Checking In

Hey All,

Just checking in to see how everyone is doing...I have been M.I.A., working on a top secret mission as Jim put

Just had my 2nd Chemo on thursday and am still feeling great <----BLESSED!!

I hope this finds you all feeling well both physically and emotionally, I have learned that this ugly lil disease can strike us when we aren't looking or prepared.

I am praying for everyone on here, even if you are silently stalking the page...Wink...This is a great group of caring and compassionate people to be surrounded by, please speak up!!

I took the plunge and decided to take FMLA from work and enjoy the summer with my 8 year old son and make the most of this opportunity to spend time with friends and family.

I must share that while at my last chemo treatment, I was slightly disheartened. My family doctor of my entire life, the man that brought me into this world, was in there getting treatments also... I was a lil nervous to go say hi, but heck I was stoned on Ativan, so anything goes....I went and asked him "what are you in for?" He smiled and said his liver. He looked so dissheveled and unaware of his surroundings, my heart weeped for him. I cannot help but feel guilty that I am so blessed to be taking the treatments so well, while others are suffering..What can I do???


"I learned to smile not because something good happened to me, but because something worse didn't" <---That's Mine!!!




  • MChantal
    MChantal Member Posts: 107

    Carie, I am so happy for you that your treatments are going so well. I pray that they continue to progress this way into bigger and better things to come. I wrote on another post to you about your profile picture. I completely adore it! You look gorgeous and ready to rummmmble! Haha.

    Keep the positivity, you are such an inspiration.

    Many hugs,


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    MChantal said:


    Carie, I am so happy for you that your treatments are going so well. I pray that they continue to progress this way into bigger and better things to come. I wrote on another post to you about your profile picture. I completely adore it! You look gorgeous and ready to rummmmble! Haha.

    Keep the positivity, you are such an inspiration.

    Many hugs,


    Hi Carie,

         I'm so relieved to hear from you and see a picture again.  I have really worried about you.  I know I should have posted something but I kept thinking that you needed some time.  Seeing your doctor must have been difficult.  Many times it is something like that that gives a deeper reality check.  We know you will be up to your crazy self soon but just take your time, enjoy your son and know we all care as always. We're just glad you are okay.  Hang in there, Becky


    Thinking of you too Michelle and Kyle, I have been planning on writing so will do that soon.

  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232
    MChantal said:


    Carie, I am so happy for you that your treatments are going so well. I pray that they continue to progress this way into bigger and better things to come. I wrote on another post to you about your profile picture. I completely adore it! You look gorgeous and ready to rummmmble! Haha.

    Keep the positivity, you are such an inspiration.

    Many hugs,


    Thinking of you both


    Thank you so much...YOUR PROFILE PICTURE IS AMAZING, YOU TWO ARE GORGEOUS...I can see the happiness in both of your faces!!Smile

    I am so happy to read that you have found a outlet to get out your fears and bad feelings, writing is the best way to let it all go and reflect later. You may not feel now that you will ever want to read that again, but trust me one day you will. I am praying for strength for you both as you endure this journey together. Do not let your faith falter, Kyle will overcome this!!! In our darkest times, we must find something to light the way <---your LOVE for each other will carry you through this and bring you closer than you ever thought possible.

    You will be amazed what love and good thoughts can do to heal a body, it's miraculous. I can no longer feel the lymph nodes in my neck after only my 2nd chemo, give it time to work. Without the love and support from those I have chosen to surround myself with, I might have gotten depressed and given up. I am a FIGHTER and will fight this fight a million times if I have to.



  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232
    illead said:

    Hi Carie,

         I'm so relieved to hear from you and see a picture again.  I have really worried about you.  I know I should have posted something but I kept thinking that you needed some time.  Seeing your doctor must have been difficult.  Many times it is something like that that gives a deeper reality check.  We know you will be up to your crazy self soon but just take your time, enjoy your son and know we all care as always. We're just glad you are okay.  Hang in there, Becky


    Thinking of you too Michelle and Kyle, I have been planning on writing so will do that soon.

    No Worries


    First and foremost I would like to thank you for being a caregiver and an inspiration to us all on here...You are truly amazing!!  Your kind thoughts and words can bring such relief to those who feel lost and hopeless.

    I do not technically have a garegiver, my little sister goes with me to my treatments and checks in on me, but I told her that I had to stand up and fight this alone as much as possible. I cannot imagine how hard it is to keep being positive and hopeful for those you love when you yourself feel helpless, you are a strong woman and I truly mean that. I constantly read on here and am amazed at you and Michelle and the other caregivers that stand so strong.

    My crazy little self is still hard at work to entertain those around me with my silly quirks....I am just laying low, due to the rainy gloomy weatherWink.

    I did get quite a few reality checks last week, seeing my Doctor was kinda the defining one. It made me realize that nobody is exempt from getting Cancer. I knew in my heart that statement was true, but seeing a care provider going through exactly what I was going through made it all seem so real. Actually worse, since I know that liver cancer is very aggressive and tough to treat.

    I definitely can feel my life path constantly changing and leading me toward something new, but have no fear there will be shennanigan's on that path tooLaughing



  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    Good to See You

    Yes, Carie, you have been MIA. I am so happy you have made it through your second chemo with flying colors. (Looks like you still have plenty of hair).  FMLA sounds like a smart idea, so you can use that energy you were spending at work to heal and recover, and have enough left over to spend quality time with your son--he'll be grown before you know it. 

    I know seeing your doctor so ill was tough. Our doctors are not supposed to be sick. It seems like one of those "rules". Like your 1st grade teacher not actually having a husband and family.  Don't feel guilty, though. Your doctor, as sick as he is, would still want your treatments to be as painless as possible. All you can do is let him know you care, and pray for him.

    I hope you completed your secret mission. Keep smiling,



  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member

    Thinking of you both


    Thank you so much...YOUR PROFILE PICTURE IS AMAZING, YOU TWO ARE GORGEOUS...I can see the happiness in both of your faces!!Smile

    I am so happy to read that you have found a outlet to get out your fears and bad feelings, writing is the best way to let it all go and reflect later. You may not feel now that you will ever want to read that again, but trust me one day you will. I am praying for strength for you both as you endure this journey together. Do not let your faith falter, Kyle will overcome this!!! In our darkest times, we must find something to light the way <---your LOVE for each other will carry you through this and bring you closer than you ever thought possible.

    You will be amazed what love and good thoughts can do to heal a body, it's miraculous. I can no longer feel the lymph nodes in my neck after only my 2nd chemo, give it time to work. Without the love and support from those I have chosen to surround myself with, I might have gotten depressed and given up. I am a FIGHTER and will fight this fight a million times if I have to.



    Ha Ha Ha !!!


      I am more or less a reader and observer anymore. Some of my comments concerning this messed up and corrupt American/Socialist political leaders are not appreciated by a few of the members.  Thats fine,too. They can sit back and watch the country fall under this corrupt and failed administration. Anyway, you are so upbeat when you post I just wanted to say I get a real kick out your outlook on things. It is appreciated.  John


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member

    Thinking of you both


    Thank you so much...YOUR PROFILE PICTURE IS AMAZING, YOU TWO ARE GORGEOUS...I can see the happiness in both of your faces!!Smile

    I am so happy to read that you have found a outlet to get out your fears and bad feelings, writing is the best way to let it all go and reflect later. You may not feel now that you will ever want to read that again, but trust me one day you will. I am praying for strength for you both as you endure this journey together. Do not let your faith falter, Kyle will overcome this!!! In our darkest times, we must find something to light the way <---your LOVE for each other will carry you through this and bring you closer than you ever thought possible.

    You will be amazed what love and good thoughts can do to heal a body, it's miraculous. I can no longer feel the lymph nodes in my neck after only my 2nd chemo, give it time to work. Without the love and support from those I have chosen to surround myself with, I might have gotten depressed and given up. I am a FIGHTER and will fight this fight a million times if I have to.



    Flag Freaks

    Don't know what is going on , but post from this morning was flagged and I did not even say anything about ....Whatever !!!! John

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Rocquie said:

    Good to See You

    Yes, Carie, you have been MIA. I am so happy you have made it through your second chemo with flying colors. (Looks like you still have plenty of hair).  FMLA sounds like a smart idea, so you can use that energy you were spending at work to heal and recover, and have enough left over to spend quality time with your son--he'll be grown before you know it. 

    I know seeing your doctor so ill was tough. Our doctors are not supposed to be sick. It seems like one of those "rules". Like your 1st grade teacher not actually having a husband and family.  Don't feel guilty, though. Your doctor, as sick as he is, would still want your treatments to be as painless as possible. All you can do is let him know you care, and pray for him.

    I hope you completed your secret mission. Keep smiling,



    Thanks Carie

    I appreciate your kind thoughts, it means a lot.  I'm so glad that you have been more reflective it seems than depressed.  Does this mean that we need to get prepared for your next wild tale?Laughing Becky 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Thinking of you both


    Thank you so much...YOUR PROFILE PICTURE IS AMAZING, YOU TWO ARE GORGEOUS...I can see the happiness in both of your faces!!Smile

    I am so happy to read that you have found a outlet to get out your fears and bad feelings, writing is the best way to let it all go and reflect later. You may not feel now that you will ever want to read that again, but trust me one day you will. I am praying for strength for you both as you endure this journey together. Do not let your faith falter, Kyle will overcome this!!! In our darkest times, we must find something to light the way <---your LOVE for each other will carry you through this and bring you closer than you ever thought possible.

    You will be amazed what love and good thoughts can do to heal a body, it's miraculous. I can no longer feel the lymph nodes in my neck after only my 2nd chemo, give it time to work. Without the love and support from those I have chosen to surround myself with, I might have gotten depressed and given up. I am a FIGHTER and will fight this fight a million times if I have to.





    Are those gloves, or are your hands wrapped up in cotton candy ?


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Hi Carrie,

      I'm so sorry about your family doctor having liver cancer. I've been seeing my PCP for 30 years and would be devastated if he was in that position....well, it's devastating for anyone for that matter, but as someone else said...our doctors just arn't suppose to get sick. We forget that they are human too. I'm happy you took family leave and will be home for the summer. You will feel much better by giving your body a chance to rest throughout treatments, and we really can't afford for you to be falling asleep in boxes in the warehouse anymore! ha! You will be safer at home....I think Smile. I still laugh when I think about that. My hubby retires from work this week and tomorrow is his last day. We are both pretty excited now to start this new chapter in our life!  We are looking at some property down on the river and working on plans to build our home in the woods. Sooooo exciting! take care sweetie and keep up the fantastic attitude! Much love...Sue


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    You don't fool me :)

    Oh admit it Carie, you packaged yourself up in a box and shipped yourself to Hawaii didn't you" Wink

    Sorry to hear about your doctor.  Loved your quote too!
