Pain and Suffering - My Talk in Church

FunGuy Member Posts: 20

I haven't logged on to the EC survivors board in a long time but was reminded of you guys today as I have my 8th month follow-up with my surgeon. It's been 4 1/2 years since my partial esophegectomy. I'm still doing fine and recently finalized my implants and bottom dentures about a month ago. Now we work on the top row next which I'm not looking forward to. Here's a link to my story on my homepage:

I also spoke in church on Palm Sunday about pain and suffering. It was more of a question and answer with our senior pastor in front of the congregation. Here is a direct link to the audio of the service and sermon. I come up around the 21:00 mark. If you need some encouragement I would suggest listening to the entire sermon -- our pastor is new and he's fantastic. I don't pretend to have all the answers and I'm extrememly honest in front of the church. I've received positive feedback from those who heard me. Anyway, enjoy!
