Wow!Varmint5 said:Going to try this...
Here is my motley crew:
Buddy - my little red pup I got in 2005 from a home health patient (backwoods family, had about 15 dogs) whose dog had pups - I loved him and watched him from the time he was born. The dad said, "You better take that pup if you want him. I'm going to knock him in the head. We can't feed him." Say no more. Buddy is supposedly part dalmatian, chow, blue heeler, etc. I've got a baby pic and grown up pic of him here.
Rascal is the little Jack Russell that we acquired at a campground in Oklahoma on our way to Texas. He had been dumped there. He was sprayed by a skunk and reeked to high heaven. We took him anyway. This is him getting ANOTHER bath to try to get rid of the smell after we got him.
Varmint is the tortoiseshell kitten that showed up on our back porch half starved. My husband named her when she crawled up his leg and adopted him on the porch. She is lounging in the top of the cat tower in the living room now... life of leisure.
Smokey is the gray one - she was brought to me very sick, eyes glued shut, pneumonia, after her mother was killed when she was five weeks old. She was a fighter - we got her well and she now lives a life of leisure as well.
Juliet is the cream colored cat with the darker markings - she is 15 years old and now diabetic, on insulin twice a day. She is spoiled and lives a life of leisure and eats Fancy Feast because it's low carb.
Spud was the beautiful yellow cat we lost two years ago and still miss terribly. He was rescued as a kitten in 2001.
Taffy was the tiny yellow kitten Spud brought home (his mini-me) one day - when we opened the door to let Spud in, Taffy followed. She was very sick. We tried everything, took her to the vet, got medicine, fed her with a dropper, named her, but she only lived two days. Broke my heart. I never found out where she came from.
The last one is my daughter, her husband and son in a photo booth in November the day we got results that her cancer was "stable." Happy family! Just had to show them off too.
Sorry I posted so much and so many pics - this has been a much needed diversion for me!
P.S. Edit: Where did my photos go??? Oh... I missed a step - inserting them! Fixed now.
You have a great family, fur and otherwise! All very beautiful. And I love the stories about how you got them. We've ended up with so many strays in our family over the years...a friend once said that we must have a big neon "sucker" sign visible only to animals flashing over our heads. Oh well. Sometimes somebody just needs a family and you can't say no. AA
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Beautiful animals, and that parrot-janderson1964 said:I couldn't figure how to add
I couldn't figure how to add text. This was a great idea. Sorry about the bad photography. The first is a picture of 3 bay ducks and 3 baby chickens we just got. The second picture is of one of our 2 weimeraners. The third one is a picture of our parrot. You might have noticed him on my shoulder on my avatar.
AMAZING! Looks like you dipped him in neon paint. I've read that parrots are extremely smart and make good pets. They live a long time too, don't they?
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Very handsome son...smokeyjoe said:A couple of months ago my son
A couple of months ago my son and his girlfriend started to bring up how they wanted to rescue a pup .... this is who they came home with..... he's a 120 lb. pup. My nurse who comes and does my disconnect declared "I was nuts"!!!! This is my Smokeyjoe lovin the sushi oven mits I got for Christmas!!!
and a handsome kitty too! Love the expression. Looks like he's wondering where his Christmas present is...
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Great thejanderson1964 said:Baby ducks and chickens, Weimeraner, Eclectus
Great the parrot. I have a soft spot for birds, had budgies for several years, they're just so darn smart and personable!!!!
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Great picture!Semira said:Here a really historic one...
... That's me and my pony "Donna" way back somewhere in the 1970ies. I got her as I was 6 years and she 7 weeks old (my grandma had to raise her by bottlefeeding her) and we spent 16 years together. Then she got ill and my (grand)parents had to decide to put her down while I was away doing my exams.So I got that news only afterwards and could not say goodbye.
I still miss her today :-(
Your horse was beautiful. Looks like you're just lounging around bareback? My dad had horses when I was a kid, but they were total nags. No saddle meant they dumped you on the ground and walked on you. Your Donna must have been much better behaved!
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Sandy - you went from not knowing how to loadVarmint5 said:Going to try this...
Here is my motley crew:
Buddy - my little red pup I got in 2005 from a home health patient (backwoods family, had about 15 dogs) whose dog had pups - I loved him and watched him from the time he was born. The dad said, "You better take that pup if you want him. I'm going to knock him in the head. We can't feed him." Say no more. Buddy is supposedly part dalmatian, chow, blue heeler, etc. I've got a baby pic and grown up pic of him here.
Rascal is the little Jack Russell that we acquired at a campground in Oklahoma on our way to Texas. He had been dumped there. He was sprayed by a skunk and reeked to high heaven. We took him anyway. This is him getting ANOTHER bath to try to get rid of the smell after we got him.
Varmint is the tortoiseshell kitten that showed up on our back porch half starved. My husband named her when she crawled up his leg and adopted him on the porch. She is lounging in the top of the cat tower in the living room now... life of leisure.
Smokey is the gray one - she was brought to me very sick, eyes glued shut, pneumonia, after her mother was killed when she was five weeks old. She was a fighter - we got her well and she now lives a life of leisure as well.
Juliet is the cream colored cat with the darker markings - she is 15 years old and now diabetic, on insulin twice a day. She is spoiled and lives a life of leisure and eats Fancy Feast because it's low carb.
Spud was the beautiful yellow cat we lost two years ago and still miss terribly. He was rescued as a kitten in 2001.
Taffy was the tiny yellow kitten Spud brought home (his mini-me) one day - when we opened the door to let Spud in, Taffy followed. She was very sick. We tried everything, took her to the vet, got medicine, fed her with a dropper, named her, but she only lived two days. Broke my heart. I never found out where she came from.
The last one is my daughter, her husband and son in a photo booth in November the day we got results that her cancer was "stable." Happy family! Just had to show them off too.
Sorry I posted so much and so many pics - this has been a much needed diversion for me!
P.S. Edit: Where did my photos go??? Oh... I missed a step - inserting them! Fixed now.
the pictures to putting in a great group pf muitiples! Buddy, Rascal, Smokey and Juliet are all lucky to have you. Spud has such a lovely and unusual face. It is very hard to lose them isn't it. The picture of your daughter and her family is priceless. Glad that you learned how to insert the pictures. -- Cynthia
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Thanks Anne, going to beannalexandria said:Very handsome son...
and a handsome kitty too! Love the expression. Looks like he's wondering where his Christmas present is...
Thanks Anne, going to be interesting to see how Mac likes the boat this summer....I'm sure he will love it, he loves car rides. Getting that big boy in the boat though will be interesting!!!
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Mike your fuzzy children are lucky to have you and Lauriethxmiker said:Fuzzy Children
We call our dogs our Fuzzy Children. We would be lonely without them. We went from Poms (show dogs) to our muts. My dog is a Beagle/ Chihuahua mix. She is smart, and active. Laurie's dog is a Pekingese mut, we call him our pekamut. He is just a ball of love. He wants to please, and dislikes when everthing is not peaceful. He brings back the peace.
We are Dog nuts, also. I take my dog everywhere with me. I f you do not want my dog, I probably will not be there. Laurie's dog goes with me a lot aso, and if not he is at her feet in her office. When we had our Poms, and my business, My pom Shadow went with to most every studio in LA. I once had a director ask me not to bring Shadow to Warner with me. Only for an VP to tell me the next day, Where is Shadow? lol If our pets are well socialized they will belong anywhere one goes.
They have been such an emotional support for me while I am sick. They sit with me, and play when I feel up to it. I get them on their daily walks, and that helps me also.
Best ALways, mike
I support rescue and mutt-love in a big way (although our current pup Maxell is not). In the few years between the time that our golden and mixed spaniel died, before we got our Cavalier, my son and I fostered baby puppies from the rascue shelter whose moms were too sick or had died. It was so incredibly rewarding. Your dogs are extrordinarily lucky to be with you all the time and enjoy in your activities. I have a baby-type sling that I put Maxwell in and I go in to stores. I just love his company and so does my family. You look like you live in a beautiful and healthy environment ... Colorado? Northwest? -- Cynthia
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What a majestic looking pupsmokeyjoe said:(No subject)
a lovely picture of your son and his girlfriend. -- Cynthia
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Good looking cat.smokeyjoe said:A couple of months ago my son
A couple of months ago my son and his girlfriend started to bring up how they wanted to rescue a pup .... this is who they came home with..... he's a 120 lb. pup. My nurse who comes and does my disconnect declared "I was nuts"!!!! This is my Smokeyjoe lovin the sushi oven mits I got for Christmas!!!
Good looking cat.0 -
Thank you, Ann!AnnLouise said:Adorable motley crew!
And one very happy family.....I love looking at pictures so post as many as you want. Your grandson is adorable! How old is he ?
~ Ann
He is 18 months old now. I will try to get a more current pic of him on here soon. He is our miracle baby, since my daughter had stage IV colon cancer while pregnant.
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Thank you, YoVita!YoVita said:You've got a great brood Sandy
Especially loved the last one with your daughter. Such a brilliant picture - so happy for you and your family.
We are all very happy to have our little guy and to have my daughter doing so well. Just need to get her completely well again so she can raise her son. That's my prayer.
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Smokeyjoesmokeyjoe said:A couple of months ago my son
A couple of months ago my son and his girlfriend started to bring up how they wanted to rescue a pup .... this is who they came home with..... he's a 120 lb. pup. My nurse who comes and does my disconnect declared "I was nuts"!!!! This is my Smokeyjoe lovin the sushi oven mits I got for Christmas!!!
Amazing how we all started sending pictures of our pets. Good going AA nice suggestion. I love smokeyjoe what a beautiful cat.
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Thanks, Cynthia!devotion10 said:Sandy - you went from not knowing how to load
the pictures to putting in a great group pf muitiples! Buddy, Rascal, Smokey and Juliet are all lucky to have you. Spud has such a lovely and unusual face. It is very hard to lose them isn't it. The picture of your daughter and her family is priceless. Glad that you learned how to insert the pictures. -- Cynthia
I love them all, fur babies and human! Yes, it's hard to lose them. Our pets are our family. The photo of my daughter and her family turned out great, even though it was a photo booth spur-of-the-moment thing! She was even toting her 5FU fanny pack. They used it on their Christmas card. And her husband's aunt blew it up to poster size and posted them in the yard and all over the house where we all had Thanksgiving dinner. It was great.
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Thanks, Ann!annalexandria said:Wow!
You have a great family, fur and otherwise! All very beautiful. And I love the stories about how you got them. We've ended up with so many strays in our family over the years...a friend once said that we must have a big neon "sucker" sign visible only to animals flashing over our heads. Oh well. Sometimes somebody just needs a family and you can't say no. AA
I think I must have that SUCKER sign, too! I love animals. All animals. They are wonderful. I love my daughter and her family, too! Better not leave that out.
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Sandy, he is a miracle baby......Varmint5 said:Thank you, Ann!
He is 18 months old now. I will try to get a more current pic of him on here soon. He is our miracle baby, since my daughter had stage IV colon cancer while pregnant.
And i am sure he is your bright spark! Such an adorable granddaughter was born Sept. 2011 so they are about the same age. I posted a picture of her in the post Show ourselves (I am a proud grandma). Post some updated pics of him when you get a chance. You all have been through so much...thinking of you ~Ann
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We live in the Mountains ofdevotion10 said:Mike your fuzzy children are lucky to have you and Laurie
I support rescue and mutt-love in a big way (although our current pup Maxell is not). In the few years between the time that our golden and mixed spaniel died, before we got our Cavalier, my son and I fostered baby puppies from the rascue shelter whose moms were too sick or had died. It was so incredibly rewarding. Your dogs are extrordinarily lucky to be with you all the time and enjoy in your activities. I have a baby-type sling that I put Maxwell in and I go in to stores. I just love his company and so does my family. You look like you live in a beautiful and healthy environment ... Colorado? Northwest? -- Cynthia
We live in the Mountains of Arizona at 5100' elevation. (half way between Flagstaff and Phoenix on the mountain route, Hwy 87) A big change from Coastal California, and we love the AZ!
My dog Gizmo, was red tagged (1 more day at the shelter). When we got her in the grass pen, she went nuts and ran around extremely happy. She came to us right away and then rolled over to submit to us. We were done looking at dogs, we got chosen.
Six weeks later Laurie went to the pound to find another dog. She fell in love with Domino. He is just a ball of love.
Both dogs want to please, and were extremely easy to train. We have 4 neighbors that volunteer to watch them when we go out of town. (Very fortunate for us!) It is always easy to find someone to take care of well balanced happy dogs. The pound personel told us both dogs were not good companions. We feel if the dog submits and is happy, it is just socialization and simple obiedence training. We have rescued many dogs, train them and then find them homes. It is not that difficult to find a clean trained dog a home. Many rescue groups could learn that lesson.
Best Always, mike
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They are extremely smart.annalexandria said:Beautiful animals, and that parrot-
AMAZING! Looks like you dipped him in neon paint. I've read that parrots are extremely smart and make good pets. They live a long time too, don't they?
They are extremely smart. They say it is like having a 5 year old for the next 50 years which is true. They only make good pets to the right person. They need a LOT of attention. They can let out some defening screams and like to bite. You can train them not to scream and to control thier bite. They use thier like a hand so the key is to let them know when they are too agressive. Due to their intelligence they will test you like a five year old and see if they can get away with doing something like screaming which they know is wrong.
Jessie is extremely entertaing and has a vocabulary of about 50 words. My wife brings him to her tailor shop and he entertains a lot of the customers with his talking.
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Love love love this thread!!!
I have a 12 yr old Boston Terrier, two cats (adopted strays) and an African Gray Parrot whos owner no longer wanted. I have had him(Rocky) for 10 years. I have no idea how old he is or even if he is a he!!
I think people who love and have compassion for animals are better people.
I have plenty of pics but dont know how to post them. Im on a cell phone and dont see how to insert pics.0 -
There are some directions up at the beginning of this thread...cinreag said:Love love love this thread!!!
I have a 12 yr old Boston Terrier, two cats (adopted strays) and an African Gray Parrot whos owner no longer wanted. I have had him(Rocky) for 10 years. I have no idea how old he is or even if he is a he!!
I think people who love and have compassion for animals are better people.
I have plenty of pics but dont know how to post them. Im on a cell phone and dont see how to insert pics.but I think you would have to have the pictures on your phone (maybe? I'm no techie!) to access them. If you have pics on your phone, you should be able to post them. AA
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