UTI Question?

SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

I had a very slight temperature for chemo (Taxol) and it was slight.  The next day it started to rise and though in the real world, I would have dismissed it with two Tylenols, not the case in the chemo world.


I was told to call if my temperature ever went to 100.4, I called at 100.6 after taking a couple of Tylenols.  The oncologist on called and told me if it spiked again to go to the ER.  It was snowing and there was no way I was going to drive myself to the ER.  I went to bed.  In the morning my oncology nurse called and told me to watch my temperature all day, call if it went up. It did and I was instructed to go to the ER to find out what might be brewing.


For a urine test, blood test, chest x-ray, blood cultures in the port and arm it took them 4 hours and were no closer to know why.  Cultures do take time.  My WBC are now 2.2 and neutrophil is 1.5.  I am to wear a mask and gloves if I go out anywhere.


They think it might be UTI.  Are these common?  I know Camul (Carol) had them a lot.


This is my 1st chemo in 18 years and I will be doing #4 on Wednesday (I hope).  I do take another chemo for my eye condition that doesn't help with WBC.




  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    Doris, My dear dear Sister ---

    I am so very sorry for that you are having issues during chemo -- It horrible, debilitating, and SUCKS!  You are not one to ever 'give in, or ever give up' ~~UT

    My MIL (mother in law) suffers from endless UTI's -- ends up in the hospital 4 to 6 times per year -- Recently, she was given a new anti-biotic called ZyBOX -- it cost her $2000.00 insurance picked up $700 of it -- Specialist told us all -- that she HAD to take all 20 pills, not to deviate from the 1 pill twice, daily. -- .  Side efforts -- nausea & vomiting.  This med = did the trick - she is currently UTI free. 

    My mother in law is elderly, NOT on any current chemo infusion treatment -- just wanted to offer an option for you.

    Gentle hugs, and prayers for you dear Doris.

    Vicki Sam


    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Doris, My dear dear Sister ---

    I am so very sorry for that you are having issues during chemo -- It horrible, debilitating, and SUCKS!  You are not one to ever 'give in, or ever give up' ~~UT

    My MIL (mother in law) suffers from endless UTI's -- ends up in the hospital 4 to 6 times per year -- Recently, she was given a new anti-biotic called ZyBOX -- it cost her $2000.00 insurance picked up $700 of it -- Specialist told us all -- that she HAD to take all 20 pills, not to deviate from the 1 pill twice, daily. -- .  Side efforts -- nausea & vomiting.  This med = did the trick - she is currently UTI free. 

    My mother in law is elderly, NOT on any current chemo infusion treatment -- just wanted to offer an option for you.

    Gentle hugs, and prayers for you dear Doris.

    Vicki Sam


    Thank You, Vicki Sam

    They sent me home without anything.  Culture will take time I guess.  They were so slow, I wanted to get off the gurney and re organized them.  My tests including waiting for the results should have taken no more than an hour.  They didn't seem that busy either.

    I was taken immediately in once I arrived.  I knew that my port would need to be access so I put my EMLA cream on and told them exactly what time I would arrive.  It takes an hour for the cream to work.  It numbs the skin on the port.

    Thank you again for replying and may your mother-in-law remain UTI free.  I don't have any pain but I did read that a compromised immune system I do have.

    Hugs back to you,



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    SIROD said:

    Thank You, Vicki Sam

    They sent me home without anything.  Culture will take time I guess.  They were so slow, I wanted to get off the gurney and re organized them.  My tests including waiting for the results should have taken no more than an hour.  They didn't seem that busy either.

    I was taken immediately in once I arrived.  I knew that my port would need to be access so I put my EMLA cream on and told them exactly what time I would arrive.  It takes an hour for the cream to work.  It numbs the skin on the port.

    Thank you again for replying and may your mother-in-law remain UTI free.  I don't have any pain but I did read that a compromised immune system I do have.

    Hugs back to you,



    Hi Doris

    I am sorry for pain

    i spent Sunday two weeks ago in ER for unexplained pain myself, which was not fun.  Urine test should give at least some indication for UTI like Leukocyte, pH or gravity.Do you drink enough water? dehydration could be an issue two. cranberry juice or cranberry, hibicus, or cammomile tea is alway good for UTI.When I was going through Chemo 4 years ago Taxotere/Cytoxan combo I have had high fever once after cycle #2 for two days 100.8 We did blood cultures which came back negative it It was reaction to Chemo.

    To boost your WBC ask your oncologist for Neulasta or Neupron shot. I do not know your conditions for which you need another chemo, maybe 2-3 day break from that drug will help your body to recover. It is very understandable that , yes you want to be on the schedule with your Taxol, however if you need coulpe extra days to recover and feel better, please take your time you will benefit from it. Last thing, try to have more rest and not going out too much, especially it is stiil very cold in your area.

    Please stay in touch, we are here for you

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

    Hi Doris

    I am sorry for pain

    i spent Sunday two weeks ago in ER for unexplained pain myself, which was not fun.  Urine test should give at least some indication for UTI like Leukocyte, pH or gravity.Do you drink enough water? dehydration could be an issue two. cranberry juice or cranberry, hibicus, or cammomile tea is alway good for UTI.When I was going through Chemo 4 years ago Taxotere/Cytoxan combo I have had high fever once after cycle #2 for two days 100.8 We did blood cultures which came back negative it It was reaction to Chemo.

    To boost your WBC ask your oncologist for Neulasta or Neupron shot. I do not know your conditions for which you need another chemo, maybe 2-3 day break from that drug will help your body to recover. It is very understandable that , yes you want to be on the schedule with your Taxol, however if you need coulpe extra days to recover and feel better, please take your time you will benefit from it. Last thing, try to have more rest and not going out too much, especially it is stiil very cold in your area.

    Please stay in touch, we are here for you

    I guess that's as good an explanation as any.  I had fevers every single cycle and we never knew why.  My WBCs would really spike (now how did that happen on chemo?) so there had to be an infection somewhere but we never knew where.  Did blood, urine, cultures, etc.  Hope they get to the bottom of this for you, Doris.  I did take antibiotics with my "mystery infections". 

    Stupid chemo.


  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    I had a lot of them

    on erubulin.  They didn't seem too surprised, but I knew it was UTI's with the pain and the fevers.  Hope you feel better and they figure it out!  I didn't get them with any of the other chemo's but he said it was because my immune system was so low.


  • Josie21
    Josie21 Member Posts: 382 Member

    Hi Doris,

    I hope you start feeling better soon.  I can't help you with your question, but I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you.   



  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    Hi Doris, I had a UTI back in

    Hi Doris, I had a UTI back in 1987 or 88. I didn't even know I had it. Antibiotics took care of it.

    I didn't have another UTI that I can remember until 2011 or early 2012. I just noticed that my urine was cloudy. I do remember someone telling me there was actually pus in my last urine sample. Antibiotics cleared mine up again.

    I guess UTI's are like anything else...some get them a lot, some never, some occasionally. I do know that women are more likely to get them than men. Here is what Mayo CLiniic has to say about UTIs:

    Risk factors for urinary tract infections include:

    • Being female. UTIs are common in women, and many women experience more than one infection. Women have a shorter urethra than men do, which cuts down on the distance that bacteria must travel to reach a woman's bladder.
    • Being sexually active. Sexually active women tend to have more UTIs than do women who aren't sexually active.
    • Using certain types of birth control. Women who use diaphragms for birth control also may be at higher risk, as may women who use spermicidal agents.
    • Completing menopause. After menopause, UTIs may become more common because the lack of estrogen causes changes in the urinary tract that make it more vulnerable to infection.
    • Having urinary tract abnormalities. Babies born with urinary tract abnormalities that don't allow urine to leave the body normally or cause urine to back up in the urethra have an increased risk of UTIs.
    • Having blockages in the urinary tract. Kidney stones or an enlarged prostate can trap urine in the bladder and increase the risk of UTI.
    • Having a suppressed immune system. Diabetes and other diseases that impair the immune system — the body's defense against germs — can increase the risk of UTIs.
    • Using a catheter to urinate. People who can't urinate on their own and use a tube (catheter) to urinate have an increased risk of UTIs. This may include people who are hospitalized, people with neurological problems that make it difficult to control their ability to urinate and people who are paralyzed.
    • http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/urinary-tract-infection/DS00286/DSECTION=risk-factors
    • So I would think since you are on chemo and your immune system is supressed makes you more suseptible. I hope you don't have to deal with these often.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    UTI's are very

    UTI's are very common--especially after menopause and especially if you are immunocompromised.  No matter what now, I take a cranberry pill once a day. It is so easy.  Since I started the cranberry, I have not had a single UTI.  You can buy the pills at any drugstore or WalMert--where the viatmains are located.  Make sure your onc says it is ok.  Hope you feel better soon!!!

    P.S. Cranberry contains a substance that teflon-coats (so to speak) the bladder and keeps bacteria from adhering to the bladder.  That is a gross oversimplification, but you get the idea.

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    UTI's are very

    UTI's are very common--especially after menopause and especially if you are immunocompromised.  No matter what now, I take a cranberry pill once a day. It is so easy.  Since I started the cranberry, I have not had a single UTI.  You can buy the pills at any drugstore or WalMert--where the viatmains are located.  Make sure your onc says it is ok.  Hope you feel better soon!!!

    P.S. Cranberry contains a substance that teflon-coats (so to speak) the bladder and keeps bacteria from adhering to the bladder.  That is a gross oversimplification, but you get the idea.

    Dry Cranberries in the Meantime...

    Thank you CC.   I will ask my onco about the cranberry pill.  I have some dry cranberries so I am eating those.  My area has cranberries and we had a small bog in my x-husband back yard, that I use to pick them.  I love dry cranberries, to me it's like candy.  I need approval for pills which I will ask but I don't ask when it's food like dried cranberries or blueberries, I love dry fruit even the tomatoes.  I use to have a dehydrator and it's was my biggest mistake to have sold it when I moved.  

    I don't know why they sent me away without anything the urine tested flagged the ph and leukocyte.

    Thinking of you and hoping so hard.   Thanks.



    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    SIROD said:

    Thank You, Vicki Sam

    They sent me home without anything.  Culture will take time I guess.  They were so slow, I wanted to get off the gurney and re organized them.  My tests including waiting for the results should have taken no more than an hour.  They didn't seem that busy either.

    I was taken immediately in once I arrived.  I knew that my port would need to be access so I put my EMLA cream on and told them exactly what time I would arrive.  It takes an hour for the cream to work.  It numbs the skin on the port.

    Thank you again for replying and may your mother-in-law remain UTI free.  I don't have any pain but I did read that a compromised immune system I do have.

    Hugs back to you,



    Thank you Everyone for your Input

    Thank you everyone for your input.  It helps a lot.  I have better idea for questions and I will hopefully know tomorrow.


    Best to you all,

