peripheral t cell lymphoma

Hey, im new to the site. My name is Kathy and i joined the site hoping to find resources and people that have this aweful cancer...My brother Tim found out today that he has this and he is in stage iv...I need information on how to help him, He is very depressed and says he dont want the treatment..How can i help him...Any comments would be helpful..Does he really have less than 5 yrs to live...He is only 36...Thanks


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    There is hope

    Welcome! Do you now which sub-type he has? There are several and they vary substantially in treatment and outcome. Most of them are aggressive and need treatment immediately. However, T-Cell Lymphomas are very rare and some have no standard therapy. Many oncologists and pathologists have never seen a case. My advice is to obtain a second opinion and to seek treatment at a large, regional academic/research facility. Think MD Anderson, Dana-Farber, Memorial Slloan-Kettering, Fred Hutchinson and the like. This can be crucial to outcome. He really needs to be treated by someone with experience in successfully treating T-Cell Lymphomas. 

    I began at stage 4, but have 5 years into my journey, and currently have no evidence of disease. Click on my username for a bit of my history.  

  • JJ76
    JJ76 Member Posts: 1

    I was told on April 1 I have  Enlarged Peripheral T-cell lymphoma. I had my first chemo treatment last weekend. my skin is clearing up fast. I was told I was in stage 4 because I have spots on bones in my back and arms I also have lymphnode tumers on both sides of my groin and a bad skin issue on my right hip. all the things i can see with my eyes are responding fast. The skin is clearing up and the lumps are shrinking fast. I am a 36 year old male. I feel I am doing well but only time will tell.  the chemo is working. fallow the DR directions and take the treatment they suggest. you will find you have a team not just a DR. My social worker has been a great deal of help as I did not have insurance at the time of my findings.