❀ ✿ Cat, Dog, Goldfish, Gerbil? Do You Have A Pet? ❀ ✿

I know a lot of us pink sisters have pets, and, I thought you might want to tell us what you have and a little something about them.
I know how much so many of them helped us thru our journey with bc and still are.
So, can you share with us please?
We have 4 horses, 2 dogs and 5 goldfish.
The 2 mares are mine, 1 gelding is Hubby's and the other gelding is G-daughter's. Hubby has a Black and Tan **** Hound (who doesn't hunt but is a huge 'lap potato'). Shortly after I was DX'd Hubby lost his 'Baby Girl'. He had wanted a **** Hound for years and was hunting for one all over the internet. The day before I went to surgery I had stopped at the local Humane Society for some unknown reason at the time (I hate going in there because I can't bring 'everybody' home with me) and there was a Black and Tan in there. When I was in my room after surgery I sent hi and Son off to see Dixie (HS called her 'Svletlana'). He came back happier than a 'pig in swill' - he had his big baby but had to wait til she was spayed to bring her home. Next day when Son picked me up to go home we stopped to see Dixie - they had spayed her the day before so she could go home but I left her as I didn't want to take a new dog home and introduce her to my ancient Gordon Setter (also a Pound Puppy 10+ years ago) on my way home from surgery. Hubby picked her up on the way home - she is a 'royal spoiled brat'. I have since lost my beloved Cody but now have a Pembroke Corgi that Hubby found in a snowbank on the Rez when he was working down there. Goldfish - have 5 new ones. i have a 'pond' (read tub) on the front porch and every fall I find homes for them and get new 'feeder' goldfish in the spring for it - got this years ones last week - still too cold to go outside.
Wiinyan - The Power Within
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Cat!Rague said:"Pets"
We have 4 horses, 2 dogs and 5 goldfish.
The 2 mares are mine, 1 gelding is Hubby's and the other gelding is G-daughter's. Hubby has a Black and Tan **** Hound (who doesn't hunt but is a huge 'lap potato'). Shortly after I was DX'd Hubby lost his 'Baby Girl'. He had wanted a **** Hound for years and was hunting for one all over the internet. The day before I went to surgery I had stopped at the local Humane Society for some unknown reason at the time (I hate going in there because I can't bring 'everybody' home with me) and there was a Black and Tan in there. When I was in my room after surgery I sent hi and Son off to see Dixie (HS called her 'Svletlana'). He came back happier than a 'pig in swill' - he had his big baby but had to wait til she was spayed to bring her home. Next day when Son picked me up to go home we stopped to see Dixie - they had spayed her the day before so she could go home but I left her as I didn't want to take a new dog home and introduce her to my ancient Gordon Setter (also a Pound Puppy 10+ years ago) on my way home from surgery. Hubby picked her up on the way home - she is a 'royal spoiled brat'. I have since lost my beloved Cody but now have a Pembroke Corgi that Hubby found in a snowbank on the Rez when he was working down there. Goldfish - have 5 new ones. i have a 'pond' (read tub) on the front porch and every fall I find homes for them and get new 'feeder' goldfish in the spring for it - got this years ones last week - still too cold to go outside.
Wiinyan - The Power Within
When I was young, my family always had dogs which I loved. Once, we got a parakeet, but, it didn't live very long. It got pneumonia and my parents saw how upset we were about losing it so quickly, so, we never got another one.
My husband wasn't all for us getting a cat, but, once I got him home, he fell in love with him. He is a big part of our family and we love him so much.
I just wish he didn't shed so much.
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Have to tell a storyDebbyM said:Cat!
When I was young, my family always had dogs which I loved. Once, we got a parakeet, but, it didn't live very long. It got pneumonia and my parents saw how upset we were about losing it so quickly, so, we never got another one.
My husband wasn't all for us getting a cat, but, once I got him home, he fell in love with him. He is a big part of our family and we love him so much.
I just wish he didn't shed so much.
For the most part, I don't think men like cats - at least none of my guys do.
Many years ago (1975 to be exact), my friend's Hubby (She was my Matron of Honor) came out to help set up for the wedding (it was an outdoor one in my parents yard/outdoor room). I had some barn cats and there was a litter old enough to be weaned but they were a bit 'wild'. Well for whatever reason Ken decided he was going to catch one particularr kitten even though he hated cats. He chased that kitten for a very long time all around the house, in the barn and all over the pasture in the palmettos - anywhere the kitten went he was right behind it. When he finally caught it - it tore him up - blood everywhere on him. He hung on to it and took it home with him. They became the best of buddies and cat went with him everywhere but til the day it died at 17 it would still tear into Ken every now and then. It never attacked anyone else but he always said that when the cat quit going after him it was time to put it down - that it was time to go. It died at night the day before it was going to be put down. 'Different Strokes For Different Folks (and animals).
Winyan - The Power Within
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Loved reading about your petsRague said:"Pets"
We have 4 horses, 2 dogs and 5 goldfish.
The 2 mares are mine, 1 gelding is Hubby's and the other gelding is G-daughter's. Hubby has a Black and Tan **** Hound (who doesn't hunt but is a huge 'lap potato'). Shortly after I was DX'd Hubby lost his 'Baby Girl'. He had wanted a **** Hound for years and was hunting for one all over the internet. The day before I went to surgery I had stopped at the local Humane Society for some unknown reason at the time (I hate going in there because I can't bring 'everybody' home with me) and there was a Black and Tan in there. When I was in my room after surgery I sent hi and Son off to see Dixie (HS called her 'Svletlana'). He came back happier than a 'pig in swill' - he had his big baby but had to wait til she was spayed to bring her home. Next day when Son picked me up to go home we stopped to see Dixie - they had spayed her the day before so she could go home but I left her as I didn't want to take a new dog home and introduce her to my ancient Gordon Setter (also a Pound Puppy 10+ years ago) on my way home from surgery. Hubby picked her up on the way home - she is a 'royal spoiled brat'. I have since lost my beloved Cody but now have a Pembroke Corgi that Hubby found in a snowbank on the Rez when he was working down there. Goldfish - have 5 new ones. i have a 'pond' (read tub) on the front porch and every fall I find homes for them and get new 'feeder' goldfish in the spring for it - got this years ones last week - still too cold to go outside.
Wiinyan - The Power Within
Loved reading about your pets Susan. Sorry that you lost Cody.
We've got a spoiled and fat cat that runs the house and us! LOL I wouldn't want it any other way either.
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Gordon Setter = Black and tan setter.Megan M said:Loved reading about your pets
Loved reading about your pets Susan. Sorry that you lost Cody.
We've got a spoiled and fat cat that runs the house and us! LOL I wouldn't want it any other way either.
For those who don't know what a Gordon Setter is - think Irish Setter (red) but black and tan. Very basically - The Scottish version is black and tan, Irish are red and English are spotted.
When I got Cody I had an OTGH (off the track grey hound) who was getting older. WhoWho had run her last race about 3pm (she was so slow she'd start in the 4th and finish first in the 5th LOL) ansd her race owner brought her to me about 8. I'd had Gordons before and Son saw a Gordon in the paper as "The Dog of the Week" so he called me. Hubby and I went out and there was Cody. He was so sick but we took him. At the time your were given a Vet check with any dog but there was only one Vet clinic open on Wed. aftenoon so took him there. Was told to take him straight back to HS as he would be dead shortly and kill our other dogs if I took him home. Called a Vet friend in FL and he told me what 'livestock' meds to get. I had him over 10 yrs - nor did any of the other dog die.
Wiinyan - The Power Within
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A big, gray fur baby is whatRague said:Gordon Setter = Black and tan setter.
For those who don't know what a Gordon Setter is - think Irish Setter (red) but black and tan. Very basically - The Scottish version is black and tan, Irish are red and English are spotted.
When I got Cody I had an OTGH (off the track grey hound) who was getting older. WhoWho had run her last race about 3pm (she was so slow she'd start in the 4th and finish first in the 5th LOL) ansd her race owner brought her to me about 8. I'd had Gordons before and Son saw a Gordon in the paper as "The Dog of the Week" so he called me. Hubby and I went out and there was Cody. He was so sick but we took him. At the time your were given a Vet check with any dog but there was only one Vet clinic open on Wed. aftenoon so took him there. Was told to take him straight back to HS as he would be dead shortly and kill our other dogs if I took him home. Called a Vet friend in FL and he told me what 'livestock' meds to get. I had him over 10 yrs - nor did any of the other dog die.
Wiinyan - The Power Within
A big, gray fur baby is what we have. Yes, a cat. LOL When I was first diagnosed with bc, he wouldn't leave my side hardly at all, very protective, and, I think he sensed something wasn't right.
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3 dogs, 2 cats, 2
3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 chinchillas, 2 hermit crabs
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We have 3 horses, Chip my
We have 3 horses, Chip my horse, Duke the husbands horse and last but not least Dixie the wonder horse for my daughter. We also have a pound puppy which is sheltie mix named Shaggy. He's not the brightest puppy in the world but he has a heart of gold and a LOT OF FREAKING HAIR LOL!
I grew up on a farm so this is getting to my roots as possible LOL.... Chickens are do to come this spring I hope. Hubby was all excited building a little chicken coop for them. (inset AWWWW)
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One cat that is sitting on mydisneyfan2008 said:3 dogs, 2 cats, 2
3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 chinchillas, 2 hermit crabs
One cat that is sitting on my lap right now! At least he isn't laying on the keyboard trying to get me off the computer so I will play with him. lol
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Doxies~~blazintrails said:We have 3 horses, Chip my
We have 3 horses, Chip my horse, Duke the husbands horse and last but not least Dixie the wonder horse for my daughter. We also have a pound puppy which is sheltie mix named Shaggy. He's not the brightest puppy in the world but he has a heart of gold and a LOT OF FREAKING HAIR LOL!
I grew up on a farm so this is getting to my roots as possible LOL.... Chickens are do to come this spring I hope. Hubby was all excited building a little chicken coop for them. (inset AWWWW)
I have 2 longhaired Dachshunds~black & cream~brothers, 10 mo. old~~ "Reese" cause he looks like a peanut butter cup (colors) and "Dooney" cause I traded a handbag for him!!
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2 dogs and fishGreeneyedGirl said:Doxies~~
I have 2 longhaired Dachshunds~black & cream~brothers, 10 mo. old~~ "Reese" cause he looks like a peanut butter cup (colors) and "Dooney" cause I traded a handbag for him!!
I have 2 dogs Lucy is a Lhasa apso she just turned 1 yesterday grant the white one is a malti poo he will be 6 in August. I also have a 48 gallon fish tank 5 gouramis live in it and I have 2 betta tanks
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I think you're right SusanRague said:Have to tell a story
For the most part, I don't think men like cats - at least none of my guys do.
Many years ago (1975 to be exact), my friend's Hubby (She was my Matron of Honor) came out to help set up for the wedding (it was an outdoor one in my parents yard/outdoor room). I had some barn cats and there was a litter old enough to be weaned but they were a bit 'wild'. Well for whatever reason Ken decided he was going to catch one particularr kitten even though he hated cats. He chased that kitten for a very long time all around the house, in the barn and all over the pasture in the palmettos - anywhere the kitten went he was right behind it. When he finally caught it - it tore him up - blood everywhere on him. He hung on to it and took it home with him. They became the best of buddies and cat went with him everywhere but til the day it died at 17 it would still tear into Ken every now and then. It never attacked anyone else but he always said that when the cat quit going after him it was time to put it down - that it was time to go. It died at night the day before it was going to be put down. 'Different Strokes For Different Folks (and animals).
Winyan - The Power Within
I think you're right Susan about most men don't like cats, at least at first. My hubby always thought they were sneaky and would just attack you on a whim. lol Ours doesn't! Whew!
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I envy those of you withblazintrails said:We have 3 horses, Chip my
We have 3 horses, Chip my horse, Duke the husbands horse and last but not least Dixie the wonder horse for my daughter. We also have a pound puppy which is sheltie mix named Shaggy. He's not the brightest puppy in the world but he has a heart of gold and a LOT OF FREAKING HAIR LOL!
I grew up on a farm so this is getting to my roots as possible LOL.... Chickens are do to come this spring I hope. Hubby was all excited building a little chicken coop for them. (inset AWWWW)
I envy those of you with horses. I would love to have some. And, chickens too this Spring? You are a real country girl!
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Brian used to have several
Brian used to have several cats, but then after they disappeared and died, he didn't have anymore til me.
I have a rust colored with splashes of black 8 year old small but round American Cocker Spaniel. Our personalities are so similar. She is currently battling a torn ACL . I had the flu for six weeks (the cough lasted six weeks), then I had my appendix out, so it had been so long since I could take her for a walk. I decided to take a short jaunt through the back yard to dump kitchen scraps in the compost bin. Porr Cinnamon was having so much fun, hopping through the deep snow when she belted the loudest YELP. We had about two inches of ice beneath the snow and her back leg slipped and tore her ACL. We are waiting til next Monday to call Vet for an update.
My cat, Tigger, of around 12 years or so died last spring. It was awful. He loved to drink shower water, so I put him in the tub before I went to bed so he could have some. I didn't realize how close to death he was. He couldn't get out of the tub. So he spend his last night alive in the cold tub. He died the next afternoon when I put him to sleep.
I wanted to get two really neat brother cats from the Humane Society, but couldn't because we are still technically within the city limits and they have a two animal rule. Well, I thought I didn't want another cat, but Brian thought I did, and I thought Brian wanted one, so we have ended up wtih a big females cat named Dazzle. We wanted a cat that had been there the longest at the shelter.Cinnamon hates the cat. She tolerated TIgger cuz he was with me first. Dazzle has learned how to live with the brut, so we manage.
I also have two zebra finches. Mr. Bird and Mrs. Bird or Birdies. Or Little Bird, whatever I feel like calling them.
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Wouldn't it be cool if wedisneyfan2008 said:3 dogs, 2 cats, 2
3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 chinchillas, 2 hermit crabs
Wouldn't it be cool if we could see some pics of everyone's pets or animals? Good idea? Yes? No? Maybe? lol
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We've got a cat like many ofblazintrails said:We have 3 horses, Chip my
We have 3 horses, Chip my horse, Duke the husbands horse and last but not least Dixie the wonder horse for my daughter. We also have a pound puppy which is sheltie mix named Shaggy. He's not the brightest puppy in the world but he has a heart of gold and a LOT OF FREAKING HAIR LOL!
I grew up on a farm so this is getting to my roots as possible LOL.... Chickens are do to come this spring I hope. Hubby was all excited building a little chicken coop for them. (inset AWWWW)
We've got a cat like many of you do and ofcourse, he thinks he is king of this house. He is! lol Monroe is so sweet and loving that it is easy to let him always have his way.
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A 13 plus year old beautifulblazintrails said:We have 3 horses, Chip my
We have 3 horses, Chip my horse, Duke the husbands horse and last but not least Dixie the wonder horse for my daughter. We also have a pound puppy which is sheltie mix named Shaggy. He's not the brightest puppy in the world but he has a heart of gold and a LOT OF FREAKING HAIR LOL!
I grew up on a farm so this is getting to my roots as possible LOL.... Chickens are do to come this spring I hope. Hubby was all excited building a little chicken coop for them. (inset AWWWW)
A 13 plus year old beautiful black and white kitty. I still call him a kitty, because he is to me, my baby. My husband has bought him every toy that is in the store, but, he only likes to play occassionally with one toy mouse. I told him that I should get him a toy box for everything. lol Can you tell I adore him?
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LOL I was born in the City of
LOL I was born in the City of Chicago but my heart is with the real life of the country.
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I have 3 lovely ladies thatblazintrails said:LOL I was born in the City of
LOL I was born in the City of Chicago but my heart is with the real life of the country.
I have 3 lovely ladies that helped me through treatment. Their lap sitting and soft purring were definately comforting.
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