Help me understand pet scan of my father

My father had been diagnosed of colorectal cancer about 8 months ago in august. At that time pet scan was done. After this, he underwent fistula colestomy and 3 cycles of chemo.


Recently my father once again went under pet scan.


The recent pet findings show that --


Compared to previous pet/ct dated 20th Aug 2012, liver lessions have shown regression in size and metabolic activity para aortic, aorta caval nodes are new finding.

Pelvic lessions and sigmoid thickening has shown reduction, no fistulous track/ connection noted in this scan. Left Lung Nodule is showing increase in suv uptake(3.4 to 4.25) in present scan.


Values of SUV in following areas --


Liver Lession segment 5   ---   8.21

Retrocaval   ---  3.65

Para aortic  --- 6.23

Aorta Caval  ---  4.77

Soft tissue nodule between bladder and cystic lession --- 10.52

left lower lobe lung nodule  ---  4.25

Left Post cricoid FDG uptake   ---  6.08


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Loving son

    Your father is blessed to have a son who is concerned enough to reach out to others for help.

    I do not understand the results of the PET scan, but hopefully others here with more knowledge than I, can help. 

    What I can do is pray for your father and you as you face this journey. 

    You will find much compassion and support here on this forum. 


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    PET scans can be tricky...

    they are very sensitive and can pick up things like inflammation as well as cancer.  They can also show things that are "phantoms"...I've had a  lot of PETs and had things show up that had SUVs as high as 7.0 which later disappeared (without treatment).  Hopefully your dad can talk to his doctor soon and get a professional opinion on what it all means.  Does he have an appointment soon?  Are you able to go with him?  It can be helpful to have someone there to write stuff down; otherwise, it can be a little overwhelming for the patient.  Keep us posted on how it goes.  Hugs to you and your dad~Ann Alexandria

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    Pap--------eek –


    PET scans are based on the notion that cancer cell uptake more glucose than normal cells. Of course, when a normal cell is in the process of healing, it can uptake more glucose than a cancer cell!


    Don’t fret the PET, and don’t try to understand it; leave it to the physicians involved. If your “gut feeling”; your intuition (common sense) tells you to suspect something’s “not right”, go with your intuition and don’t be afraid to question authority!


    But do keep in mind, that it’s your father’s intuition and survival instincts that matter, not yours.


    We are all given the “survival instinct” from birth; that instinct is ours alone, and each of us should listen to it and follow ir; no-one else’s opinion matters…..


    He’ll do fine; stop being concerned with “PET” scans, etc…..


    My best to you both,

