Glossectomy and radical neck dissection

Looking for someone who has dealt with  almost a complete glossectomy and radical neck dissection. Has been 3 months since surgery and don't see much progress.  Getting extremely discouraged.  Wondering if anyone has been through this.



  • zaac23
    zaac23 Member Posts: 27
    part glossectomy progress

    I don't know if i can be much help. I had a part glossectomy and double neck dissection (45 lymph nodes) and 6 weeks later started 35 rads so my tongue was raw and painful. you don't say what you expected for progress but the surgeon must have given you some idea of what to expect. if he did'nt you should find out what is expected so you can gage progress in your mind. I assume your tongue was somewhat reconstructed, mine was and it feels weird in my mouth even after 2 years. It will have to be a new normal for you to accept.healing takes a long time physically and mentally. but for me it beats the hell out of the alternative

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    You are doing great at only 3 months !


    Don't be discouraged !!  it takes time.... a long time for most but that is very very normal.

    I lost 75% of my tongue, had a radical neck dissection, my tongue was rebuilt with a portion of my forearm, I had 40 lymph nodes removed, 30 radiation treatments.....and it took a long, long time to feel halfway human again.  I would say give it six months....and then give it another six months.  I am now 2 years post surgery and I am doing very wonderful all things considered.

    You will learn to be patient...mostly because you don't have any other choice !  I think the doctors don't  want to tell patients how long things take because everyone heals at a different rate and not all have the same side effects.

    When I was at 3 months post surgery, I was barely sipping water, was getting all my nutrition and meds via a PEG and getting ready for radiation treatment.

    You don't mention if you are having any other treatment beyond the surgery ?  I think you are doing very well such a short time out from surgery, so don't get discouraged.  It does get better and better week by week and soon it will all be a vague memory and you can move on with the rest of your life.

    Let me know if I can answer any other questions for you and HANG IN THERE !!
