Back to chemo

Well, I am on relapse #5.  I go Wed for biopsy and port and chemo again.  This time will be Treanda.  I hope it goes well since day 2 on Thurs is my birthday....I really hate cancer.


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    It's great to hear from you even though it's not the best of news :(.  I think there have been good results posted here with Treanda.   It sucks that you'll be in treatment on your birthday.  Maybe you can do something beforehand to celebrate. 

    I am so sorry to hear that you are facing relapse yet again.  Please know I think about you and others here often and you wil be in my thoughts.  I don't have to tell you much about what to expect - you should have a PHD in chemo by now ;).   I agree 1000% - I hate cancer.

    Hang in there and know we're here for you.  Warm, "wrap around the world" hugs to you, Beth.



  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    Oh dear, I am so very sorry to hear about this. I have heard that Treanda is kinder and gentler than some chemos. I hope that is the case with you so you feel like eating birthday cake. I'll send you my best healing thoughts. Maybe this will be the ticket to kick it once and for all.




  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member



    First : I am SO SORRY to hear of your relapse.  It is horrible.  Especially around your birthday time.  I'm with you guys - hate hate hate this terrible disease.


    I had six months of Treanda ending last October.  Not too bad!  They added Ofatumumab to mine on month three.  Had GREAT results.  Tumors shrunk from FIRST two day infusions!!!!   I am now in a partial Remission and for the first time EVER don't need to go back for a check up for six months!  I think it's a miracle drug.


    Didn't have too many problems with it. Was given anti-nausea drugs that worked great, had the typical chemo fatigue.  Couldn't handle Neulasta though.  Had severe incontinence for 3 days after the Treanda but they weren't sure if it was the drug or all the fluids they were pumping.  I say it was the drug.  Have had bone pain off and on since tx.     Rarely I need to take an anti-inflammatory.  A really warm bath works best!  No hair loss!  I of course have chemo brain- my short term memory for detail is impared.  I usually blame it on being 60.  lol

    Good luck, keep us posted!!  I pray you have the same dramatic success with it that I did.  Go away cancer!!!


    Happy Birthday to you!




  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    onlytoday said:




    First : I am SO SORRY to hear of your relapse.  It is horrible.  Especially around your birthday time.  I'm with you guys - hate hate hate this terrible disease.


    I had six months of Treanda ending last October.  Not too bad!  They added Ofatumumab to mine on month three.  Had GREAT results.  Tumors shrunk from FIRST two day infusions!!!!   I am now in a partial Remission and for the first time EVER don't need to go back for a check up for six months!  I think it's a miracle drug.


    Didn't have too many problems with it. Was given anti-nausea drugs that worked great, had the typical chemo fatigue.  Couldn't handle Neulasta though.  Had severe incontinence for 3 days after the Treanda but they weren't sure if it was the drug or all the fluids they were pumping.  I say it was the drug.  Have had bone pain off and on since tx.     Rarely I need to take an anti-inflammatory.  A really warm bath works best!  No hair loss!  I of course have chemo brain- my short term memory for detail is impared.  I usually blame it on being 60.  lol

    Good luck, keep us posted!!  I pray you have the same dramatic success with it that I did.  Go away cancer!!!


    Happy Birthday to you!




    Another treanda story


         Bill had treanda/rituxin for Mantle cell lymphoma.  He was at stage 4 when diagnosed and before they started chemo he had gone down to almost death.  His bone marrow was 90% packed with cancer and his RBC was 1.6  It was not good.  His first treanda chemo was only at 1/2 strength because they feared he would die during the infusion.  The day he got home from that he started feeling better (no joke), not much, but a difference.  He made steady improvement for the next 6 months of treatment and is now in remission a year!  He has one more yr of rit maintenance.  He had no side effects from the chemo, (just a little longer nap on the 4th day after) and he did not lose his hair, although that would not have made much of a difference (if you know what I mean).  Actually after the 1/2 dose, they gave him 3/4 dose and never upped it to the full dose.  We also feel it is a wonder drug.  It was developed in Germany behind the iron certain (don't know what for) and has only been used in the US a short time, probably not long enough for the jury to be in yet, but it sure kicks butt so far.  We are so sorry you are having to go through this again.  No one wants to be a relapse expert that's for sure.  We hope these good treanda stories will at least give you some hope and take some anxiety away.  You certainly will be in our thoughts and hope you will let us know how you are doing.  Our very best wishes, Bill and Becky

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Sorry to hear Beth

    Sorry to hear Beth, 

    Man cancer really does s#*k, I hate cancer soooo much, it takes so much from people. Hope you do excellent on the new regimen, take care and sending you lots of positive energy!!!



  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Hi Beth,

     I read this and it just took my breath away. Lord.. what you have been through already is wayyyy more than anyone should have to do! I will always draw strength from you Beth, because in my mind you are an amazing woman. Please keep coming back and share so we can help you through this next go around. I always tell myself when I don't see posts from our "old timers" that all must be well with them. This will make me re-think my thoughts on that! Thank you so much for telling us. As always, you have my most positive thoughts and daily prayers. I'm going to wish you a "Happy Birthday" today because Tuesday is my CT scan and I'll most likely be in full anxiety mode for the day, and then waiting for the results to come in the mail on Thursday(your BD).I still haven't ever been told I'm in remission yet. June 10th it will be 3 years since Dx. I'm so ready to get the green light! Love you Beth...Sue


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member


    Thinking of you and praying for you.  You have always been one of the incredible "marathon patients" at this site since I began here.  Hopefully, the good things that many have said about your new drug will prove true for you as well.
