Any type of leukemia at time of diagnosis, pls help

DadysGirl Member Posts: 346

Hi at the time of diagnosis of anytype of leukemia what were your blood values WBC neutrophils platelets etc or any other values that were red flag?

Thank you and wishing everyone here remission and eventually cure..


  • Jlamomof2
    Jlamomof2 Member Posts: 13
    AML, m6
    Platelets 140, WBC

    AML, m6


    Platelets 140, WBC 2.2 ish ( had SO much bloodwork since, can't exactly remember!), RBC also the 3s.


    I do have the paperwork if u need more specifics.  Hope that helps!

  • DevonLea
    DevonLea Member Posts: 22
    blood counts

    Mine were through the roof  at diagosis. WBC: 12.6 RBC: 2.2 HGB:7.4 HCT:21.4 MCH:33 RDW:16.6 PLA:8 ANC: .05