Bad Pet Scan

dugano339 Member Posts: 1

In 2010 they found cancer on my top lobe of my right lung.It was removed by surgery with no other treatments.July of 2012 I had a pacemaker put in on my left shoulder.2 weeks ago I had a pet scan and the Doctor said I have a lymph node under my arm and in my neck that is swollen.He sent me to a out patient surgery center for a biopsy.When I got there the doctor told me he could not do it the regulal way since I had  pacemaker they would have to use novicaine.He got to the under arm node and the novicaine started wearing off and I was getting in extreme pain.He tried to get to a second node in my armpit but quit because of my pain.I ask him about my neck and he said he had enough for them to test.Right now I am totally confused and lost.
