabs.  Lifestyle habits, diet, mental atitude and lot of others have a great impact on survival, and, even if you take the high road doing all the most favorable things, still there is no guarantee of what will happen.  Probably all of us who first start this path look to see how much time is left.  And perhaps most find out that this is a very fruitless task.  The advice to live in the moment and not think about the past or future is the best advice.  An old Buddhist saying is, "The past is a nightmare, the future does not exist for anyone.  The only thing you have is the present moment.  The here and now of what is.  Celebrate every moment regardless of whether it is what you want to receive." And this will bring you peace.  love, Rakendra

  • ob66
    ob66 Member Posts: 227 Member
    Kongo said:

    Great news


    I was very happy to read of your progress and undetectable PSA score!  I hope your good health continues unabated.



    Thank you, you helpful

    Thank you, you helpful monkey....Your efforts on this board are unbelievable.....I am here irregularly, but you are definitely a good one...Maybe someday a lunch somewhere in the north SD, OC area.....Would really enjoy same....Bob

  • moonlitnight
    moonlitnight Member Posts: 58

    My DH and I feel that even thinking of not surviving can impact genetic expression enough to shorten outcome. At one point, this line of thought would have been considered woo-woo but the evidence is mounting in the science of epigenetics. We both feel that not focusing on the disease, but on the wellness, is the route to go. By all means keep abreast of new modalities and protocols but live your life with a disease-free mindset. Eat healthily and enjoy all that there is to be enjoyed. Remember that more PCa patients die from heart disease than their PCa. (My DH was overweight and on a statin and antihypertensive when diagnosed with metastatic PCa in Feb. He went on a healthy diet, which is now his lifestyle, and his doctor has told him to get off all heart meds as he no longer needs them.)  We have a friend who was diagnosed with widespread mets 13 years ago. Now, he has no trace of the cancer. The docs call it spontaneous remission because they have no clue that combining drugs and natural therapies can produce such results. Usually, they don't want to know. Also, make sure you have a fabulous team. We fired the first oncologist - one of the "world's top" as we thought him to be an arrogant (equine rear-end). The oncologist we now have is amazing. He said, "I believe in you" to my husband and is a progressive go getter who recommends that "you do your job" (with natural foods, supplements and attitude) and "I will do mine" with drug therapies. We love him.  My husband is the healthiest he has ever been and very happy. He doesn't worry about the cancer at all. This may sound ridiculous to some people but when we fear or hate something, we create a poor environment for healthy genetic expression. Instead, we embrace it, ask it to leave, and move on.

    Aside from this, the drug therapies are getting better and better... and to predict "time left" is virtually impossible - as it is about life in general. That #13 bus could run you over tomorrow, as could a heart attack or stroke. At the rate research is progressing in the PCa field, a cure could come along at any time. At the moment, we are holding the disease off for many years. Having said this, some people do die from the disease, even those with the best attitudes, but taking this stance will possibly hold off any marked deterioration until even more effective drugs are created.