Here we go again...

hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member

Here we go again...seems like just yesterday that I began my first journey of chemo.  Port placed and worried how I would handle the drugs. 

Well...with recurrence only months after ending the first round, more surgery and healing, now had another port placed and beginning treatment again in the morning.  Hoping it goes a bit better.  Hoping for cure.  Hoping for at least a break for a while afterwards. Hoping to see my children grow a little more and that my husband does not have to worry so much.  

The docs tell me there are only so many drugs out there...if this does not work, then cure is not an option any longer.


  • relaxoutdoors08
    relaxoutdoors08 Member Posts: 521 Member
    You are in my thoughts and Prayers

    just wanted to share I read your profile NED in January.....praying for contined NED.....praying surgery did the work and chemo is the added insurance.  What chemo will you be getting ?


  • lilacbrroller
    lilacbrroller Member Posts: 412 Member
    hang in there!

    Good luck with round two - we're not terminal til they say we are, and until that time, we must enjoy life and each day we have. Cool  

    Hang in there!


    - Karin

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member

    You are in my thoughts and Prayers

    just wanted to share I read your profile NED in January.....praying for contined NED.....praying surgery did the work and chemo is the added insurance.  What chemo will you be getting ?


    (No subject)

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    We are sending our prayers

    We are sending our prayers and thoughts fr a positive outcome.   Second, Do what ever it takes and see Dr. Lowey at USC, or one of the other great Cancer hospitals, Sloan Kettring, etc...


    I was given a non positive prognosis also. I saw Dr. Lowey and he gave me a treatment program and nutrition advice. (Although I was pretty much eating the Zone Diet, which is not far off from the Med Diet that he recommended.)


    Keep your spirits up, and keep in touch.

    Best Always, mike

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member

    (No subject)

    Well that was bizzar....not

    Well that was bizzar....not sure where my post

    Thank you for your thoughts and prayers...appreciated!  I will begin FOLFIRI tomorrow morning. Hoping it goes better than FOLFOX did.  We to are hoping for continued NED, but I do not think my doctors are expecting as much.  I think with the recurrence happening so soon after the last treatments they are not so optimistic about this round.

    I have not heard much about this drug or its side hoping for the best.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I'm so sorry you have to go through more of this awful stuff.

    Is there any chance for more surgery?  I had four recurrences, each addressed by surgery, before getting to NED.  I was getting whacked open every six months for a while there.  What chemo are they trying this time?  It's just so exhausting, and I know how depressing it is to face recurrence so soon after treatment.  Sending strength, and a few hugs, your way.  Ann Alexandria

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    thxmiker said:

    We are sending our prayers

    We are sending our prayers and thoughts fr a positive outcome.   Second, Do what ever it takes and see Dr. Lowey at USC, or one of the other great Cancer hospitals, Sloan Kettring, etc...


    I was given a non positive prognosis also. I saw Dr. Lowey and he gave me a treatment program and nutrition advice. (Although I was pretty much eating the Zone Diet, which is not far off from the Med Diet that he recommended.)


    Keep your spirits up, and keep in touch.

    Best Always, mike

    Thanks for the your prayers

    Thanks for the your prayers and thoughts...I have been to several top hospitals.  Actually found they did not give me the best advice for my situation. 

    I also hope to make some diet changes and more exercise this year.  All my energy has been to chemo and healing this past year and a half. Hope this round isn't so rough.


  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member

    I'm so sorry you have to go through more of this awful stuff.

    Is there any chance for more surgery?  I had four recurrences, each addressed by surgery, before getting to NED.  I was getting whacked open every six months for a while there.  What chemo are they trying this time?  It's just so exhausting, and I know how depressing it is to face recurrence so soon after treatment.  Sending strength, and a few hugs, your way.  Ann Alexandria

    It is exhausting...that is

    It is exhausting...that is what I am...exhausted. My joints ache from my last chemo treatments still and I hope my body can handle 12 more. 

    This is after my surgeries....I had two back to back in Oct and Dec.  I just finished healing from them and this is follow up chemo...a bit delayed as I was gathering opinions.  We are trying FOLFIRI... I am currently (hopefully) NED...hoping to kick the micro stuff down and stay NED!! Not looking forward to going to sleep tonight...because I know what tomorrow will bring!

    I will happily accept all strength, hugs and well wishes with great appreciation!! Thank you!!

    Hope all is well with you as well.

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Oh, I see...

    I was unclear on your situation.  My doc decided to give up on the chemo, after trying two different kinds with no results.  As my last two recurrences were single tumors, he decided to take a "wait and see" approach rather than do a 3rd line chemo, and address anything that popped up via surgery.  That's worked out well for me, as I've been NED for 15 months now.  I had mixed feelings about not doing chemo, but it's been a good choice, for the time being at least.  I hope this round is not too tough on you...sounds like you've been through an awful lot already!  AA

  • sailor_on_a_lee_shore
    Keep Up the Fight

    This is bad news and so sorry you had to hear it.  Hopefully, only a small bump on the road back to good health.  Chemo may be rough but it beats the alternative.  Stay strong and hold fast. 

    Wishing you fair winds and following seas.  


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    With you

    You are in my thoughts and prayeknows knowing hoe exhausting chemo can be, in many areas, my heart goes out to you 

    bless you!  

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Oh, dear.

    Praying for a solution!


