Two Steps Forward, Three Back

wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

Our week of "rest" to prepare for first chemo is over. Boy, is it over!

Third attempt at first chemo infusion was scheduled for today, preceded by labs. Lab nurse was unable to flush port to hubby's painful dismay. There should have been no pain at all, nor old black blood in the attempted draw.

Chemo doc was unable to do dye study on port, due to severe  dye allergy, so he sent us to chemo for that nurse to access port. Painfully unsuccessful, again. So off we went to x-ray. Were greeted shortly afterward by surgeon's nurse. According to the x-ray, the never used port has migrated and the catheter has become detached. So hubby will again be having surgery to put in a new port on Thursday. Fourth attempt at chemo to follow on Monday. Time will tell if "fourth time's the charm".

Be well, my friends.




  • KayeKay
    KayeKay Member Posts: 122
    So sorry but I pray they get

    So sorry but I pray they get that port fixed so u guys can start fighting back. Best of luck,all will be well.

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    We are sending pur thoughts

    We are sending pur thoughts and prayers for a Great Forth try!


    Best Always, mike

  • barbebarb
    barbebarb Member Posts: 464
    thxmiker said:

    We are sending pur thoughts

    We are sending pur thoughts and prayers for a Great Forth try!


    Best Always, mike

    Fourth time has to work
    Had several "episodes " since I had my port and had if flushed this summer....created and still get a little anxious when they do draws.

    Fourth try has to be a win win for your husband.

    Wishing you the best to keep moving forward!

  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    barbebarb said:

    Fourth time has to work
    Had several "episodes " since I had my port and had if flushed this summer....created and still get a little anxious when they do draws.

    Fourth try has to be a win win for your husband.

    Wishing you the best to keep moving forward!


    I know they can move and

    I know they can move and migrate,  but I'm thinking you're poor hubby hasn't been active enough to do such a thing....when first reading your post I wondered if he was on blood thinners, if not maybe they would help with the blood draws.     Sheesh I've been active, like going on a jet ski all the time in the summer, boating, attempting to waterski, snowmobiling .... just doing tons of stuff,  now I'm concerned I could screw up my port.   Just last week my chemo nurse remarked about how well placed and invisible my port is compared to others .... it's playing nice and I want to keep it that way.      Hope they get your hubbies port situation fixed soon.  

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Oh holy cow.

    Your poor DH!  He (and you) must be so sick of all of this.  Big hugs coming your way~AA

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    That is terrible. I am so

    That is terrible. I am so sorry for what you and your husband have been going through lately.

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    Sorry Wolfen and hubby.  I

    Sorry Wolfen and hubby.  I hope things get easier/better very soon!

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    jen2012 said:

    Sorry Wolfen and hubby.  I

    Sorry Wolfen and hubby.  I hope things get easier/better very soon!

    No Activity, Smokey

    Heck, probably the most strenous thing he does is take a shower. Even that runs him out of breath.

    No blood thinners either. Even though heart doc would like for him to be, rad & chemo docs say "No" for now.

    I thought it looked swollen, as does the area where the heart device is implanted(no problem with that one), but I just thought it was because he's lost so much weight and muscle mass. Maybe that migration problem just isn't known until you try to use it.

    Oh well, just another boulder in the road.



  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    wolfen said:

    No Activity, Smokey

    Heck, probably the most strenous thing he does is take a shower. Even that runs him out of breath.

    No blood thinners either. Even though heart doc would like for him to be, rad & chemo docs say "No" for now.

    I thought it looked swollen, as does the area where the heart device is implanted(no problem with that one), but I just thought it was because he's lost so much weight and muscle mass. Maybe that migration problem just isn't known until you try to use it.

    Oh well, just another boulder in the road.



    Your luck has got to turn
    Your luck has got to turn around soon. Sorry you're dealing with all these problems. Wish things were easier for you both.

  • k44454445
    k44454445 Member Posts: 494

    to hear about the port. my surg. stitched my port in place to prevent it from dislodging. praying surgery goes good



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    wolfen said:

    No Activity, Smokey

    Heck, probably the most strenous thing he does is take a shower. Even that runs him out of breath.

    No blood thinners either. Even though heart doc would like for him to be, rad & chemo docs say "No" for now.

    I thought it looked swollen, as does the area where the heart device is implanted(no problem with that one), but I just thought it was because he's lost so much weight and muscle mass. Maybe that migration problem just isn't known until you try to use it.

    Oh well, just another boulder in the road.



    Just another boulder in the road.

    My goodnesss! You are an inspiration to us all.  I am already sick of Chemo, and this is my first (and hopefully, only) run in, and I can't bare the thoguht of going through it again. 

    You deserve a reward. I think that reward should be a long and (fairly) healthy life, your husband by your side. 

    Thank you for being an inspiration. 


  • AnnLouise
    AnnLouise Member Posts: 276 Member
    wolfen said:

    No Activity, Smokey

    Heck, probably the most strenous thing he does is take a shower. Even that runs him out of breath.

    No blood thinners either. Even though heart doc would like for him to be, rad & chemo docs say "No" for now.

    I thought it looked swollen, as does the area where the heart device is implanted(no problem with that one), but I just thought it was because he's lost so much weight and muscle mass. Maybe that migration problem just isn't known until you try to use it.

    Oh well, just another boulder in the road.



    Thinking of both of you.....

    I hope everything goes well on Thursday and your hubby can have chemo on Monday. I went through a time when I lost 40lbs. and had no muscle tone. It hit me when you said the most strenuous thing he does is shower.....that was me. I ate everything I wanted, healthy or not, milkshakes, cookies, pasta, bread,etc. also protein shakes and my daughter would juice for me. I also went to physical therapy, started slow, worked my way up slowly, very slowly! It gave me some muscle tone, so I wouldn't fall, or tip. My son was getting married in 7 weeks, and I not only went to the wedding but danced with my son. Gained 20 lbs. in 7 weeks! It is so hard once you get that weak.....I feel so bad that your hubby is having so many problems and only wish him the best. You are such an inspiration to all of us.  Sending positive thoughts...~ Ann

  • Coloncancerblows
    Coloncancerblows Member Posts: 296 Member
    So sorry to hear this.  Hope

    So sorry to hear this.  Hope his port gets fixed and he can start his chemo soon.  Hugs and prayers to you both.
