Free lunch with the queen! Seriously interesting bowel cancer day in the UK.

pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member

anyone else interested ? PM me if you want to get a table together.

I will smuggle in some organic carrot juice and some free enema kits. then we can raid the the tea and coffee stand.

I wonder if the food will be healthy organic vegan ? only joking.

I got my ticket. It should be an interesting day.

I might drive, i might fly, i might train.

Our wonderfully conservative charities are about to be tested.

Much the same way we as patients are tested. Did you note the corporate companies sponsoring the event. SIRT spheres, not other alternatives like tace will be presented.

Nothing mentioned on immunotherapy that I could see.



I got the email below.

Beating Bowel Cancer Together – Patient Day 2013

A day of information, support and sharing for patients and everyone affected
by bowel cancer.

Thank you for booking  ticket(s) to attend Beating Bowel Cancer’s Patient
Day 2013 on Saturday 27 April.  Your ticket(s), programme and directions to
the venue, Royal College of Surgeons, will be mailed to you by 12 April.

The programme for the day and information on organisations who will be
offering information and advice will be continually updated at

If you have any questions regarding the Patient Day, please contact Jo
Garnham T. 020 8973 0007 or email

Tickets for this event are limited and include free lunch and refreshments.
If you find that you will not be able to attend, please do let us know so
that your place can be offered to another patient.

Best wishes
The Beating Bowel Cancer Patient Day Team

Support Our Work

Beating Bowel Cancer is a small charity, working hard to raise awareness of
symptoms, promote early diagnosis and encourage open access to treatment
choice for those affected by bowel cancer. We can only continue this vital
work with public support.  If you are able to help us with a single or

regular donation please visit