Leukemia ARNG

Almost 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Leukemia. I went through chemo, and had a BMT about 2 years ago. It was the worst and the most enlightening thing I went through. I can't say it was easy whatsoever, but I can't complain. I'm alive. I just feel physically I'm not the same. More importantly I'm not the same mentally. I never complained once when I went through it all but now it's all hit me. I have pains, feel restless and can't function at times. I have no clue what it is. I feel I may not be be fit for duty.  I just don't know anymore and don't know what to do or say. I've never been one to complain or wanted a pity party. I just don't think I'm capable and don't know how to tell anyone in my unit. It's depressing and just downright saddening as a soldier. If you have advice for me, please feel free to respond.