Male Infertility? PLEASE HELP!

TMN102012 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2013 in Thyroid Cancer #1

I would like to know if anyone had any information on Fertility in men who have undergone a Thyroidectomy with Radioactive Iodine. Does this cause infertility, can it cause it? My husband has had both about 5 years ago and we are trying to get pregnant with out sucess. Our insurance has limits on fertility treatments so im doing a bit of research before we pour our money out for this. Can any one help?


  • bh1980
    bh1980 Member Posts: 1
    Male Infertility? PLEASE HELP US!

    Hi TNN102012. I would love to know the answer to your question, as well. My husband also had a total thyroidectomy with radioactive iodine. His last surgery was in June '12 and his RAI was in September '12 - so we haven't been trying that long. My OBGYN consulted a specialist who said it was safe to start trying after RAI...but still no luck. I am 32 and he is 35, so we need to get this show on the road. We aren't getting any younger! Any help would be greatly appreciated.