Hi Everyone,

I am new to this site and am an almost 5-year survivor of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Hi Sapphire23,

     Welcome to the group. If you click on my picture it will take you to my "about me" page where you can read about my cancer journey thus far. I guess I'm a survivor also since I just found out I am now in full remission last week. You might want to take time and fill out your about me page. I'm so encouraged to read you are 5 years out with your me hope for the same. Hope all is still well with you. Stick around, others will welcome you soon. Best wishes...Sue

    (Follicular NHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx 6/10-age 62) In Remission. Smile

  • pubkeybreaker
    pubkeybreaker Member Posts: 3
    Newly Diagnosed

    I was diagnosed with MCL in January of this year.  It is in stage 1. I am a 58 YO male.

    It was caught because I am a diabetic and routine blood work turned up a sharply elevated white count.

    I just had my first round of treatments two weeks ago with Bendamustine & Rituximab. It is followed by Neulasta [at $3000 per injection!!!!]

    The steroids given with the chemo sent my blood sugar sky high. It was quite an effort to bring it down.  I also came down with a very nasty head cold at the same time as the chemo and have been miserable for two weeks. 

    So far I have no spleen or lymph node involvement;  only small bowel and colon and bone marrow. I have had diarrhea however for 3.5 months.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,500 Member

    Welcome! What variety did you have, and what treatment(s)?