Second Opinion

olgrizz Member Posts: 16
Big appointment at Johns Hopkins tomorrow for a second opinion on CRC "lung spots ". Wish me luck.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    More and more

    We'll wish you luck and more, we'll send healing thoughts, prayers and support all the way. 


  • devotion10
    devotion10 Member Posts: 623 Member
    Hoping your appointment goes well ...

    you are fortunate to be connected to Johns Hopkins for a second opinion. Hope that your pain has receded from your rectal resection when seated, I recently noticed when shopping on Amazon that there are memory foam coccyx cushions ... perhaps they might be helpful in your situation.  Wishing you the best tomorrow. -- Cynthia



  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Good Luck

    I've dealt with lung mets for a while. Many of my smaller ones were treated using RFA (ablation) and it was a breeze. Others at the beginning were treated with Wedge Resections. Not as breezy but effective and got me where I am now...


    BTW: I've been being treated at Sloan Kettering

  • AnnLouise
    AnnLouise Member Posts: 276 Member
    Good luck......

    Just had SBRT radiation for lung met...too close to blood vessel for RFA. Positive thoughts for good second opinion! ~Ann

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    I've a few

    Of those pesky lung mets myself, so sending you all the best luck on your second opinion that they find a nice way to get rid of them!!

    Winter Marie

  • YoVita
    YoVita Member Posts: 590 Member
    Best of luck

    Sounds like you're in good hands.  I had a solitary lung met 2 and a half years after my initial diagnosis/surgery/treatment.  The lung met was biopsied and removed a year ago.  I went with my doctor's advice to remove it surgically and biopsy it to see if it was a metastisis from my original rectal cancer.  It was.  I'm doing well almost a year out from the lung surgery.  Best of luck with your decision and plan. 

  • Maxiecat
    Maxiecat Member Posts: 544 Member
    Good luck tomorrow!

    Good luck tomorrow!

  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    Good luck

    Keep us posted and take good notes.  Ask alot of questions.  No question is stupid.

  • Deena11
    Deena11 Member Posts: 199 Member
    You Bet

    Wishing you great luck!!

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Wishing you the best.  Hope all goes well.


  • olgrizz
    olgrizz Member Posts: 16
    Deena11 said:

    You Bet

    Wishing you great luck!!

    Nothing new on second opinion
    Nothing new on second opinion so its on the chemo for the lung mets.

    Thanks for the good wishes. Hopefully I will be able to come back with good news after the Folfox.

    One day at a time, right?