They was an article in the NY Post and on Fox News about a cancer blocking miracle drug that was developed at Stanford University. It was a very short article that only said it is a drug that blocks the CD47 protein in the blood. That protein is what keeps the body from destroying the cancerous cells. So far it has only been used on mice, but has destroyed every cancer cell it came into contact with. John 


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    jimwins said:
    Hopefully !!!!


      Thanks for checking out the article. Could be be what we have been waiting for. Glad you pasted the web page. I would have done it, but I do not know how to do it. I just know how to b*tch I guess. LOL. JOhn

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    Hopefully !!!!


      Thanks for checking out the article. Could be be what we have been waiting for. Glad you pasted the web page. I would have done it, but I do not know how to do it. I just know how to b*tch I guess. LOL. JOhn


    Thanks John,

      Man...I'm always looking for current information, research and encouraging reports on new drugs being tested to fight cancer. Appreciate you sharing this with us. Mice today...people tomorrow...we can only pray! Have a good weekend buddy...Sue  (FNHL-2-3A-6/10)

  • rescue911chick
    rescue911chick Member Posts: 55
    Thank you for sharing!

    That's very encouraging, let's hope they can finish their testing & get it approved so they can make it available quickly!

    NANCYL1 Member Posts: 289

    Thank you for sharing!

    That's very encouraging, let's hope they can finish their testing & get it approved so they can make it available quickly!


    I am glad that the Stanford University information was found.


    The New York Post is a tabloid rag and I am sure with that headline was trying to sell their newspaper.   Their most important section is called Page 6, which is gossip news.


    Let us all hope that Stanford researchers have the answer to what we have been hoping for, for so many years.




  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    More on the miracle drug


      You are the go to guy with things like this. There's a big article on The Huffington Post about clinical trials for the CD-47 blocker. I do not know how to post it. I know you do. Give it a try.Thanks, John

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    COBRA666 said:

    More on the miracle drug


      You are the go to guy with things like this. There's a big article on The Huffington Post about clinical trials for the CD-47 blocker. I do not know how to post it. I know you do. Give it a try.Thanks, John

    Hi John

    Hi John. I posted all three as clickable links:

    Huffington Post Clinical Trial Article

    Stanford Article

    Fox News

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    jimwins said:

    Hi John

    Hi John. I posted all three as clickable links:

    Huffington Post Clinical Trial Article

    Stanford Article

    Fox News

    Thanks !!!

    Thanks Jim !!!!!!!!!!!!Laughing

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    COBRA666 said:

    Thanks !!!

    Thanks Jim !!!!!!!!!!!!Laughing

    Hi John

    Hi John,

    Sorry for the late reply,

    thank you for keeping us posted with this very important information! Hope you're doing well, not sure if you celebrate Easter but if you do...hope you have a great day!!! Take care and sending you lots of positive energy! (((Hugs)))



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Great news

    Hi John,

    We finally had some time to check this out.  How encouraging.  We have 2 friends with breast cancer that they can't get a handle on.  We have sent the articles to them and are so encouraged that the latest article March 30 that Jim sent says they have just received a 20 million grant to start clinical trials.  So run don't walk to your oncologist!  It's interesting that with Mantle Cell it is the CD20 protein rather than CD47 and it sounds to us that Bill's rituxan infusion before his chemo and now rit maintenance does the same thing.  He has an onc appt. the end of the month and we will certainly be asking whether this also applies to him.  Thanks so much for sharing.   This could be a real life saver.

    Good thoughts to you all, Bill & Becky

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member

    Hi John

    Hi John,

    Sorry for the late reply,

    thank you for keeping us posted with this very important information! Hope you're doing well, not sure if you celebrate Easter but if you do...hope you have a great day!!! Take care and sending you lots of positive energy! (((Hugs)))



    Doin' Good


      Thanks for asking. Yes I am doing fine. Hope you are doing better as well. Feeling even better after hearing this break thru news. Hope it works out as they say.  It would be the discovery of the century for sure. Yes, I celebrate EASTER, CHRISTMAS and all the holidays. Its really a shame people have to ask if you celebrate certain holidays. I feel the same way as you about asking if people reconize certain holidays. I said MERRY CHRISTMAS to a little kid at the store one day last year and her mother looked at me like I was an ax murderer. Then she said to her little girl, " Let's go see if daddy got the Holiday tree yet". When I was growing up and my kids were growing up we looked forward to celebrating ALL the holidays and still do.  John

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Another interesting article
    Thought of Bill NC
  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    jimwins said:

    Another interesting article
    Thought of Bill NC

    Great News to hear !!!


      That is great news to hear. Makes me wonder if they are doing even more studies on the drug. I would think now that they found some of the ingredients have other properties they would be looking into it more. It may be a money issue too. Can you imagine if they would come out with a cure. The drug companies would suffer. That thought scares me with any results. Remember they had a cure for TB back in the early 50's, but it was never revealed until the mid 60's. The drug companies in the meantime got richer. It is something to think about. Surprised  John

  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    Thanks !!!

    Thanks Jim !!!!!!!!!!!!Laughing


    John and everyone,

    Promising info!  Things keep changing all the time.  Went to a Lymphoma Research Foundation meeting and they said that often they print info only to find that 2 weeks later it's outdated!!  Very very cool!!  Go researchers!


    Thanks for finding it John!



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    I'm on metformin for type 2 diabetes but I sure don't feel any younger ha ha. Becky

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member


      Did you ever stop to think how old you might feel if you weren't taking the metformin. LOL

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    COBRA666 said:



      Did you ever stop to think how old you might feel if you weren't taking the metformin. LOL

    you got me

    now that's a thoughtWink

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    jimwins said:

    Another interesting article
    Thought of Bill NC

    Hi Jim, Very interesting

    Hi Jim, Very interesting article, I'm also taking Metformin for type 2 diabetes. I wonder if I will also stay young and beautiful (doubt it) hahaha! Hey a girl can dream lol. Take care buddy (((hugs)))

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member

    Hi Jim, Very interesting

    Hi Jim, Very interesting article, I'm also taking Metformin for type 2 diabetes. I wonder if I will also stay young and beautiful (doubt it) hahaha! Hey a girl can dream lol. Take care buddy (((hugs)))

    No problem


      You are already young and beautiful. Metformin or not.  John

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    COBRA666 said:

    No problem


      You are already young and beautiful. Metformin or not.  John

    Thank You John!


    Thank You John! lol

