I say it's time!



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    LOL....sounds like fun to me!!

    just want to do it in the southern part of the country.....somewhere warm!!  Wouldn't it really be FUN tho?  A reunion of sorts.....


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Duggie88 said:


    My son lives in Bradenton and works in Tampa. He and his girlfriend are making me a grandfather again in September so I plan to be down there around early to mid month. We can do the brew thing. Hell I may even start practicing this weekend.


    Idaho here ...

    ....but it looks like I will be flying into Orlando at the end of April, beginning of May to visit my mom in Daytona Beach for about 10 days......almost bought my ticket tonight .....maybe I can swing by and see John and Mickey before or after mom ...lol.



  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303
    osmotar said:


    I love to go to the Harbor....my kiddlings live in Bel Air.


    Think the kids will mind if a couple hundred people drop in for a cookout?

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Idaho here ...

    ....but it looks like I will be flying into Orlando at the end of April, beginning of May to visit my mom in Daytona Beach for about 10 days......almost bought my ticket tonight .....maybe I can swing by and see John and Mickey before or after mom ...lol.



    Work It..

    We can make something work Tim...

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Let’s make it a  sleep over and some place with good water and lots of bathrooms.  I am down!

    George the tube is coming, there is just a lot of permits.

    John bring the fish, Phrannie the creamy mac-n-cheese.

    You guys are the greatest,


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    osmotar said:


    I love to go to the Harbor....my kiddlings live in Bel Air.

    Bel Air...
    So nice there!
  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    jcortney said:

    I'd kill just to SMELL chips

    I'd kill just to SMELL chips and salsa.  You just set up my dreams for tonight (been dreaming about food for the last few weeks).

    Let me know where and I'm there......


    I lived on watching food network! I even wrote down recipes that I wanted to try once eating began again.
    I promise you it comes back!
  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    CivilMatt said:



    Let’s make it a  sleep over and some place with good water and lots of bathrooms.  I am down!

    George the tube is coming, there is just a lot of permits.

    John bring the fish, Phrannie the creamy mac-n-cheese.

    You guys are the greatest,


    I'll Be There In Spirit

    Unless we wait till hubby makes his way through the maze.  Chemo #2 coming up on Monday. Fingers crossed for no ambulaces or ER's this weekend.



  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    CivilMatt said:



    Let’s make it a  sleep over and some place with good water and lots of bathrooms.  I am down!

    George the tube is coming, there is just a lot of permits.

    John bring the fish, Phrannie the creamy mac-n-cheese.

    You guys are the greatest,


    That sounds great! Now who owns a hotel?

    All kidding aside, I think it would be amazing if we all really could meet!
    I can just imagine all the fun things we could do and all of our families could come too....ah what an event that would be!

  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    wolfen said:

    I'll Be There In Spirit

    Unless we wait till hubby makes his way through the maze.  Chemo #2 coming up on Monday. Fingers crossed for no ambulaces or ER's this weekend.



    Of course we wait for hubby and everyone to finish treatments.
    This all started as a silly "let's pretend" thing but I really wish it could really happen!
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    Billie67 said:

    That sounds great! Now who owns a hotel?

    All kidding aside, I think it would be amazing if we all really could meet!
    I can just imagine all the fun things we could do and all of our families could come too....ah what an event that would be!


    I have a hotel!!!!

    I don't own it, but I manage two hotels and an RV park.....you all can stay with me!!!!  If you want to see how beautiful McCall, Idaho is ...just google it ...maybe John can post a link or two :):) ....

    but it has to be at the end of June or Labor day weekend ...July and August this little 3,0000 town swells to 10,000 almost daily....


    ..and I'm not half kidding about anyone, anytime ever needing a room ...I get a certain number of comp rooms a month to use as I like (perk of the biz) and I personally pay no housing (my housing is included in my package) and I will always have room for a H&N friend. 

    Do you all realize I have only met ONE H&N survior...Eric Statler is the only one ....I crossed paths not too long ago with a family of a H&N patient at the same place I got my care, but I did not get to meet that person personally bc he was in radiation at the time...

    Somebody really should come see me!!!  :)



  • Hard12Find
    Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    I have a hotel!!!!

    I don't own it, but I manage two hotels and an RV park.....you all can stay with me!!!!  If you want to see how beautiful McCall, Idaho is ...just google it ...maybe John can post a link or two :):) ....

    but it has to be at the end of June or Labor day weekend ...July and August this little 3,0000 town swells to 10,000 almost daily....


    ..and I'm not half kidding about anyone, anytime ever needing a room ...I get a certain number of comp rooms a month to use as I like (perk of the biz) and I personally pay no housing (my housing is included in my package) and I will always have room for a H&N friend. 

    Do you all realize I have only met ONE H&N survior...Eric Statler is the only one ....I crossed paths not too long ago with a family of a H&N patient at the same place I got my care, but I did not get to meet that person personally bc he was in radiation at the time...

    Somebody really should come see me!!!  :)



    Hey Tim,

    What a coincidence, My sister had Eric Statler do a talk on H&N cancer to a group of dentists she manages, then was promply diagnosed with tonsilar cancer, I had been in treatment for about a month, and even though she shared Erics info with me we didn't meet until just a couple weeks ago. What a nice guy he is and he has had a real fight. What a small world. When I get some energy back, I just may make that trip to McCall, beautiful country. Small H&N world......


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    jcortney said:

    I'd kill just to SMELL chips

    I'd kill just to SMELL chips and salsa.  You just set up my dreams for tonight (been dreaming about food for the last few weeks).

    Let me know where and I'm there......


    Hey Joe

    Remind me here... have you lost your sense of smell?  You just reminded me that one of the things I did during treatment, when my diet was the equivalent of stinky baby formula, was to shove my face into everybody else's plate of food and just inhale the delicious smells.  Later on, when the mouth wasn't so sore, and the taste was coming back and the swallow wasn't, I'd actually put pieces of the food into my mouth and chew on them for a bit, and then spit them out. TMI, I know, but if you really miss the Salsa, shove your face into a bowl of it and see if you can't at least inhale some yummy.

    Deb (who STILL can't eat pepper, but delicious Mexican salsa flavors came right back) 

  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375
    Billie67 said:

    I lived on watching food network! I even wrote down recipes that I wanted to try once eating began again.
    I promise you it comes back!

    Me too !

    Me too Billie ! I sure hope your right ! I'm still waiting .

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member

    LOL....sounds like fun to me!!

    just want to do it in the southern part of the country.....somewhere warm!!  Wouldn't it really be FUN tho?  A reunion of sorts.....



    Fly south, young woman!  Come see me in the lovely Sierra foothills of California. We can play with the horses! 

  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Open Invite to Deb's Place!

    I'm in central California, in the Sierra foothills.  Several nice State Parks in the neighborhood, and Yosemite is about an hour south of me. Tahoe is a couple hours to the north. Plenty of room to park campers and motor homes in the driveway. 


  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Tim6003 said:

    I have a hotel!!!!

    I don't own it, but I manage two hotels and an RV park.....you all can stay with me!!!!  If you want to see how beautiful McCall, Idaho is ...just google it ...maybe John can post a link or two :):) ....

    but it has to be at the end of June or Labor day weekend ...July and August this little 3,0000 town swells to 10,000 almost daily....


    ..and I'm not half kidding about anyone, anytime ever needing a room ...I get a certain number of comp rooms a month to use as I like (perk of the biz) and I personally pay no housing (my housing is included in my package) and I will always have room for a H&N friend. 

    Do you all realize I have only met ONE H&N survior...Eric Statler is the only one ....I crossed paths not too long ago with a family of a H&N patient at the same place I got my care, but I did not get to meet that person personally bc he was in radiation at the time...

    Somebody really should come see me!!!  :)



    How cool is that?! How amazing would it be if we all could get together?
    I feel like you all are family and I would love to have a family reunion!

  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375
    Billie67 said:

    How cool is that?! How amazing would it be if we all could get together?
    I feel like you all are family and I would love to have a family reunion!


    I'm ready

    to go to any of the places mentioned !!! I'm so glad you started this post , Billie . It has been fun just thinking about how much fun we could have if we all got together !!! It would be a blast !


  • George_Baltimore
    George_Baltimore Member Posts: 303
    Billie67 said:

    I lived on watching food network! I even wrote down recipes that I wanted to try once eating began again.
    I promise you it comes back!


    So do I.  I have Good Eats set for automatic recording even though they're all reruns.  I've got so many recipes that look sooooooooo good.  My family and friends are reaping the benefits though.  It is a bit distressing though not being able to sample the food to make sure it tastes right.

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    D Lewis said:

    Open Invite to Deb's Place!

    I'm in central California, in the Sierra foothills.  Several nice State Parks in the neighborhood, and Yosemite is about an hour south of me. Tahoe is a couple hours to the north. Plenty of room to park campers and motor homes in the driveway. 


    I'm in - plenty of NorCals here

    Hi Deb,

    I know there are at least half dozen of us in the Bay Area and more including several hours drive like up where you are and Sac area. A nice spring picnic would be cool in a central location.
