Hysterectomy after 2 years in remission? Cervical cancer


Hi everyone. Never posted on here before.

i was diagnosed with 1a1 in 2010 at age if 25, following my first routine smear. had lletz but didn't have clear margins so then had a cone biopsy. Been in remission for 2 and a half years now. Amazingly had another baby after disagnosed, have 2 girls now.

was due to be sterilised last week but sme new information came to light, my oncologist has offered me a hysterectomy, if I don't want anymore children he staid he will do it to but my mind at rest that the cancer won't come back. 

I have recently started counselling because I have never dealt with the cancer and the issues around it, I'm really struggling with it and I'm so scared its going to come back. That's not me either, I'm such a positive happy person but not with this. I think if I have a hysterectomy theme I would feel a lot more at ease but I know even without a cervix it could return. 

Thing is I'm due to start my midwifery training so I would have to defer and due it next year if I was to have the hysterectomy. I'm a nurse so i am well aware that a hysterectomy is major surgery, I have had 2 c-sections so would have to have an abdominal hysterectomy. 

Any thoughts/ advise would be greatly appreciated 

sarah xxx