If You Hear Maniacal Laughter From The Southwest

wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

That will be me.

As hubby grew progressively weaker last night, I had to call our son to come back & get him from the chair to the commode. His whole body was becoming more & more swollen. I had noticed a dramatic physical change when I picked him up from the hospital, but this was getting worse. So, I made the decision to put him in the Phoenix hospital where his cardio practices. I have seen him swell up before, but not like this, all over. I called our second cab of the day and we managed to semi-dress him, and get him transported. Sure enough, he is in CHF, & his heart can't pump off the fluids. The normal procedure to correct this is IV Lasix. He had been completely off oral Lasix for a week when hospitalied due to dehydration initially. I had asked the doc about restarting it, but when  he did, it was only a quarter of his normal dose. Thus, the slow buildup of fluid over the second week. I had given him a regular dose yesterday evening, but oral med is not as effective when your system is too overloaded. Had I not been so sick & been around him for the last four days, I would have recognized this.

I stayed with him until 5 AM, then called another cab to bring me back home. What with all the medical deliveries last night, my house looks like it's been burglarized and all the unwanted stuff thrown back. I've got the infusion nurse & the Healing At Home rep on hold & the $5,000 antibiotics refrigerated.

In the meantime, I'll try to organize this mess I'm fumbling around in, take a shower, and head back to the hospital.

What's a Mother to do? I know, not funny.




  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    So sorry

    This is too much for such nice folks! Why would anyone want to add to your troubles. I pray your husband gets better soon so you can rest. I can relate to the  swelling, I'm going through that right now too. It's always something, get well soon. Jeff

  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi Wolfen
    I've come to the

    Hi Wolfen

    I've come to the conclusion that Hell is right here, on earth. Stay strong. Thinking of both you and your hubby.

  • RobinKaye
    RobinKaye Member Posts: 93
    Find the humor for just a minute

    I don't have it like you but have been there when everything seems to be just falling apart, nothing is going right and 

    I'm up to my elbows in stuff I don't know what to do with.  More than once I have just broken out laughing - usually while 

    venting to my mom.  It feels great...one of those big laughs that you can't make stop.  I know none of what you (or me for that matter)

    are going through is funny, but nonetheless a full on laugh attack can be good for the soul...helps pick you up and keep you going.



  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    I share your pain, dearest!

    My beau and I have entered a new phase in the congestive heart condition.  My beau's belly is filling, after the first tap, and so we are discussing another one...sigh...


    Shall you and I go outside, put back our heads, and just scream for 5 mintues????  I'm ready!!!


    BIG hugs, Kathi

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    KathiM said:

    I share your pain, dearest!

    My beau and I have entered a new phase in the congestive heart condition.  My beau's belly is filling, after the first tap, and so we are discussing another one...sigh...


    Shall you and I go outside, put back our heads, and just scream for 5 mintues????  I'm ready!!!


    BIG hugs, Kathi

    I Love You, Kathi

    But, only I could get away with that one. After all, I am the wolf.

    You & your wonderful beau hang in there. I know it's painful to have that done.

    Thinking of you,



  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    Oh, Wolfen...

    I am so sorry to hear all of this. I am trying to catch up here on the board. Your husband has certainly been through the wringer. You must be beside yourself and running on pure adrenalin. Sounds like they might have let your husband out of the hospital too soon... unfortunately, that's so often the case. And the doctors get so caught up in the current problem that they forget about the pre-existing ones and then things get in a real mess.

    I just hate to hear that things are going this way for you and your husband. I hope you can get some time to take care of yourself, to get away from the medical stuff for a bit, relax and take a long bath. I remember being where you are and it's a hard and frustrating time and my heart goes out to you and your family. Your husband is lucky to have you. I know you love him and are glad to do what you are doing but it takes a toll.

    I'm so sorry for your husband that things keep going wrong. I hope things will turn around for him. He must feel very discouraged.

    Hope all of you can hang in there. Would hug you if I could and give you a break.




  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    Just remember you are always

    Just remember you are always in our thoughts and prayers!   If you need help let us know.  (For Real)  We are 90 min away and can be there.


    We hope all gets easier.


    Best ALways,  mike

  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    wolfen said:

    I Love You, Kathi

    But, only I could get away with that one. After all, I am the wolf.

    You & your wonderful beau hang in there. I know it's painful to have that done.

    Thinking of you,



    The Lion Hugs His Wolf:)


  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    thxmiker said:

    Just remember you are always

    Just remember you are always in our thoughts and prayers!   If you need help let us know.  (For Real)  We are 90 min away and can be there.


    We hope all gets easier.


    Best ALways,  mike

    You Guys Are Amazing!

    Thank so much for your prayers, hugs, support, & offers of help. I got a card from JBG for each of us today. I'm heading down to the hospital soon & taking Ron's to him. His cardio was in & told him that he's in almost complete heart failure. Kind of confused here as he's in a cardiac unit, but not hooked up to monitors? At least he wasn't last night.

    We'll just keep truckin' along, Lord willin' & the creek don't rise.



  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member

    Just want you to know I am thinking of you and hoping things turn around for the better soon.

    sending every positive thought your way!

    Hang in there!

    Winter Marie

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    wolfen said:

    You Guys Are Amazing!

    Thank so much for your prayers, hugs, support, & offers of help. I got a card from JBG for each of us today. I'm heading down to the hospital soon & taking Ron's to him. His cardio was in & told him that he's in almost complete heart failure. Kind of confused here as he's in a cardiac unit, but not hooked up to monitors? At least he wasn't last night.

    We'll just keep truckin' along, Lord willin' & the creek don't rise.



    Holding both of you close to my heart,

    and sending hope for strength your way.  So sad that your family has to go through so much.  AA

  • karguy
    karguy Member Posts: 1,020 Member
    I hope

    I hope your husband gets better,the cardio doctor should be able to help him.I will pray for you both.Good luck.

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    karguy said:

    I hope

    I hope your husband gets better,the cardio doctor should be able to help him.I will pray for you both.Good luck.

    Today Will Be A Brighter Day

    Hubby called earlier with encouraging news. He said PT was able to help him take a few steps. They're not quite sure why his legs are like rubber bands. My guess is the swelling as he was able to shuffle a short distance with the walker before it happened.

    Home Health agreed to pick up the never used supplies & that's been done. That's a relief as I was afraid that insurance would do a double take on in home meds & hospital meds for the same time period. The pharmacist said he would void out the invoice as a "no show".

    Didn't sleep well at all. This crazy infection creates terrible night sweats. Will be heading back to hospital in a bit. It is comforting to hubby just having me sitting nearby.

    I was wrong about no heart monitor. At 3 AM, I was a little bleary eyed. He's wearing a portable one.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    wolfen said:

    Today Will Be A Brighter Day

    Hubby called earlier with encouraging news. He said PT was able to help him take a few steps. They're not quite sure why his legs are like rubber bands. My guess is the swelling as he was able to shuffle a short distance with the walker before it happened.

    Home Health agreed to pick up the never used supplies & that's been done. That's a relief as I was afraid that insurance would do a double take on in home meds & hospital meds for the same time period. The pharmacist said he would void out the invoice as a "no show".

    Didn't sleep well at all. This crazy infection creates terrible night sweats. Will be heading back to hospital in a bit. It is comforting to hubby just having me sitting nearby.

    I was wrong about no heart monitor. At 3 AM, I was a little bleary eyed. He's wearing a portable one.




    My word! What a ride you are all on.  I am so sorry that your darling husband is suffereing so much.  

    I wish there were a magic wand I could wave. I'd wave it VERY hard for you and your loved ones. 

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    wolfen said:

    Today Will Be A Brighter Day

    Hubby called earlier with encouraging news. He said PT was able to help him take a few steps. They're not quite sure why his legs are like rubber bands. My guess is the swelling as he was able to shuffle a short distance with the walker before it happened.

    Home Health agreed to pick up the never used supplies & that's been done. That's a relief as I was afraid that insurance would do a double take on in home meds & hospital meds for the same time period. The pharmacist said he would void out the invoice as a "no show".

    Didn't sleep well at all. This crazy infection creates terrible night sweats. Will be heading back to hospital in a bit. It is comforting to hubby just having me sitting nearby.

    I was wrong about no heart monitor. At 3 AM, I was a little bleary eyed. He's wearing a portable one.



    I am putting my arms around you....hugging you HARD!!!!

    I have slept so many nights in hospitals...and only 9 of those nights were mine!!!  My beau will get fussy and give the nurses heck...so I'm always there as the buffer...the expression "Doctors make the worst patients" sure is true!!!!

    One funny...in the midst of the terrible time he was tied to the bed and sedated....(Yes, you WILL laugh, I promise...or at least shake your head...*smile*)  I got VERY vocal as to my frustration with his urologist, when he would not remove the catheter....and my beau was sooooo uncomfortable...I let off some steam with his daughter outside of his room...Later, when he returned to lucidity and me from wherever he was, he said "I had such strange thoughts!  I was convinced that the urologist was trying to kill me.  And that the only way I could stop him was to make sure there was always someone in the room!"...We still, to this day, chuckle about this...

    I wish a time will come soon, my dearest, that you and hubby, too, will find things to laugh about during the 'terrible time'...in the PAST!!!!

    BIG hugs, Kathi

  • k44454445
    k44454445 Member Posts: 494
    KathiM said:

    I am putting my arms around you....hugging you HARD!!!!

    I have slept so many nights in hospitals...and only 9 of those nights were mine!!!  My beau will get fussy and give the nurses heck...so I'm always there as the buffer...the expression "Doctors make the worst patients" sure is true!!!!

    One funny...in the midst of the terrible time he was tied to the bed and sedated....(Yes, you WILL laugh, I promise...or at least shake your head...*smile*)  I got VERY vocal as to my frustration with his urologist, when he would not remove the catheter....and my beau was sooooo uncomfortable...I let off some steam with his daughter outside of his room...Later, when he returned to lucidity and me from wherever he was, he said "I had such strange thoughts!  I was convinced that the urologist was trying to kill me.  And that the only way I could stop him was to make sure there was always someone in the room!"...We still, to this day, chuckle about this...

    I wish a time will come soon, my dearest, that you and hubby, too, will find things to laugh about during the 'terrible time'...in the PAST!!!!

    BIG hugs, Kathi


    you & Wolfen are going thru so much. i hope you have better days & i will pray extra hard for you & your beau.



  • k44454445
    k44454445 Member Posts: 494

    i am so sorry to hear about everything you & your hubby are going thru. i am praying extra hard for both of you. i hope you have better tomorrows



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Oh My Goodness

    You have gone through so much and now dealing with another hurdle.  So glad that you have some help there.  Hope they can do something for your hubby to get him up and feeling better, I'm sure he is very frustrated with all this too.  With you not been feeling well has to be extremely hard for you as well.  Try to get as much rest as possible as you don't need a setback.  Praying for the both of you for better health soon.


  • devotion10
    devotion10 Member Posts: 623 Member
    Wolfen you amaze me ...

    you have these really challenging struggles all the while maintaining a charming wit and aso posting in support of others. Your family is lucky to have you. -- Hoping things are brighter today. -- Cynthia