Questions About Miracle Mouth Wash

DCH21 Member Posts: 33
edited March 2013 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello all !

I had my rad and chemo treatments Monday. Both Doctors looked at my throat and determined it was scorched pretty bad.

My Chemo Doctor gave me a prescription for Miracle Wash. I tried it for the first time last night before dinner.

I follwed the instructions and this is how things came out.

It numbed my gums and tongue somewhat. After I swallowed it ,it numbed my throat a bit. I waited 30 minutes before I tried to drink or eat anything. My throat still burned like heck and it was still difficult to swallow.

My questions are, how does this 'stuff' work ? Is it suppose to heal my sore mouth and throat over time or is it a one day fix in order to eat ?

In other words, when does the miracle kick in ???Laughing






  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    Good Morning! I'm sorry you are so sore, it's miserable I know and it makes you not want to eat, talk or simply swallow your own saliva.
    Magic Mouthwash is actually a compound made to order from your dr. Each of us might have a little different "recipe" to our formula. The numbing agents, usually lidocaine are designed to give you relief so that you may eat or simply have a little break from the pain. It is not designed to "fix" or cure the mouth sores and rawness. I know the first few times I used it I didn't feel like it helped too much but then I either realized that it was better than nothing or I got the hang of it and it started working. What I mean by that is, I think at first I wasn't swishing it around well enough so I don't think I was coating my mouth enough.
    I say give it another shot and if you really have no relief maybe ask your dr to change the formula a little bit. Also, make sure you don't have thrush, that would make your mouth pretty darn sore and needs some diflucan. I remember the magic mouthwash actually hurt my mouth at one point and then it was told to me that I had thrush. As soon as I got the thrush under control the magic mouthwash again worked wonders for me.
    Good luck to you and others will be here soon to give you their advice, you will find someone will give some pointers that will do the trick for you.

    Keep us posted.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    You Waited Too Long...

    Hi Dennis, you waited too long..., the numbing effectiveness had already passed...

    It's a rather short window, lasting only about 10 - 15 minutes tops from my experience.

    I'd have everything lined up when I used it...

    Had 2-3 cans of Ensure ready to go, a big glass of water, another small glass of water with a crushed oxy or perco to knock any additional pain post feeding, and a few sliced peaches to swallow easy.

    Numb the mouth and throat with the MM, Ensures, water, peaches, water with meds, and maybe more water if I could squeeze it in.

    Then for me a dash to a nice warm/hot shower which helped soothe the body and throat...



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Ditto to what John said....

    MM is only good for 30 minutes if you're wanting to eat something....have it on hand to get it down during the "magic timeline"...


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Ditto to what John said....

    MM is only good for 30 minutes if you're wanting to eat something....have it on hand to get it down during the "magic timeline"...



    Also from my experience...

    It probably still won't help much with solid foods... So if you aren't doing something like Ensure, make it soupy, smooth and soft...

    I just switched over to Ensure Plus because at 350 calories per can, it offered me the most bang for the buck calorie wise... I could never eat enough real food to get that many calories into me with a tore up throat.


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Skiffin16 said:


    Also from my experience...

    It probably still won't help much with solid foods... So if you aren't doing something like Ensure, make it soupy, smooth and soft...

    I just switched over to Ensure Plus because at 350 calories per can, it offered me the most bang for the buck calorie wise... I could never eat enough real food to get that many calories into me with a tore up throat.



    John.....I was almost certain you said you were eating the peaches by the case load! In fact, you sent your wife out to every store and bought them out weekly....oh, wait, that was somewhere else that you sent her....out in the water to retrieve your boat. Sorry, got the two confused. Foot in Mouth



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    still have a bottle

    Hi Dennis,


    I agree with what those above me said.  I loved Magic Mouth Wash and found great relief (be it temporary) from the soreness of the mouth and throat.  I used it as often as I needed, but never used more than 2, 5, 0r 10 mls. at a time.  I would put it in my mouth and swish it around and then slowly swallow it.  As mentioned be prepared to do what ever it is you are trying to get a leg up on. 


    For me, I used it just prior to bed time.  The last thing I did after the mouth rinse and gag and spit was MMW then off to sleep.  Also, I used it in the parking lot just before rads to help me prepare for “mask time”.  Finally, any time I needed help swallowing or relief from discomfort.


    The taste never bothered me since I could not taste.  I sampled the stuff months after treatment and wondered how I ever could have stood the stuff.


    I went through a six pack and it is in my top three (prescription) miracles that helped me out.



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member


    John.....I was almost certain you said you were eating the peaches by the case load! In fact, you sent your wife out to every store and bought them out weekly....oh, wait, that was somewhere else that you sent her....out in the water to retrieve your boat. Sorry, got the two confused. Foot in Mouth



    OK Now...

    I did eat a little canned spinach also..toot toot... For a hamburger today, I'll gladly pay you the second Tuesday of next week...


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

    Hi Dennis,

    I hear you on the pain while eating! My RO started me on Nuerontin several weeks prior to treatment. It's a drug (seizure med) that helps the brain to essentially not remember pain. I know my throat is raw but it's not too painful to eat (certain foods). He also gave me a script for liquid oxy that I'm to take about 30 minutes prior to eating. I also have a script for Magic Mouthwash (they call it Larry's brew here at Johns Hopkins). So I'll have a three way attack on eating pain. I had wanted a PEG for insurance but my team is insisting I not get one until/if I need one. 


    Positive thoughts and prayers.


  • DCH21
    DCH21 Member Posts: 33
    fishmanpa said:


    Hi Dennis,

    I hear you on the pain while eating! My RO started me on Nuerontin several weeks prior to treatment. It's a drug (seizure med) that helps the brain to essentially not remember pain. I know my throat is raw but it's not too painful to eat (certain foods). He also gave me a script for liquid oxy that I'm to take about 30 minutes prior to eating. I also have a script for Magic Mouthwash (they call it Larry's brew here at Johns Hopkins). So I'll have a three way attack on eating pain. I had wanted a PEG for insurance but my team is insisting I not get one until/if I need one. 


    Positive thoughts and prayers.


    Thanks for all of the replies

    Thanks for all of the replies !

    Now that I know that Miracle Wash is just a way to try to get some food down I will have my food sitting in front of me ready to go. I thought the stuff was for healing and was afraid to eat or drink to soon and wash it away.

    My Rad Doctor gave me this prescription last week. Hydrocodone-APAP 7.5-500/15ml for pain. It says to take it 10-15ml) every 4 hours as needed for pain.

    After taking it, swishing it and swallowing it I have about a 15 minute window to eat.

    So from what I gather both of these medicines I am taking are for pain relief and not for healing my sore mouth and throat.

    Is there anything to take for that ?


    I have the PEG tube in place. I am trying not to use it. Things are getting VERY painfull to swallow though. Even the stuff I can get down (soup, oatmeal,etc;) tastes terrible after a few bites. I will try to hang in a little longer and see what happens.

    Thanks again to everyone for the replies !




  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    DCH21 said:

    Thanks for all of the replies

    Thanks for all of the replies !

    Now that I know that Miracle Wash is just a way to try to get some food down I will have my food sitting in front of me ready to go. I thought the stuff was for healing and was afraid to eat or drink to soon and wash it away.

    My Rad Doctor gave me this prescription last week. Hydrocodone-APAP 7.5-500/15ml for pain. It says to take it 10-15ml) every 4 hours as needed for pain.

    After taking it, swishing it and swallowing it I have about a 15 minute window to eat.

    So from what I gather both of these medicines I am taking are for pain relief and not for healing my sore mouth and throat.

    Is there anything to take for that ?


    I have the PEG tube in place. I am trying not to use it. Things are getting VERY painfull to swallow though. Even the stuff I can get down (soup, oatmeal,etc;) tastes terrible after a few bites. I will try to hang in a little longer and see what happens.

    Thanks again to everyone for the replies !





    I am nearly a year post tx and still carry my MMW and use it a time or two each week. I found it is not a cureall but does help. I dealt with horrific sores on my lips during tx and wish I could offer something to releive your pain but I never found it. I was given Aquaphor, which you can get at Walgreens, it offered some relief. As soon as tx finished the sores got better and by week 2 were healed. If you find it becomes necessary to use the PEG, try to continue swallowing something each day. Several of us had good luck with eggs and pancakes with plenty of syrup and milk seems to help everything go down a bit easier. Good does get better.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    DCH21 said:

    Thanks for all of the replies

    Thanks for all of the replies !

    Now that I know that Miracle Wash is just a way to try to get some food down I will have my food sitting in front of me ready to go. I thought the stuff was for healing and was afraid to eat or drink to soon and wash it away.

    My Rad Doctor gave me this prescription last week. Hydrocodone-APAP 7.5-500/15ml for pain. It says to take it 10-15ml) every 4 hours as needed for pain.

    After taking it, swishing it and swallowing it I have about a 15 minute window to eat.

    So from what I gather both of these medicines I am taking are for pain relief and not for healing my sore mouth and throat.

    Is there anything to take for that ?


    I have the PEG tube in place. I am trying not to use it. Things are getting VERY painfull to swallow though. Even the stuff I can get down (soup, oatmeal,etc;) tastes terrible after a few bites. I will try to hang in a little longer and see what happens.

    Thanks again to everyone for the replies !




    Shake and Swish...

    "So from what I gather both of these medicenes I am taking are for pain relief and not for healing my sore mouth and throat.

    Is there anything to take for that?" 

    16oz of water
    1tsp of baking soda
    1tsp of salt 
    5g of Glutamine

    Shake and swish a mouthful 4-8 times a day.

    Some folks swear by a product called Mu-Guard.



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Oh What A Relief It Is


    The MM, is for immediate relief, only lasting 10 -15 minutes..., the hydrocodon is for longer term relief, a few hours at best. Like I mentioned above, start just before taking anything in, the MM..., then follow-up with the hydro for any post pain (which there will be more than likely)...

    Even water hurt..., LOL, not to mention it tasted like sweat..., or the left over rinse water from soaking dirty gym socks...

    They even gave me liquid morphine (roxanal..., I couldn't handle that. It made me sick and actually did nothing for the pain...

    I asked for more oxy or tablet percocets... I'd grind one up in a little water and take that after feeding instead of the liquid hydro at times... Both seemed to knock the post feeding pain edge off.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Oh What A Relief It Is


    The MM, is for immediate relief, only lasting 10 -15 minutes..., the hydrocodon is for longer term relief, a few hours at best. Like I mentioned above, start just before taking anything in, the MM..., then follow-up with the hydro for any post pain (which there will be more than likely)...

    Even water hurt..., LOL, not to mention it tasted like sweat..., or the left over rinse water from soaking dirty gym socks...

    They even gave me liquid morphine (roxanal..., I couldn't handle that. It made me sick and actually did nothing for the pain...

    I asked for more oxy or tablet percocets... I'd grind one up in a little water and take that after feeding instead of the liquid hydro at times... Both seemed to knock the post feeding pain edge off.


    oh what a taste it is



    Excuse me, I know most of you were drinking water which tasted like “sweaty old gym socks”, but mine never did taste funny (thank God) and I drank a lot of water (as prescribed by the H&N forum).  Maybe it was my fanatical use of Magic Mouth Wash or the way they zapped my taste buds, but I was happy to not drink sweaty tasting water, yuck.


    Just a side note.





  • Billie67
    Billie67 Member Posts: 898
    CivilMatt said:

    oh what a taste it is



    Excuse me, I know most of you were drinking water which tasted like “sweaty old gym socks”, but mine never did taste funny (thank God) and I drank a lot of water (as prescribed by the H&N forum).  Maybe it was my fanatical use of Magic Mouth Wash or the way they zapped my taste buds, but I was happy to not drink sweaty tasting water, yuck.


    Just a side note.





    Not so much socks
    But my water and everything else for that matter, tasted like ocean water! It was disgustingly salty and made it nearly impossible to drink. I actually welcomed the time when the taste went away totally. However by the time the taste was gone I was so sore I could barely swallow anything.
    That's when the MM was such a godsend
  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Billie67 said:

    Not so much socks
    But my water and everything else for that matter, tasted like ocean water! It was disgustingly salty and made it nearly impossible to drink. I actually welcomed the time when the taste went away totally. However by the time the taste was gone I was so sore I could barely swallow anything.
    That's when the MM was such a godsend


    I had the salty taste too. Actually, I was expecting a metallic taste so pretty much welcomed the taste of salt because I was familiar with it. As soon as tx stopped so did the salt.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    DCH21 said:

    Thanks for all of the replies

    Thanks for all of the replies !

    Now that I know that Miracle Wash is just a way to try to get some food down I will have my food sitting in front of me ready to go. I thought the stuff was for healing and was afraid to eat or drink to soon and wash it away.

    My Rad Doctor gave me this prescription last week. Hydrocodone-APAP 7.5-500/15ml for pain. It says to take it 10-15ml) every 4 hours as needed for pain.

    After taking it, swishing it and swallowing it I have about a 15 minute window to eat.

    So from what I gather both of these medicines I am taking are for pain relief and not for healing my sore mouth and throat.

    Is there anything to take for that ?


    I have the PEG tube in place. I am trying not to use it. Things are getting VERY painfull to swallow though. Even the stuff I can get down (soup, oatmeal,etc;) tastes terrible after a few bites. I will try to hang in a little longer and see what happens.

    Thanks again to everyone for the replies !




    For the mouth sores....

    I got them when I started doing the 5FU chemo....and used L-glutamine (powder you mix with water)....I'd hold it in my mouth, then swallow was the ONLY thing I could get into my mouth that did not sting. 

    Mugard was wonderful when I started rads.....I got the beginning of one sore, started the Mugard, and that sore disappeared and I got no others during that time.  Mugard is a preventative, but once they have a foot hold in your mouth, it's too much sting to deal with.  That's why I couldn't use it during the chemo treatment.....they came on too fast and furious. 

    Salt and soda rinse didn't sting either....I used a LOT of it during mouth sore time.  Like HWT, my lips would bleed even by talking....they were awful (actually, the mouth sores were the worst part of all my treatment).


  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    I am 3 months out of

    I am 3 months out of treatment- the magic mouthwash was a savior - I used it 4 or 5 times a day- use it before you eat. Gargle with the salt baking soda and water that is recommended as much as you can- the Percocet will only make you sleepy - try to stay away from the narcotics as long as possible - they really can't give you anything for the pain because you have wo tubes in your throat- 1 ne for air and one for food- if they numb both passage ways you could choke so they give you stuff that really don't work but does he'll make the time tick by. MM was the best- use it just before meals as long as you can- I used it until a month past treatment. 

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Roar said:

    I am 3 months out of

    I am 3 months out of treatment- the magic mouthwash was a savior - I used it 4 or 5 times a day- use it before you eat. Gargle with the salt baking soda and water that is recommended as much as you can- the Percocet will only make you sleepy - try to stay away from the narcotics as long as possible - they really can't give you anything for the pain because you have wo tubes in your throat- 1 ne for air and one for food- if they numb both passage ways you could choke so they give you stuff that really don't work but does he'll make the time tick by. MM was the best- use it just before meals as long as you can- I used it until a month past treatment. 

    Pain Meds...

    Pain meds are for pain....

    I had a collection between liquid oxicotin, hydrocodon, morphine, pills or tablets of the same other than the morphine, but to include percocet...which might be one of the ones I already mentioned.

    No disrespect, but pain meds are to be used for pain and to stay a head of pain...

    I don't agree with you as for not using them as long as possible... That's just enduring pain that you shouldn't have to deal with.


  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Pain Meds...

    Pain meds are for pain....

    I had a collection between liquid oxicotin, hydrocodon, morphine, pills or tablets of the same other than the morphine, but to include percocet...which might be one of the ones I already mentioned.

    No disrespect, but pain meds are to be used for pain and to stay a head of pain...

    I don't agree with you as for not using them as long as possible... That's just enduring pain that you shouldn't have to deal with.


    No disrespect taken- the

    No disrespect taken- the narcotics didn't stop my pain- they just knocked me out- and I didn't like the way they made me feel. Like everyone says everyone is different - I couldn't wait to get off them and I did about three weeks after treatment but continued the magic mouthwash for a while. Have a nice holiday weekend