colonoscopy Monday. Scared

kristen3 Member Posts: 1

I have a colonoscopy scheduled for Monday. I am absolutely terrified of what they will find. I have IBS, and have been bleeding on and off for years, which I attributed to hems, since I have several that cause me considerable pain at times. The other day I went to the bathroom after three bouts of diarrhea out of nowhere and discovered more blood than usual. I went to the ER, and since I have extreme heath anxiety I think they were more concerned with my mental state than my physical. The doctor did a digital rectal exam and said he felt numerous hems. I went home and tried to relax and started googling things and got myself even more worked up. I ended up in the ER again and they had to sedate me. when I was there there I had another bout with diarrhea and quite a bit of blood. They did a CBC and the doctor said all my bloodwork came back really good. So today I went to a GI doctor. When I told him I was on Clindamycin for dental work he said that changes the equation since clindamycin can cause colitis. He scheduled me Monday for a colonoscopy. He asked me if anybody in my family had a history of colon cancer, Crohn's or ulcers. My grandfather had colon cancer, and my mother had several ulcers. He said the chance it is cancer is slim but possible, of course. He told me he really wasn't worried. Then he went on to tell me how his 22 son had colon cancer, which really sent me on a spin. I am 37 and have 2 beautiful daughters and a woderful husband to live for. I am so scared I can't even look at my kids without wanting to cry. I have been to two differnet conselors for crisis counseling in the past two days. I feel like if it is cancer, I will not be able to cope.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I know this is a very hard time for you, but you have to do something to help you destress, as that you hwill help no end with the colonoscopy. 

    Soothing music really helped me. 

    I too have boys, and I know that keeping my chin up helped them with their own fears about my diagnosis. 

    As for the colonoscopy, the procedure is a breeze, the prep not so much fun. 

    You don't know what they will find, so try to tell yourself that all will be well.

    We are here for you, so be sure and let us know what happens. You may indeed be cancer free, so we expecto only one more post from you. If that not going to be the case, then you have found a good forum that will help you in every way.  

    Don't go to much into the internet. It will just add to your stress.




  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Trubrit said:


    I know this is a very hard time for you, but you have to do something to help you destress, as that you hwill help no end with the colonoscopy. 

    Soothing music really helped me. 

    I too have boys, and I know that keeping my chin up helped them with their own fears about my diagnosis. 

    As for the colonoscopy, the procedure is a breeze, the prep not so much fun. 

    You don't know what they will find, so try to tell yourself that all will be well.

    We are here for you, so be sure and let us know what happens. You may indeed be cancer free, so we expecto only one more post from you. If that not going to be the case, then you have found a good forum that will help you in every way.  

    Don't go to much into the internet. It will just add to your stress.




    I feel for you

    I know it's scary but the love you have in your life will kick your fear's a$$! Pun intended : ) This is a good place for support. I used 'suprep' for my colonoscopy prep. It was 40.00 over my plan but totally worth it. 3 16 oz glasses in the evening (2 are just water) and 3 the day of- super easy!! And use flushable baby wipes. Hope this helps, sending good vibes your way : )

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    It's a good thing that you are having this done, especially with your history and better to be on top of things than let them get worse.  It's best to know exactly what is causing so much bleeding.  There are many reasons why one can bleed, but it's best to get the scope and finally see what is going on.  The unknown is always fearful.  Wishing you the best on Monday and let us know how it goes.
