Faslodex Side effects

survivor87 Member Posts: 7

Hi!  I am new to this site.  I was 33 when I was first diagnoised with breast cancer.  I was Stage 2 with one lymph gland involved.  I had a 8 and 4 year old. So definitely wanted to be around to raise my kids.  I had a mastectomy and 12 rounds of CMF.  I was good for 23 years.  Than 3 years ago I had a relapse.  So now am Stage 4 with two tumors and 9 bone spots. I have had Femara, Tamoxifen, Afintor (which about killed me) and now just took shots of Faslodex.  I am having terrible mood swings and anxiety.  I have kind of hit rock bottom and have lost my hope and I want it back.  I will be 59 next week and way to young to give up now.  I just added 3 new grandbabies to the 4 I already have and want more years of loving and spoiling them.  Just need a doze of hope again I guess.  Also wondering how other people have done on Faslodex.  Thanks for listening.    Jan 


  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Hi Jan

    welcome to our CSN family. I have had only two shots of Faslodex started on  March 27, therefore am still learning about this drug. I am only 51 and of course want to be around for long time. have had a lot of side effects first time, it has bee less after a second shot.There are several ladies and gentalmens on this board who have been on Faxlodex for months and adapted to this drug.  I am sure they will provide insight and support

    New Flower

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I did faslodex for two years

    I did faslodex for two years and it knocked my lung and bones mets in remission. I really didn't notice any terrible side effects. My butt was pretty sore and or itchy for a day or two after and I would have painless lumps for a couple of weeks. Nurses say it is a hard shot for them to give - like injecting peanut butter, but it really didn't bother me. 

    BTW, my lungs and bones are still in remission, but I have to stop the faslodex because I have a new liver mets which is a different type of breast cancer (was ER+ and her2 negative, now ER negative and her2 positive). 

    The moral of my story is to never, ever assume that your mets is the same as your original tumor. Breast cancer can change (called discordancy). 

    Good luck!!! 


  • McMarty
    McMarty Member Posts: 212 Member
    I took Faslodex for about 6

    I took Faslodex for about 6 months.  Besides the sore injection sites, I really didn't notice any side effects.  Since you have having mood swings and anxiety i'm kinda wondering if the world is just closing in on you some.  Like maybe its circumstances more than the drug?  Faslodex is generally very effective - maybe the results some of these ladies had will bring HOPE back and you'll start feeling better.  I sure hope so.  Be sure to tell your Onc how you are feeling.  They can probably help you too, recommend a support group (I didn't think I'd like that but I really do) or maybe some meds to get you throught this rough spot.  You are not alone and as long as you are blinking - there is hope!

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Jan, You have a similar story

    Jan, You have a similar story to mine.  I was first diagnosed in February, 1987 (also age 33) and then had a remission until 2005.  I was then diagnosed with lung and bone mets.  Faslodex put my lung and bone mets in remission (they are still no evidence of active disease). Just recently, I was dignosed with liver mets which is very different from my original tumor (back then estrogen recepto positive and her2 negative; today ER negative and her2 positive).  I am about to begin herceptin, perjeta and taxotere.

    As others have mentioned, make sure that your are getting help with anxiety/depression.  It is much more common in survivors--especially those of us with Stage 4.  I am on a little lexapro and it really has helped me get through this.

    Also, if you haven't had a biopsy of the mets, you might seek another opinion.  In my opinion (and personal experience), every new mets must be biopsied because breast cancer may well change over time (discordancy).

    Sending hugs and prayers your way.  Cancer gets me down from time to time, but I pick myself back up and fight, fight, fight!  Never give up!

  • survivor87
    survivor87 Member Posts: 7

    Jan, You have a similar story

    Jan, You have a similar story to mine.  I was first diagnosed in February, 1987 (also age 33) and then had a remission until 2005.  I was then diagnosed with lung and bone mets.  Faslodex put my lung and bone mets in remission (they are still no evidence of active disease). Just recently, I was dignosed with liver mets which is very different from my original tumor (back then estrogen recepto positive and her2 negative; today ER negative and her2 positive).  I am about to begin herceptin, perjeta and taxotere.

    As others have mentioned, make sure that your are getting help with anxiety/depression.  It is much more common in survivors--especially those of us with Stage 4.  I am on a little lexapro and it really has helped me get through this.

    Also, if you haven't had a biopsy of the mets, you might seek another opinion.  In my opinion (and personal experience), every new mets must be biopsied because breast cancer may well change over time (discordancy).

    Sending hugs and prayers your way.  Cancer gets me down from time to time, but I pick myself back up and fight, fight, fight!  Never give up!

    Thank you!

    I so appreciate your comments, suggestions, etc.  I am going to my oncologist on Wednesday for two more shots of Faslodex so now I have some good info from you guys as to questions to ask him.  Thank you so much for being there.  It has helped me alot to know people are out there that understand and are going through the same kind of things that I am.  I live in a very small community and there is no one to really reach out to here.  God Bless you all and my prayers are with you all too.